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Dream Man - Chapter 13

Four months have passed. Laura was now comfortable with her new role as the Backstreet Boys' personal stylist. She's seen so many places since she's been with them. New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Richmond, Charlotte, Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Lexington, Columbus, Indianapolis, Chicago, and many other cities. Some places she's been to, but most were cities that Laura has only dreamed of seeing. And not only was she seeing them as she did the work she so loved to do, she got to share it all with Kevin. Kevin was especially great when they all were in Lexington for Thanksgiving. He took Laura to meet his family. Kevin's mother was so nice, and he later told Laura that she really liked her, as did his brothers and the rest of the family. They even spent time with the Littrells, since they are all extended family. All in all, Laura was pleased she met Kevin's family, because now it really seemed like they were truly a "couple." Both Kevin and Laura were the happiest that either had been in so long, and there was only bigger and better things in store for them, she knew it.


Their next stop was Madison, Wisconsin. Laura was so excited that she was so close to home. She practically flew off the tour bus once they reached their hotel. Kevin laughed as he watched Laura frantically get her bags. "Laura, chill out, hon," he said as he hugged her. She stopped to hug him quickly. "I love you but you better let me get to that phone! Keep in mind my family doesn't know I took this job. I want you to meet my brother, my sister, my parents, my--" Kevin cut her off. "OK, OK, I get it. Stop gabbin' and let's check in," he said with a smile. Laura smiled back at him as they quickly got their bags and headed into the hotel.

As soon as they got into the room, Laura threw her things down. Kevin laughed as she made a dash for the phone like her pants were on fire. "Damn girl, I'm gonna have to tie you down," he winked at her. "Hon, I'm not even going to respond to that right now, although I'll be sure to later," she said in a sexy voice, then picked up the phone. Kevin smiled back at her as he started unpacking their things. Laura called her parents first.

"Laura, where the hell have you been? I keep calling your place and you never return my calls. I was so worried about you," Laura's mother said. "Mom, I couldn't be better. The most incredible thing has happened Mom." Laura then started to tell her parents of the events of a couple months ago, when she met Howie (thanks to Leah), and meeting the guys, and she especially spoke a lot of Kevin. "Well, it seems that this Kevin has stolen my little girl's heart," Laura's Dad replied weepily. "Dad... please don't do that to me," she said with a whine. "I'm just teasing you sweetheart. He sounds like a very nice young man, and I can't wait to meet him," her Dad finished. Laura smiled. "Well, I can't wait for you guys to meet him either. Christmas is in a week, and since we were at Kevin's family's for Thanksgiving, I told him we needed to come to Wisconsin for Christmas. He wants to meet you guys too, and Ben, and Lisa." Ben was Laura's brother and Lisa was Laura's sister--her twin sister, a fact that she didn't tell Kevin, mainly because she loves the look on people's faces when they meet her and realize they are twins. Laura smiled at that thought. Yes, it was kind of deceptive, but it was a deception that wasn't going to harm anyone, so she didn't mind doing it. "Well, it's settled then. We'll see you Christmas Eve," Laura's Mom finished. "Yeah and don't forget your mother's birthday too!" her Dad added. Laura's Mom's birthday was Christmas Eve, not to mention that Laura's and Lisa's birthday was 2 days after Christmas as well, so it was always a busy time of year for her family. "Yeah Dad, it's bought and wrapped already," she chuckled as they said their goodbyes and hung up.

While Laura was on the phone, Kevin had walked over to Howie's room. Brian was in there, and AJ and Nick were just coming in as Kevin was. "Hey, Kev, what's up?" Howie asked as he answered the door. "You guys, Laura's birthday is one week from today, and I've gotta tell you guys what I got her, because since we are playing Milwaukee on her birthday, I want to give her her gift then, during our show." All of the guys looked at each other quizzically as Kevin divulged his plan to them. He was so excited they couldn't help but be excited for him. They agreed on how they were going to handle things, when exactly they would do it in the concert, and things like that. Kevin felt confident in their plans and headed back to his room to check in on Laura. Brian sighed, "I hope he knows what he's doing."

Kevin returned to his room. Laura was now on the phone with her sister, having already called her brother Ben. Laura was unaware that Kevin had returned as she chatted on. "Lisa I just can't tell you how much you're going to love him... No, I haven't told him yet... Yeah I know... I know, I know..." Just then Laura turned to see Kevin standing by the door. "Um, Lisa, I gotta go. Kevin just came back and we're going to get some dinner. Them stops on the bus ride sure leave a lot to be desired... OK love you too... Yeah, see you Christmas Eve," Laura said as she hung up the phone. "Well it's unanimous! Everyone can't wait to meet you, and Lisa said--" Kevin cut her off.

"I heard what you said, Laura." Kevin's voice grew serious. Laura played dumb, even though she knew what he was talking about. "Love, I don't know what you mean," she said, trying to avoid the subject. Lisa had urged her to tell Kevin about Mike, and she knew she should, but she was tired, and in too good of a mood to bring up something that was just going to upset her. "What did you mean when you told Lisa that you hadn't told me yet... told me what, Laura?" Kevin wondered if it had something to do with the photo he had seen of Laura with that man on the day they left for the tour, and the day they first shared their love. "Kevin, can we please talk about this later? I promise you, we will--later, tonight. It's just that... well, it's going to be very hard for me and very depressing for me to tell you, and I don't want it to ruin the rest of my day if I tell you now," she rationalized. Kevin sighed and looked at her sympathetically. "OK, sweetie--the last thing I want is for you to be upset. We'll talk about it later then, OK?" Kevin smiled at her as he spoke. Laura never did tire of seeing Kevin smile and the loving look he always had in his eyes for her. "Thank you, Love," she said as she kissed him. They then went down to the lobby to the restaurant in the hotel to get a bite to eat, joining Brian, AJ, Nick, and Howie.

The hotel had arranged to have a private room for the guys, the dancers, the band, and Laura and the rest of the crew to eat so they wouldn't be disturbed by curious patrons and fans. Laura was glad. She didn't want to share Kevin with anyone more than she had to. As they ate, everyone took turns glancing at Laura and Kevin. They all thought it was so great that they had found each other and they seemed amused that they always seemed to be in their own little world. Soon after everyone was finished eating, some of the waiters and bus boys came in to clear tables, and small group by small group, the entourage headed up to their rooms. Kevin and Laura were, of course, oblivious to what was going on around them. They were talking constantly, as usual, but then suddenly Laura tensed as she noticed a familiar face--one that she had not expected to see, and had hoped she'd have never seen again. Kevin noticed the change in her immediately and began to ask her what was wrong. "Laura, please, you're scaring me," he urged as her face became more intense then it's ever been. "Laura, please," he begged. Kevin then decided to follow her gaze. He turned to look, and he saw who Laura was looking at. Oh my God, it's that guy, the guy from the picture, he thought as he looked back and forth between him and Laura. Laura's eyes were welling up with tears. It was indeed the man in the photograph--it was Mike.

Laura couldn't speak as Mike's eyes met with hers. Oh God, he saw me... now what? she thought frantically. Kevin was terrified for Laura. Terrified for what seeing this guy was doing to her. "Laura, what's going on? Who is that man?" he asked, trying not to sound threatening or angry, because he wasn't. He just wanted to help her. Before Kevin could get an answer though, Laura ran out of the room, leaving Kevin there with unanswered questions. I've gotta find her, he thought, still very worried about Laura.

Laura ran out into the hotel lobby, not sure of where to go. She ran down the short hallway to the stairwell. By the time she had gotten there, Mike had caught up with her. "Laura, it's so good to see you," he said to her, smiling and caressing her face as he spoke. Laura flinched under his touch. "Stay away from me Mike... I'm finally happy and you are no longer going to fuck with my mind... I won't let you," she stated firmly to him. "Laura I left her," Mike said back, "I left her for you. I want you. You're the only one I've ever wanted." Laura was stunned. "Wow, you finally did what you promised for so long, you bastard," she yelled, "Meanwhile I'm left behind to pick up the pieces of my broken heart and shattered dreams, and you expect me to be happy to hear this--to see you now?!" she demanded. Mike was even more taken with Laura, he loved her fire and her determination. "Laura, please tell me what you're doing here--I thought you moved to Florida." Laura was dumbfounded. "But how did you know that I was in--well it doesn't matter, because I still want nothing to do with you. NOTHING! I mean it Mike!" Just then Mike grabbed her, and she tried hitting him and yelled at him to let her go but he just hung onto her tighter. "Laura I love you, doesn't that mean anything to you?" Laura didn't see love in his eyes. Just obsession. And Laura was afraid of Mike for the first time since she's known him. "Let me go, you asshole, LET ME GO!" she screamed at him. Mike hit her across the face as she yelled at him. Just as this happened, Kevin rounded the corner and saw it. He ran as fast as possible to get Laura away from him.

"I don't know who the fuck you are but you better get the hell away from her," Kevin yelled as he ran down the hallway towards them. Mike had hit Laura so hard she was unconscious on the floor. Kevin charged after Mike, and yelled for security, who were on their way already because they had heard Laura yelling before. Police were there also. They held Kevin back, because if they hadn't, there's no telling what he would have done to Mike. Paramedics were called once Mike was apprehended by the police. They told Kevin to have Laura call them as soon as she was feeling better. Kevin nodded numbly as he went to Laura's side. She was starting to regain consciousness.

Laura opened her eyes and saw Kevin. She sighed a sigh of relief. "Ohh, Kevin... Kevin..." Kevin held her in his arms. "Shhhhh, don't speak, just relax, just rest," he said as he held her. "Love, my head hurts," Laura said matter-of-factly. "I'm sure it does, beautiful, I'm sure it does," he said with some sadness in his voice, as the paramedics checked her out. Once they verified she was OK, they gave Kevin directions on what he symptoms he should look for if in fact she had suffered a concussion. "There's no signs of one now, but she may show some later, and if she does, please get her to the hospital at once to be examined," the paramedic added, then left. By this time all 4 of the other guys were down in the hallway as well, and they all helped Kevin get Laura upstairs and onto the bed to sleep for a while. They asked Kevin what happened, but since Kevin was unsure himself, they left him alone with Laura. Kevin closed the door as they left his room, laid down next to Laura, and watched her sleep.


"Hey beautiful, how's my sweetie?" Kevin asked as Laura opened her eyes and looked at him. "I feel like a truck hit me," she said sarcastically. Kevin couldn't help but chuckle a little. Even in her bruised and aching state, Laura still managed to make light of the situation. That was one of the many things he so loved about her. "Honey, now come on," he said, "is there anything I can get for you? Anything you need?" Laura looked into Kevin's green eyes, and saw the combination of relief, confusion and fear in his eyes. "Right now all I need is you," she answered, "just hold me." He did as she asked. Laura continued to speak as Kevin got comfortable.

"So when I found out he was married, I broke things off with him promptly. I couldn't do that to someone knowingly. I couldn't be the 'other woman.' Just think of the kids, too--what this would have done to them too. I loved him, but I was so hurt because I let myself get sucked in by someone that rude, and devious. I think honesty is so important, and he lied to me in the worst way. Well, just when I thought I was rid of him, he started bothering me at work, leaving messages on my machine, sending me flowers, stuff like that. Making empty promises. I couldn't take it anymore. I had to leave Wisconsin. Two weeks later, I was packed and on a bus to Orlando. Fast forward about 3 months, and that's when I met Howie, and the rest of you." Kevin was astounded by what she had been through--how strong she was to just pick up and leave her home and move somewhere she hadn't even been before, just to make a clean break. He admired her strong will to do better for herself, and to find herself and start her life without Mike. "Oh, darlin', I'm so sorry, beautiful," he said as he wept for her and with her. "I'm so sorry he hurt you then, and now..." Kevin just held her and caressed her arm as she cried on his shoulder. She knew she had finally found something significant with Kevin--she knew she had found love. Laura sighed as she came to this realization, and she smiled. "I love you, Kevin," Laura said. Kevin was stunned. They had never told each other yet that they loved the other, but he felt that today was a great test of that love, as he suddenly realized he loved her too. "Oh, Laura, you don't know what that means to me." Kevin paused a brief moment as he too said the same words. "I love you too, Laura." Laura smiled as Kevin sung her to sleep.

What happens next?!
Take me home, baby!
Tell me what's on your mind!