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Blind Faith - Chapter 10

"So things are going well, I take it?" Howie asked as he and Kevin went to get more sodas. It was such a beautiful day so everyone was sitting out on AJ's deck.

"Yeah, I guess so," Kevin said. He was still thinking about what Misty had told him about the surgery Laura wouldn't get.

"You don't sound too sure of yourself, Kev. Wanna tell me what's bothering you?"

Kevin nodded and told Howie what Misty had told him about Laura. "I'm just wondering if there's a way that maybe she'd listen to me--that I could convince her."

Howie sighed. "Misty told me about it too. And she's said the same thing. But it's an experimental procedure. Maybe Laura's scared that she's gonna get her hopes up and when it's done and over she's still going to be blind. Or, maybe she's afraid she'll be even worse. Who knows?"

"I hadn't thought of that," Kevin said, sighing. "And I don't pretend to know what she thinks about all of this. Hell, I haven't even talked to her about it, cuz I just found out about it a couple hours ago."

"Who knows, Kev. Maybe she's still thinking about it and maybe she'll decided to have it done yet."

"Yeah, maybe you're right, D," Kevin said, as they heard someone approach the kitchen. It was Misty. "Hey there you are!" she said, wrapping her arms around Howie's waist. "Where's our sodas?" she asked in a stern tone of voice, then smiled.

"We were just bringing them outside," Howie said, kissing Misty, then turning to Kevin as they walked back to the deck. "Remember what I said, Kevin. Just give her some time before talking to her about it. Maybe she'll bring it up herself, you know?" Kevin just nodded as they opened the door and walked outside.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

As the day went on, there was much fun to be had. All the guys and gals had gotten involved in some touch football, guys against the girls. Long after the game was over--the girls won--Nick and Patti were still tossing the football around. Patti ran with it to the "endzone," and Nick chased after her. "C'mere, you!" he said, grabbing her around the waist, and flipped her into the grass. He leaned in and kissed her deeply, and it didn't take but a half second for Patti to start kissing him back. The hot sun was sure stirring something deep in all the couples there today, but so far it seemed Nick and Patti were the only ones to act on it.

One by one, everyone noticed what was going on, and Misty had filled Laura in on the scene. Whitney laughed. "OK, when I count 3, we'll do it, OK?" she said, everyone laughing. Everyone looked to Whitney as she began counting. "One, 2, 3!"

"GET A ROOM!" everyone shouted together, followed by a bunch of laughter. Nick and Patti even laughed. "Well, let's go then," Nick said, kissing Patti again then getting up. "Where are we going?" Patti asked as she got up too and took Nick's hand as they started walking toward the house. "We're getting a room," he said, a little louder as they walked by everyone and into the house. Everyone laughed even harder after they went into the house.

Kevin grabbed Laura's hand. "Let's go," he said, pulling Laura up. "Why? I'm having fun!" she said. "So am I," he said, putting his arm around her. "I just want to go for a walk down to the beach. It's not far." Laura sighed. "Oh! Good! I thought you meant we were going to leave totally!" she said, as they started walking.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"You've been quiet all of a sudden. Penny for your thoughts," Laura said, pulling Kevin's hand to her lips and kissing it. Kevin drew a breath in as he closed his eyes, feeling the warmth of Laura's lips on his skin. "C'mon Kevin, talk to me."

"Not really thinking much of anything, just that--" Kevin paused as he kissed Laura's hand in the same fashion she kissed his. "--I'm just having a lot of fun today, that's all. Been a long time since I had such a great time."

Laura smiled and got up as she squeezed his hand before getting up and walking slowly towards the water. The sun was starting to set now, and she tilted her head up toward the sky, feeling the breeze on her face. Laura smelled the salty air from the wind blowing on the lake. She crossed her arms and walked a bit further until she felt waves at her feet. By this time, Kevin had gotten up and walked up behind Laura. He wrapped his arms around her and leaned his chin on top of her head.

"I can tell the sun is setting. What colors are in the sky?" Laura asked, smiling as she felt Kevin's arms wrap even tighter around her.

"Oh, Laura, it's a beautiful sunset. Lots of reds and oranges, something that looks like pink in the distance, and the sun is a deep yellow-orange color." Kevin paused. "I--I wish you could see it, Laura. I really do."

"I am seeing it. I'm seeing everything you're telling me. I'm seeing what you see," Laura said, reaching her arm up to stroke Kevin's face, his chin still leaning on her head. But not for long... Kevin released his embrace and grabbed Laura's hands, pulling her around to face him.

"That's not what I mean, Laur. I wish you could see it, physically see it."

Laura sighed as she let go of Kevin's hands. "Well I can't, Kevin. Nothing's going to change that. Nothing!" She walked a few feet away from him, standing ankle-deep in the water.

Kevin was confused by her reaction. He hadn't even mentioned the surgery yet, and already she was reacting harshly. This was not going to be easy.

"Laura, I--I didn't mean anything by--" Laura cut him off.

"I suppose you've been talking to Misty." Kevin sighed, unable to answer. "Hmm, I thought so. I'm getting so sick of everyone telling me what I should or shouldn't do when they have no idea, none at all. They don't know what it's like to be blind, everyone takes their sight for granted. Hell, I did too until it was too late."

"Laura, I'm sorry. I admit freely that I don't know what it's like to be blind. I never claimed to know. I just want to understand. I want to help." Kevin once again walked up behind Laura and put his arms around her. She was trying not to show it, but she was crying, and Kevin knew it once her tears fell on his arms. "Oh, oh Laura, I didn't mean to make you upset. I'm so sorry, hon." Kevin walked around to face her and kissed her and took her in his arms again. "Please, tell me what I can do."

"I'm so confused, Kevin. All I can think about right now is heading back to the house. Can we head back?"

Kevin cupped Laura's face in his hands as he spoke softly. "Sure, Laura, whatever you want." He kissed her softly at first, then more and more passionately. His lips left hers as he started kissing down her neck, as she tilted her head back, absorbing the sensation of his lips on her skin. Kevin once again kissed Laura's mouth, then started walking with her, arm in arm, as they head back to AJ's.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Kevin smiled as he and Laura walked into AJ's house. He looked on the couch to see Buck and AJ's dogs, Panda and Bear, suggling on the couch. Laura could tell Kevin was looking at something. "What? What is it, Kevin?" Laura said with a smile. Kevin let out a little laugh. "Looks like Buck's made a couple new friends of the canine persuasion. He's sleeping on the couch, curled up with Bear and Panda." Laura and Kevin laughed together. Laura smiled slyly as she said in a hushed tone, "Sounds like they've got the right idea." Laura squeezed Kevin's hand.

Taking Laura's hint, Kevin led her to his room and closed the door.

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