All you need to do is choose the banner you want, and copy the HTML code beneath it and paste it in your webpage editor, replacing all the [ and ] with < and >.
Save your page and TA-DAAA! My banner will be there! :o)
Want to use this banner?
Then use the following HTML code:
( Remember to change all of the [ and ] to < and > )
[p][center][a href=""][img src="" border="0" alt="~~~Come enter the world of Dreamscapes~~~"][/a][/center]
If that code doesn't work, use the following HTML code:
( Remember to change all of the [ and ] to < and > )
[p][center][a href=""][img src=""
border="0" alt="~~~Come enter the world of Dreamscapes~~~"][/a][/center]
Click here to check out my links page!