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Dream Man - Chapter 19

"But is he OK?" Laura asked weakly. The doctor had come into the room with the nurse just as Kevin passed out. He and the nurse were examining him, as he was lying on the other bed in her room.

"Well, my guess is that he's a little dehydrated, but other than that he's probably more mentally sick than physically. The past few days have been strenuous on him. I think he just needs a couple decent meals and some rest and he'll be back to normal. I've just given him a sedative so that he will get some well needed sleep--"

The doctor stopped talking as Kevin opened his eyes and quickly began to speak. "Laura... where's Laura?" he asked frantically. Laura smiled to hear his voice. "I'm over here, love. How are you feeling?" Kevin laughed out of happiness and amazement over Laura's waking up. "She asks ME how I'M feeling!" he said as he laughed harder. The nurse smiled. "Well, how are you feeling?"

Kevin sat up, a little groggy now due to the sedative beginning to take effect. He looked over at Laura, and as their eyes met and they smiled at each other, he replied, "I've never been better!"


It was now the morning of January 1st. Laura sighed as she felt someone run their fingers lightly over her lips. She opened her eyes to see Kevin sitting at her side, holding her hand and caressing her face. He smiled warmly and with a great feeling of relief as she smiled back at him. "Good morning, beautiful!" he said, still a bit stunned by the events that occured just hours ago.

Laura kissed his fingers as he ran them across her lips, then down her neck. "Oh, love, how do you feel? Should you really be up and out of bed?" she asked, very concerned. Kevin smiled the sweetest smile, almost angelic, at her and he replied simply, "Inner beauty."

Laura was confused. "Inner beauty?" she asked. "What's that mean?" Kevin sighed, still smiling as he looked into her eyes. "Just a conversation that Brian and I had yesterday... well, actually it was more like he spoke, and I just listened. He commented on how he never really looked at you before, and thought you were really a beautiful woman, not only beautiful because of what's on the outside but 'cuz of what's on the inside. I mean, he didn't tell me anything that I didn't already know, but just now, I am seeing your inner beauty once again... the reason I love you so much." Kevin smiled, crying once again, but now they were tears of joy. He continued to speak as Laura reached up slowly and caressed his cheek, wiping away a tear as she too started to cry.

"I prayed for a miracle, even when it seemed impossible. Even when they shut off your machines, I prayed."

"I know--I heard you, not with my ears, but with my heart and my soul." Laura paused before continuing. "I saw heaven, Kev, and it was the most beautiful place I'd ever seen. The light of heaven was so warm and inviting, and I was so close to letting it consume me. But I heard you--felt you--clinging to me. I even saw you... it was like I left my body, and was hovering over the room. I saw you, and Lisa and Howie. I saw you cry at the stroke of midnight, and felt your pain. It was then that I decided that I wasn't ready to go." Laura paused as Kevin recalled the anguish he felt just hours before. He kissed her hand as she continued, "You know, I've heard so many stories of people claiming to have seen heaven, and making the choice to 'return' to their life on earth, and was always skeptical, but Kevin, it was so real. I can't stress that enough. I'm now a firm believer in life after death, because I saw it with my heart and my soul. But my life in paradise would be nothing without you, Kevin." Laura started to cry as she finished, "I love you so much, Kevin... I love you..." Laura's voice drifted off as Kevin stood up and leaned over her, taking her into his arms. He gently pulled her up so she was sitting up, then sitting next to her and just held her firmly, thanking God that he had heard his prayer for a miracle...


A few days had passed. Laura was improving more and more each day. She was now very alert and regaining her strength. She had also just had an MRI and the results showed that she would make a full recovery! Everyone was so stunned because of how certain they all were, including the doctors, that she was going to die. Laura looked around the room as her family and friends were in her room, sharing in each other's happiness. "So many flowers... so many gifts, cards..." Laura said as her sister and Howie walked up to her. She noticed that they were holding hands. "Ummmm, k, is it just me, or are you guys getting along really well?" Laura teased as they both blushed. Lisa answered first. "Well, I guess Howie and I have gotten really close through this whole ordeal. I don't know what I'd have done without him... probably gone crazy. He's been my rock," she said, smiling at Howie and squeezing his hand. He almost blushed and said, "Well, I don't know about the 'rock' part, but I just did what I felt I needed to in my heart." Laura smiled at Howie and Lisa as she saw how they looked at each other. Reminds me of how Kevin and I were when we first met, she thought to herself as she saw Kevin enter the room. He had returned to the hotel to check out and get their things, because he was going to be staying at the hospital until she was released. Laura seemed to draw in even more strength just from Kevin's presence. Kevin smiled to see that Laura was sitting up in her bed visiting with those that love her.

Kevin kissed Laura softly. "Hello beautiful. Miss me??" he said with a twinkle in his gorgeous green eyes. Laura grinned back at him. "Of course I did!" He was never so happy to see her smile as he was at that moment. He knew he had to propose to her soon... and he planned to, tonight. Laura never did notice that Kevin had placed the engagement ring he got for her on her finger, because she had been too weak to even notice, but she now didn't even know it had been there. Kevin had taken it off along with her earrings prior to her MRI. He put her earrings back on but decided to keep the ring until he could propose to her properly.

By this time, the room was emptying. Everyone was ready to sleep off all the worry and stress of the past week or so. A few here and there, they started heading back to the hotel to eat a decent meal and get a good night's rest. Soon, Lisa and Howie were the only ones left with Laura. Kevin had gone down to the nurses station to ask for some extra pillows and some more water for Laura. Lisa was glad because it gave her and Howie the chance to find the answers to some questions about the night of the accident.

"I'm glad you're feeling so much better now, sis," Lisa said, hugging her sister. "I feel so bad because my airbag failed... if that hadn't happened, you'd--" Lisa's eyes began to tear up. Laura stopped her right away, sensing that she somehow felt responsible for the accident. "Shhhh, Lisa, it's OK. I don't blame you. Things happen. Sure, things didn't have to happen so badly, but they did, and it's over, and I'm gonna be fine now. I'm glad you're OK too. If your bag had failed too, you could have been in the same position as me, very easily. I just feel very blessed right now," Laura said with a peaceful smile on her face. Lisa and Howie smiled momentarily, but then their faces became serious.

"Laura, we're glad Kevin is out of the room right now, because we have something to tell you." Howie hesitated as he spoke, and Laura nodded for him to continue. "Laura... Mike was apprehended by the police. After examining Lisa's car and his car, the evidence says that he's the one that hit you." Laura sighed heavily as she responded. "Yeah, I remembered this morning that just before we were hit, I recognized the car and Mike as the driver. I called the police as soon as I remembered. I was the one that turned him in." Lisa and Howie were relieved that she knew, remembered, and that now the police would hold Mike on the charges of reckless driving and attempted homicide. It was going to be a long time before he was allowed to walk the streets again. Laura hushed her voice a bit and continued. "But, you guys, I haven't told Kevin yet. I planned on telling him later, so don't mention it to him, OK? He has so much anger and hate for that man that, well, I'm afraid of what he'd do if he were to find out from someone other than me." They both nodded as they heard footsteps down the hallway. Laura smiled as Kevin rounded the corner into the doorway. Howie jumped up and grabbed some of the pillows and blankets he was carrying.

"Well, now we're all set!" Kevin said cheerfully. Lisa and Howie both thought to themselves how wonderful it was to see Kevin back to his old self again. Kevin kissed Laura as he sat down next to her. Kevin and Laura exchanged smiles, as did Howie and Lisa. Kevin kinda motioned to them with his eyes to leave the room. It was all they could do to not start laughing as they took his hint that he wanted to be alone with Laura. "Ummmmm, ya... Howard, we should get going if we're going to make our dinner reservations," Lisa said, winking. They did have dinner reservations, but they weren't for a couple hours yet, but Howie followed her lead and agreed. They said their goodbyes and Lisa said they would return later tomorrow morning. Lisa and Howie walked out of the room, and Lisa turned to close the door behind them. Kevin smiled.

For the first time all day, Kevin had Laura all to himself. He smiled as he thought of the night he had planned for Laura. He was going to propose, and this time nothing was going to stop him.


Laura was strong enough to stand on her own already, much to her therapist's and doctor's surprise. She was glad, though, because she was able to take a shower without someone's assistance. She felt more alive than she had ever felt as the warm water beat upon her skin. Laura smiled as she thought of Kevin. Everyone had told her over the past couple days that he wouldn't even leave her side, except to use the bathroom and wash up occasionally. When she woke up New Year's Eve Kevin looked as though he hadn't shaved in days. She laughed at the vision of Kevin in a full beard. He's a good looking man no matter what, but I'm glad he shaved all that stuff off. The goatee and mustache I can handle, but not much more, she thought with a chuckle. Laura finished up as she stepped out of the shower to dry off. She was glad to have her own clothing there, because she had never liked hospital gowns much. She didn't know anyone that did. Laura got dressed in a pair of jeans and a nice shirt, not only because Kevin had requested it, but she also had wanted to look nice for him and herself. Little did she know what he truly had planned for her.

As Laura finished her shower, food that Kevin had called and ordered while he was at the nurses station had arrived. On the way back from checking out of the hotel, he had stopped at a store and bought some candles to light to set the mood. He definitely wanted this to be a night Laura, and he, would remember forever.

Laura walked out of the bathroom a few minutes later, still sqeezing her hair with a towel to get it drier. A smile came upon her face when she had seen what Kevin had done. "Kevin--what... what is all this?" she asked as she walked up to him and wrapped her arms around him.

"Tonight's a very special night, Laura. We have a lot to celebrate," Kevin said softly as he kissed her lips tenderly. "Why don't we just sit down and eat a little something. I have a big night planned for you, beautiful." Kevin kissed her again, then led her to her chair, holding it for her as she sat. Laura was so surprised. But why? Kevin's done things like this before. Why did it always surprise her each and every time? She didn't care. She just soaked up every minute of the attention Kevin was giving her.


Laura and Kevin had eaten. They were sitting on one of the beds talking, stopping every so often to exchange kisses and touches. Laura decided that now was a good time to tell Kevin about Mike.

"Love, I have to tell you something." Laura paused as Kevin gave her his undivided attention (not like he wasn't already.) She continued, "This morning, when you went to the hotel, I remembered more about the accident. I know who hit us, Kevin." Laura stopped again and hesitated. "Tell me, it's OK--you can tell me anything, beautiful," Kevin urged. Laura smiled slightly, then she told Kevin about what happened.

"...So, as soon as I remembered, I called the police. Lisa and Howie just told me before you returned from the nurses station that they found out that Mike was the one that hit me, and I told them I was the one that turned him in, because I called them as soon as I remembered. He's in custody on charges of reckless driving and attempted homicide." Laura looked for Kevin to show a reaction. Much to her surprise, he didn't do anything but hug her. "I'm glad you remembered, sweetie, and that the bastard will finally pay for everything he's done to hurt you." Kevin's voice was soft and calm. Secretly, Kevin thanked Mike for being such an ass. After all, if he hadn't been so awful to Laura, then he'd be the one with Laura now, and not him. He did feel so awful about how bad things had gotten though. But now he took comfort in knowing that Mike would now pay for his crimes.

Kevin looked into Laura's eyes and kissed her deeply. He knew that he had to propose to her now, he couldn't wait any longer. Kevin stood up slowly, and reached into his pocket. Laura sat looking at him, a bit confused as to what he could possibly need from his pocket all of a sudden. Then she saw it--the ring box. Laura sighed heavily and she felt her eyes begin to tear as Kevin got down on one knee.

"Laura, you and I have had a few tests on our love, but none quite as big as the one we just endured in the past week. And yet, here we are. We beat the odds! I love you so much, and as I look at you now, I have never been more sure of anything in my life. Laura, I want to know if you will do me the greatest honor. Laura Anne Mitchell, will you be my wife?" Kevin smiled as he asked her the question she's been secretly longing for since Christmas. He took the ring out of the box and placed it on her finger.

Laura was speechless. Of course she wanted to say yes, but she couldn't speak! She just stood up, and Kevin followed her lead. She just cried tears of joy as he held her in his arms. Finally after the initial shock wore off, Laura was able to answer him. She let go of Kevin enough to take a step back from him and look him in the eyes. All Laura could do was smile as she looked into Kevin's loving eyes. Kevin was almost dying from the suspense. "Well?" he asked, softly, "Will you make me the happiest man alive by marrying me?"

Laura sighed as she answered him. "Yes. Yes! Of course I'll marry you Kevin! I love you so much," she said, still crying a bit. Laura kissed him softly as he leaned her back on her bed and crawled onto her bed right next to her. Laura felt so wonderfully content and happy in his arms as she drifted off to sleep.

***Note from Laura*** OK all you peeps out there reading... please PLEASE DON'T email me and tell me that I'm insane to say that I'm, uhhhhh I mean LAURA's, gonna marry Kevin... it's a FICTION story!!!! But just a side note... I personally would like to think that it's not impossible but that it's unlikely. So please don't tell me otherwise! Let me just go with this, k? :o) Thanks!
(ok, I'm done bitchin' *LOL*)

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