B2 A1 91-94. REST FOR THE EARTH DESIRED. No hope for it till "The wicked cease from troubling". A2 95-100. REST FROM THE EARTH ANTICIPATED. Note the central verse of the Psalter [96:11] and the reason [96:13]. A3 101-105. THE REST OF THE EARTH CELEBRATED. Yahaveh's Throne in the heavens, and His Kingdom over all [103:19].

A1 B 91. Rest, only in Yehovah in a perishing world; and, the secret place of the Most High the only place of safety in it. C 92. Prayer for that "Sabbath-keeping" [Yet to come, Heb. 4;9] when the "Workers of iniquity" shall be cut off [vv.7,9], and the Righteous shall flourish [v.12] in Yahaveh, their "Rock" and "Defense" [v.15]. B 93. Rest, only in Yahaveh. His Throne when established will be the place of safety [v.5]. C 94. Prayer for rest, to Yahaveh, "The Judge of the earth", to cut off all "Workers of iniquity" [vv.4,16,23], and to give the Righteous rest [vv.13-15] in Yehovah, their "Rock" and "Defense" [v.22].

A2 D 95. Worship, in view of rest anticipated. His "People" and "Sheep" [v.7] to 'Come before His presence with thanksgiving" [v2]. Reason: "Yahaveh is Great" [v3]. E F 96. A summons to sing the "New Song". "For He comes" [Judgment]. G 97. The New Song. "Yahaveh Reigns". E F 98. A summons to sing the "New Song". "For He comes" [Judgment]. G 99. The New Song. "Yahaveh Reighns". D 100. Worship, in view of rest anticipated. His "People" and "Sheep" [v.3]. To "Come before His presence with singing" [v.2]. Reason: "Yahaveh is good" [v.5].

A3 H1 101. The wicked kingdom. Its principles: "Mercy and Judgment" [v.1]. The wicked cut off [vv.5,8]. J1 102. The King in His humiliation and coming Glory as the Eternal Creator [vv.12,24-27]. All else perishing. H2 103. The coming Kingdom. Its mercies and judgment [vv.4,6,17,19]. J2 104. The King in His coming Glory as the Eternal Creator [v.31]. All else perishing [vv.27-29]. H3 105. The coming Kingdom. Based on the Covenant [vv.8-12; 42-45-] of "Mercy and Judgment" [vv.5-7].

   Numbers is the name that man has given to the 4th book of the Pentateuch, on account of the numbering recorded in chapters 1-3 and 26. The name is from the Latin Vulgate [Numeri], which is again a translation of the name given by the Setuagint Translators [Arithmoi]. The title in the Hebrew Canon is bemidbar, "In the Wilderness" [the 5th word in v.1, Hebrew]. The title covers all the events recorded in this book. "Numbers", therefore, is the Book of the Wilderness; and its types are wilderness types, or types of our pilgrimage.

   In the Numbers-Book of the Psalm we find the corresponding subject. It opens with Psalm 90, "A prayer of Moses" - the man of the wilderness! Its teaching, like that of the other books, is Dispensational, with the EARTH as its central thought. God's counsel's and purposes are celebrated with regard to the earth, and the nations of the earth, from the ruin to the glory; as we have seen them set forth in the other books with regard to [1] Man, [2] Israel, and [3] the Sanctuary.

   Sins, and death has come into the world, and ruined, not merely man, but the earth itself: "Cursed is the ground for your sake". Sin made the paradise of God a wilderness, and death has filled it with sorrow and sadness. There is no hope for the earth, no hope for the nations of the earth, and no hope for creation, apart from Yahaveh. The 1st and 2nd Psalms [90 and 91] set this forth, and give, as it were, the key-note and epitome of the whole book. Its figures are from this wilderness-world; as mountains, hills, floods, grass, pestilence, trees, &c., which the reader will note for himself. Happiness for the world will be found only when He, "Whose right it is", shall come again to reign and "judge the world in righteousness". In Christ, the coming King, not only Israel, but all the nations of the earth, will be blessed. This is the theme of the book. [See note on Psalm 96:11].

   It consists, like Book III, of 17 Psalms, all of which are anonymous [though not all without titles] except 90 [and 91, Moses', and 101,103, which are David's.

   Of the Divine Titles in this 4th Book, Yahaveh occurs 126 times, Elohim 31 [10 of which are with Yehovah]. El occurs 6 times.

   Psalms 90 and 911 are evidently 1 Psalm in 2 parts, written by Moses at the beginning of the 38 years of penal wanderings in the wilderness [in 1490 B.C.], which are the subject of this 4th Book.

   Psalm 90 is suggested by, and occupied with, the sorrows of the vast multitude [associated with the 603,550 "men of war"] in the wilderness, numbered, and sentenced to death; all from 20 years old and upward [Num. 14:29].

   It is of these that verses 9 and 10 speak.

    If a man was 20 when he was numbered [for the war] he died at or before 60     " 30 " " " " " " " 70     " 40 " " " " " " " 80 The average age would be 30, hence v.10.

   Psalm 91, on the other hand, presents the contrast of those under "the shadow of the Almighty". The deliverance of "the Church in the wilderness", from the causes and instrumentalities of death for the countless condemned thousands [in Psalm 90] whose carcasses were to fall in the wilderness, is set forth at length.

   If a man was 19 when the penal wanderings began, he would be 57 [19 + 38] at the close.

   If a lad at 10, he would be 48; and so on.

   This Psalm was therefore written for the comfort of "the Church in the wilderness" during the 40 years. Towards the close, myriads must have been cut off by the various agencies named:
     The terror by night.
     The arrow that flies by day.
     The pestilence in the darkness.
     The destruction [contagion] at noonday.
     The lion and adder.

   With regard to the latter, in the night journeyings [Num. 9:21] they would be exposed to danger and death from the adders which infest the district, and from the attacks of wild beasts. From all these the trusters would be delivered.

   They would see with their eyes "the reward of the wicked" - thousands dying around, yet nothing permitted to assail them.

   If tents is right in v.10, this is confirmation that Moses wrote this Psalm, and at, or about, the time suggested - viz. 1490 B.C.

   1 I f Psalm 91 be a Psalm of Moses [following Psalm 90], then all the Scriptures quoted in our Lord's temptation [even that which the evil on tried to quote] were from the writings of Moses!


(The book has to do with the Earth and the Nations, as the 1st book [1-41] had to do with Man; the 2nd book [42-72] with Israel; and the 3rd book [73-89] with the Sanctuary.)

B  A1  1,2. The eternity of Yahaveh-El.
   A2  3-11. The frailty of man.
   A3  12-17. The application of both.

A1  a  1-. Yahaveh our dwelling place.
     b -1. In time.
      c 2-. Before the mountain.
      c  -2-. Before the earth and the world.
     b  -2-. In eternity.
    a  -2. You are El.

( Prayer of Moses the man of the true God (Elohim).)

(Moses the man of the wilderness. Hence the wilderness, and works of creation, referred to. There are 7 men so specially called "the man of God"; Moses [Deut. 33;1]; Samuel [1 Sam. 9:6-10; cp. v.14]; David [Neh. 12;24]; Elijah [1 Kings 17:18]; Elisha [2 Kings 4:7]; Shemaiah [2 Chron. 11:2]; Igdaliah [Jer. 35:4]; and 4 unnamed [1 Sam. 2:27. 1 Kings 13:1; 20:28. 2 Chron. 25:7].)

Psalm 90)

1 Lord (Adonai - The Lord specially in relation to the earth. This is why the 4th book commences with this title, denoting the Sovereign Lord), You have been our habitation (or refuge) in all generations.

2 Before the mountains were brought forth,

Ere (positive, not comparative) ever You have formed the earth and the inhabitable world,

Even from everlasting to everlasting,

You are GOD (El).

A2  d1  3. Declaration.
     e1  4. Reason. "For".
    d2  5,6. Declaration.
     e2  7. Reason. "For".
    d3  8. Declaration.
     e3  9. Reason. "For".
    d4  10-. Declaration.
     e4  -10. Reason. "For".
    d5  11. Declaration.

3 You turn mortal man to destruction;
And say, "Return, you sons of Adam." (Either to dust; or, in resurrection.)

4 For a thousand years in Your sight
Are but as yesterday
(cp. 2 Pet. 3:8) when it is past,
And as a watch in the night.

5 You carry them away as with a flood; they are as a sleep:
In the morning they are like grass which grows up.
6 In the morning it flourishes, and grows up;
In the evening it is cut down, and withers.

7 For we are consumed by Your anger,
And by Your wrath are we troubled.

8 You have set our iniquities before You,
Our secrets in the light of Your countenance.

9 For all our days have declined (or ended) in Your wrath:
We spend our years as a thought (or a sigh).

10 The days of our years (i.e. Moses, and those whom he writes) are seventy; (This refers to the length of life in the wilderness in the time of Moses, which must have been shortened specially, so that the adults died off within the 40 years. The "days" were, and could thus be, actually "numbered', as stated in v.12; and in a way they could not have been since then.)
And if by reason of great strength (i.e. vigor, or strength for activity) they be eighty years,
Yet is their violence (i.e. strength for aggression) labor and sorrow;

For it is soon cut off, and we fly away. (Euphemism for dying.)

11 Who knows the power of Your anger?
Even according to Your fear, so is Your wrath.

A3  f1  12. Us. Our days. Numeration.
     g1  13. Your servants. Favor.
    f2  14,15. Us. Our days. Exhilaration.
     g2  16. Your servants. Favor.
    f3  17. Us. Our works. Establishment.

12 So teach us to number our days, (See v.10)
That we may bring home a heart of wisdom.

13 Return, O LORD (Yahaveh), how long [shall we wait for Your return]?
And let it repent You concerning Your servants.

14 O satisfy us in the morning with Your loving-kindness (or grace);
That we may rejoice and be glad all our days.
15 Make us glad according to the days wherein You have afflicted us,
And the years (i.e. the 40 years in the wilderness) wherein we have seen evil.

16 Let Your work appear to Your servants,
And Your glory to their children.

17 And let the beauty of the LORD our God (Elohim) be upon us:
And establish You the work of our hands upon us;
Yes, the work of our hands establish You it.

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