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Come and get a banner!

Want to put one of my banner links on your site?

All you need to do is choose the banner you want, and copy the HTML code beneath it and paste it in your webpage editor, replacing all the [ and ] with < and >.
Save your page and TA-DAAA! My banner will be there! :o)

~~~Come enter the world of Dreamscapes~~~

Want to use this banner?
Then use the following HTML code:
( Remember to change all of the [ and ] to < and > )

[p][center][a href=""][img src="" border="0" alt="~~~Come enter the world of Dreamscapes~~~"][/a][/center]

If that code doesn't work, use the following HTML code:
( Remember to change all of the [ and ] to < and > )
[p][center][a href=""][img src="" border="0" alt="~~~Come enter the world of Dreamscapes~~~"][/a][/center]

This is the only banner I have right now. I hope to make one or 2 more in the near future.

Want your Fanfic site linked on the Dreamscapes site? Then email your site to me here. I'll check it out and if I like ya, I'll link ya! :o)
~*~Luv, Laura~*~


Click here to check out my links page!

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