Never did title this...

A glowing orb shines brightly in the deepest reaches of an ancient cave. Undisturbed for centuries, it has rested here in wait for a mighty warrior to find it.

Clop, clop, clop. Slowly, the sounds of approaching footsteps resound throughout the chamber. Finally, someone has found the orb.

A travel-worn man slowly steps into the chamber. At last, his life goal. He has searched for this for years and now, it is nearly within his grasp. He approaches the sphere slowly, deliberately, savoring every second of his sweet victory.

His eyes widen with fear as he hears the squeaking sound of disturbed bats behind him. He knows what has disturbed them as he jerks around to see what is approaching, cussing to himself as he does so.

A woman dashes into the chamber. The only sound emitted from her presence is that of her breath. The two see each other with pure hatred in their eyes. There is a slight grating sound and soon blades shine in what available light there is.

They charge, weapons held high. Steel clashes against steel. Might against might. The foes strike at each other with a fervor that can only be fueled by pure hatred and greed. The blades crash into each other repeatedly as sweat drips down the brows of warrior, their wills each struggling for dominance over the other.

Soon, every muscle is aching, for they are strained to the maximum of human exertion. The man uses the last of his failing strength to strike one mighty blow. Like an executioner’s axe, his blade swings down with mighty force. The woman successfully dodges the swing and watches as her enemy, loses his balance and crashes to the cold, hard ground. Much as her foe and done just seconds before, she raises her blade up high and strikes down hard. The sword stops, and the head of her enemy rolls in a pool of his own blood.

Somewhere in the distance, a loud rumbling is heard. The sounds of battle have caused the cave entrance to collapse. The woman wastes no time and lifts the sphere from its ancient resting-place. With a slight twist, it cracks open to reveal the ancient treasure within. A smile flashes across her features as she finally sees the object that she had sought for so long. The object she had wanted enough to kill for. Now she had it. She gingerly reaches into the broken shell and lifts a single spoon from its imprisonment. Then slowly, oh so slowly, she walks back to the entrance to begin the disheartening task of digging her way out…

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