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Blind Faith - Chapter 19

Laura awoke to the sunlight pouring in the half-opened blinds on her bedroom window. She opened her eyes, knowing that her sight was still improving. Smiling, she stretched her arms and yawned, smiling remembering the events just hours before. Coming home, seeing her home, seeing Misty and Howie, and Kevin... Kevin..... Laura remembered how he had kissed her, touched her, loved her last night. Never had she felt so much passion in her life, and she didn't know if there was more passion to be felt and experienced. But, she was anxious to find out. Laura turned around in her bed to get closer to Kevin, only to find that she was alone.

Laura sat up quickly and rubbed her eyes. Had it all been a dream? she thought. Looking around the room, her question was answered as she saw the shirt and jeans Kevin was wearing the night before lying on her chair, and his shoes on the floor. Laura smiled, glad that she hadn't imagined such intense feelings of love...

She had to find him...

Laura got out of bed, slipping on her robe. Leaving her room she heard noise coming from the kitchen. She walked down the hallway and rounded the corner into the kitchen. Upon entering she saw Kevin putting the finishing touches on a tray. Awww... he's just the sweetest! Laura thought, realizing that Kevin was making her breakfast in bed. Kevin finished his preparations by putting a single red rose in a vase and setting it on the tray. He smiled and picked it up. Turning to leave the room, he spotted Laura, and his face dropped.

"Laura!" Kevin said, disappointment in his voice, but still smiling. "You were supposed to be sleeping still," he said, putting the tray down and walking over to kiss Laura good morning.

"Well, I'm sorry, Kevin, but I was missing you, and I had to come find you, and to make sure that I wasn't dreaming. If you want, I can go back to bed again and you can come surprise me with breakfast, or whatever," Laura replied with a wink and a sexy tone in her voice. Kevin smiled knowingly as he kissed her once again. Laura suddenly remembered why she woke up to find Kevin in the first place, and pulled away from him slightly.

"Kevin, um, you know we've got to talk," Laura said, not wanting the moment to end, but if she waited much longer it would be that much harder to talk to him. She was still hurting by what had happened with Linda, and felt as though she owed it to Kevin, and to herself, and to her and Kevin as a couple--a couple, how Laura liked the way that sounded, and felt--to hear Kevin out and allow him to explain what happened. She knew, especially after making love last night, that Kevin wouldn't do something like that to her. She knew after feeling his love that he would never dream of hurting her. Laura smiled at Kevin as she and he sat down.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"...So you see, she had both of us right where she wanted us. If there's one thing I learned and will never forget about Linda is that she only thinks of one person... herself. And she'll do anything to get what she wants, no matter what the cost and who she hurts to get it." Kevin sighed as he started to think about just how much he once loved Linda, and how much it hurt him when he discovered her true self... but all in the same instant he smiled as he looked at Laura. How he loved her so. Laura took his hand and kissed it, rubbing it against her face.

"I'm--" Laura said, beginning to cry, "I'm--so sorry, Kevin. I really should have known better. I--I don't know what came over me. It's just that I really felt like I had no reason to not believe Linda, you know what I mean?"

"Shhhhh, shhhhh, it's ok, Laura," Kevin said, pulling Laura out of her seat and onto his lap, holding her close, comforting her. "It's like I said, she had both of us exactly where she wanted us... shhhhhh," he said, rubbing her arm as she leaned her head against his shoulder and her crying started to subside. Being in Kevin's arms always seemed to make Laura feel better, and this time was no exception. Kevin sighed as he stood up, carrying Laura. "C'mon, let's go lie down, I think I know what will make you feel even better," he said, with a hint of mischief in his voice. Laura smiled as she kissed his neck as he carried her to her room.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"C'mon, no one's home... it's alright," Misty said, pulling Howie into the apartment.

"Are you sure?"

"Howie, c'moooonnnn!!!"

Howie looked at Misty. She sure took his breath away. Not wasting any time, he closed the door behind him and kissed her furiously. He wanted her and there was going to be no stopping him. "Are you sure we're alone? I don't want any unexpected visitors like we got at my place."

"YES, I'm sure," Misty said, half-moaning as Howie kissed her neck and she took off his shirt, practically tearing it in her fit of passion. "Did you see Kevin's car outside? No! I told ya they probably went over to his place. Now enough talking! There's much more I wanna say without talking right now." Misty winked at Howie as she backed up from him and looked at him from head to toe. "Hmmm, what I'm gonna do to you, Mr. Dorough..." With that Misty kissed him again and they fell onto the couch tangled in each other's embrace.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Baby, where are you going?" Kevin said, attempting to pull Laura back down to the bed and into his arms. "I don't want you to go, babe... come back here," he said, as Laura broke from him.

"Don't worry, silly," Laura said, teasingly as she put on her robe. "I'm just going to get a glass of water or juice or something... I'm thirsty. You sure know how to tire a girl out," she said, smiling and winking at him. "Want anything while I'm up?"

"Hmmm, if it's another drink of you, I'm up for a double-shot," Kevin said, winking back. "Hurry back, Laura..." Laura smiled at him as she walked out and shut the door.

Walking down the hallway to the kitchen Laura heard some voices in the living room. "Misty? Mis, is that you?" she said, walking toward the living room. Laura's jaw almost hit the floor in surprise as she saw the sight before her. She saw Misty and Howie in the most intimate of circumstances... they were having sex on the couch! Misty was straddling Howie, as they moved and moaned in simultaneous pleasure. Laura was careful not to make a sound. Sure, she felt kind of bad spying on her best friend making whoopee on the couch, but hell, she had to take advantage of the situation with them totally unaware that she was there. Laura ducked around the corner of the doorway as she continued to watch.

".... ooohhhh, Howwwiiieeeeee, mmmmmmmmm," Misty moaned. Howie joined in the vocalization of their passion. "Oh goddaaaammmn Misssttttyy, ooohh shiiittt..." Laura smiled watching them. Three days of having her sight back and she gets to watch her best friend and her boyfriend get it on on the couch. She giggled inwardly as she watched the enticing scene unfold before her.

"Oooooohhhhhhh Missstttyyyyyy!!!! Ohhhhhhhh yeessssss!"
"Mmmmmmmmm! Yes yes yes yeeeessssss!!!"

Just then Misty got off of Howie and knelt down on the floor in front of him. Holy shit! Laura thought, watching her, she's gonna suck him! Oh God I can't watch this, she thought, turning away, but immediately turning back. Oh, I'm gonna burn in hell for this! she thought as she continued watching them.

Soon Misty's actions got the better of Howie, and every muscle in his body tensed and he jerked, as his body released his love juice, and Misty sure was *thirsty,* to say the least. Laura still watched half in awe and half in shock as Buck walked down the hall. Laura was so engrossed in the scene before her she didn't see her furry companion approach her. He licked her hand to get her attention and Laura gasped loudly, startled. Misty and Howie jumped up, grabbing a blanket to cover themselves.

"LAURA!" they yelled simultaneously.

"Uh, hi, guys!" Laura said, smiling.

"Laura, how long were you there?" Howie asked nervously.

Laura smiled. "Let's just say I was here long enough to know that Misty swallows," she replied with a wink. "I better get back to Kevin... you two have fun... oh wait, you already did that... g'night!" Laura said, giggling as she grabbed a soda and went back to her room.

Howie and Misty looked at each other, smiling, embarrassed. "So," Howie said, sarcastically, "no one home, eh?!" All Misty could do was smile and shrug her shoulders as they heard Laura's bedroom door shut.

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