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Shades Of The Past ~ Chapter 4

It was almost time for the guys to take the stage. Laura checked her look one last time in the mirror. She didn't dress up often, but even she had to admit she looked good tonight. She had to, she was the headlining artists' personal stylist. After all, she's got an image to maintain! Looking one more time, then taking a deep breath, Laura walked to the VIP area to the arena to take her seat.

Soon after Laura sat down, the Boys made their entrance. Flying in above the stage on cables and harnesses, they came lower and lower until they landed on the stage. Dancers unhooked the cables and they stood in a line and circled the stage. Kevin took the lead as he cued them with a nod of his head as they stopped and the crowd went wild. There was five sides to the stage, and Laura was sitting directly in front of the fifth side. When the guys did their stop on the last side of the stage, Nick was standing directly in front of her. Laura smiled smugly as she placed her right hand on her hip and looked him up and down. Nick turned his head slightly and she noticed his hair bob slightly. Much to her own surprise, she resisted laughing at him, for as much as she loved to tease him, she couldn't be a distraction to him when he was onstage. Laura then turned her attention to the other guys and the group as a whole, still watching Nick but not making it so obvious. By the end of the first song, she was singing and cheering with the rest of the fans, really having a great time.

Near the end of the show, there was a slower set of songs, where the Boys were sitting on stools in the center of the stage, and it raised up and turned. Laura watched as each guy looked her way and smiled each time they came around. She even thought she saw Nick smile her way, but was sure that it was just a coincidence. Even though it wasn't directed at me, Laura thought to herself, he still has a nice smile. Laura stopped herself in her thoughts. OK, Laura, get a grip... this is still the same guy who's arm you almost broke before cuz he pushed you too far. Don't forget that he just generally wears on your last nerve, also. Laura refocused on the show and observing the fans around her.

Look at her, sitting there so smug, Nick thought as AJ sang his part, then Brian. "Oh, look at me, my name is Laura, and I'm so proper, and I'm so nice, and I'm so pretty, and--" Nick's thoughts were interrupted, he needed to sing his part. Singing, he watched Laura closely. Why does everyone think she's so great? I've never hated someone as much as I hate her. She's got it in for me, I swear... ever since that first day-- Nick's thoughts were interrupted again by Brian nudging him in the side. Nick was so deep in thought he wasn't singing with the rest of the guys, so the harmony was falling a bit. Quickly snapping out of it, he jumped right into singing with his bandmates to finish the song. He was quite relieved when the lights went down and he could seek refuge under the stage. True, it was only going to be for a couple minutes for wardrobe change, but she wouldn't be down there, taunting him. A few minutes refuge was better then none at all...


"So, Laura, what did you think?" AJ asked, emerging from one of the wardrobe rooms in his regular clothes.

"I thought you guys were great. I mean, I've always liked your music, but now I can really call myself a fan. I really thought you guys were awesome!" Laura smiled at AJ and saw Nick walk out of the wardrobe room over AJ's shoulder. She gave him a nod, and approached him. Extending her hand, she spoke. "Good show, Nick. For a punk, you're not half-bad," she said smugly, taking her extended arm and punching his shoulder. She tilted her head and walked away, going to change clothes herself. Kevin had witnessed this and walked up to Nick, who stood there, frozen in place.

"Don't look so surprised, Nick. I think that was her lose interpretation of a compliment," Kevin said with a slight laugh, as he walked off to get his things. Nick shook his head, still unable to speak, and he soon followed Kevin.


July 28th, 2068

"God, I can't believe Mom was such a spitfire," Nick said, a look of half-amazement and half-amusement on his face.

"Nicky, Dad did everything to antagonize her, also. It wasn't all her. Sounds like she lived to torment him, and he her," Karen said, punching her brother in the arm. "Looks like we know who we took after when we were kids... hell, even now," she added, laughing as she messed up his hair, much like she imagined her mother had done to her father that very first day they met, so many years ago.

"STOPPIT, Karen," Nick said, grabbing her hand and pushing her away, then running his own hand through his hair to straighten it. Much to the envy of his friends his age, he still had all his hair at 53, although he had some gray, but it made him look all the more distinguished.

"Oh geeez, Nicky, don't worry, they're all in place," Karen teased, messing up Nick's hair again. Just then Kevin chimed in.

"OK, 'kids,' can we please continue? This story is far from over, and some of us are over and beyond the hill, so let's finish this before some of the rest of us pass on, shall we?"

Nick and Karen stopped their playful bickering. "Sorry, Uncle Kevin. Go on, we want to hear more." Upon their urging, Kevin began to tell more of this intruiging story...


Early morning; November 3, 1999

"OK you guys, this is my home! Wisconsin!" Laura said, stepping off of one of the busses and walking up to Kevin, Howie and Brian. "I'm so excited to be home, and I can't wait to give you guys the guided tour. We're in the capital city of Wisconsin, there's so much to see! We gotta go see the--"

Laura was interrupted by Nick emerging from one of the other busses. "Oh GOD, do I have to listen to her mouth this damn early?? It's fucking 5:30 am, for Christ's sake. It's too early to listen to anyone's mouth flap, but especially hers!"

"Well, I can see 'Junior' woke up on the wrong side of the bunk this morning," Laura said, emphasizing "junior." Nick hated that when she called him that, and once she discovered that, she called him that every chance she got. Nick gritted his teeth as he glared at Laura. "What's the matter, Nick? Becky didn't give up any boom-boom for ya last night?? Huh??" Laura said, egging Nick over the edge. Nick began to act out of his own control, and raised his hand to her. Laura didn't even flinch. "Now, Nick. I know you hate me, but I never thought you'd be a woman hitter. But if you insist, bring it on. You're about as intimidating as a fly." Laura smiled gently as Nick lowered his arm. "That's better. Now go get some sleep, we have a busy day ahead of us," she chirped as she grabbed her luggage and walked inside the hotel. Nick fumed as he watched her disappear before grabbing his own luggage and going in. Before reaching the door, Howie stopped him.

"Nick?" Howie said, putting his hand on Nick's arm. Nick stopped in his tracks and turned, not saying a word. Howie continued. "Nick, I know she gives you such a hard time. I mean, I personally don't understand how she can be so sweet to the rest of us, and do a total 180 on you, and be all mean and vindictive and then totally turn back just like that. It's beyond me how someone--"

"Howie," Nick interrupted. "I'm tired. Is there a point to this whole little speech?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry," Howie said. "Like I said, I know she gives you such a hard time, but you're playing right into her hands. She wants to get you riled up 'cuz she knows she has that effect on you. If you don't let her get you mad, she'll stop. I just hope she doesn't find one of us to heckle instead," he added, laughing, trying to lighten the mood. It didn't work.

"Howie, I know you mean well, but I just don't want to talk about it right now. I know that I'm not going to get along with everyone I meet, and I'm cool with that. But why does it have to be someone that we work so closely with?" Nick sighed, and Howie stood silent, not knowing what to say. "Seriously, I just don't want to talk about it, or her right now. I just want to go get some sleep before too much of my day is wasted away."

"Sure thing, Nick," Howie said, smiling and patting him on the shoulder. He really wanted to believe things would be OK, and hoped that he was right, but what if he wasn't? He didn't know how much more of this either of them could take before they both went crazy. Only time would tell...

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