Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions

This section is for any frequently asked questions we have received about our product, company, website, or anything else relating to us. The tech support crew here at Slice O Matic inc is hard at work and very willing to answer your questions. But we can only handle a certain amount of questions before we start killing people, so before calling us for help, please check to see if your question is listed. Read the ENTIRE list because the questions are not in any particular order and your question might be the last one.

Help! The Slice o Matic 2000 chopped off my arm! Is it SUPPOSED to do that?

Of course silly. Don't do it again.

Is the Slice o Matic 2000 kosher?

We dunno. Try eating it and tell us.

Why is the Slice o Matic blue?

It's not. It is grey. Your eyes must be broken. Please report for termination. Have a nice daycycle Citizen!

What is the Slice o Matic 2000 made out of?

Sugar and spice and everything nice, plus our special blend of cheeses and a dash of pepper.

Are you sure that's what it is made out of?

Of course! Do you doubt us Citizen?

Why won't my Slice o Matic 2000 destroy the world for me?

Well there are 3 possible reasons for this problem.
1) It is not turned on. Turn it on.
2) The batteries are dead or gone. Put fresh (they must be picked fresh) new batteries in it.
3)You are a bad guy. Bad guys are NEVER allowed to destroy the world. Get a good guy to do it for you.

Oops! I blew up the world! I didn't mean to do that! Can I fix it?

You are a good guy aren't you? Nope. You must now suffer with a guilty conscience until your final climactic battle with the bad guy.

How do I get to get past the red dragon on the third level of the 68th sector in the japanese version of Adventure Dungeon: European Edition?

Away from us with your geek hobbies! You worship Satan don't you? ::hold up a cross and throw holy water at you::

Is the Slice o Matic 2000 Y2K compliant?


What is your address and phone number?

c/o Tech Support Team
11190 NW 2nd Manor
Coral Springs, Fl
(954) 753-0830

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