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The Road Less Traveled ~ Chapter 6

"So how did last night go, Nick?" Kevin asked as Nick walked into the recording studio.

"Why do you want to know, Kevin?" Nick asked, sounding a bit defensive. He continued, not giving Kevin a chance to answer him. "It went fine, Kev. Just fine."

"Sor-ry for asking, Nick. I was just curious. No need to get your shorts in a bunch," Kevin said, trying to lighten the mood.

"I'm not," Nick said, lying. He didn't want Kevin to know he was jealous of him. "Anyway, we've got more important things to do today then to sit here and argue. So c'mon, let's go," he said, motioning for Kevin to come with him into the mixing room. Kevin just sighed and followed him.


"Misty, you'll never guess where I'm calling from," Laura said into the phone. She was unable to hide her excitement.

"You little slut!" Misty said, smiling. "You're still at Nick's, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I am, but nothing happened, Mis... at least, nothing like that."

Misty waited a few seconds, then said, "Well, are you going to tell me what did happen or am I going to have to guess?"

Laura laughed. "Oh, alright, I'll tell ya! So it's like this..."


There was a knock on Cherie's door. She ran to the door, stopped and smoothed her skirt and shirt down. Taking a deep breath, she opened it. "Howie, hi! C'mon in," she said calmly. He smiled as he entered her apartment.

"Ready to get some breakfast?" Howie asked, giving Cherie a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "You look great, by the way, just like last night. I didn't forget to tell you that, did I?"

Cherie blushed. "Thanks, Howie, and yeah, you remembered to tell me last night. You told me several times, actually," she laughed. "And did I remember to tell you that I had a great time?" she asked, breaking away from him to grab her purse and keys.

"Yes, you did," Howie said, putting his arm around her as they walked out of her apartment. "How about I pick you up tonight after work and we have a repeat of last night?"

"I can't object to that," Cherie said smiling as they walked out to Howie's car.


"So that's it?! He didn't--I mean, you didn't--I mean, y'all didn't--"

Laura interrupted Misty. "No, no one *did* anything. And it was sweet. Very nice."

"OK, so why are you on the phone with me and not talking to him?"

"Oh yeah, he had to go to the recording studio today. But he left some fresh fruit on the nightstand and a note on his pillow for me this morning. Wanna hear it?" Laura said, having not lost any of her obvious excitement during their whole converstation.

"Do bears poop in the woods?! Of course I wanna hear it!!" Misty said, urging Laura to go on.

"I'll take that as a 'yes.' " Laura laughed. "OK, here it is, he said--" She cleared her throat as she read.

Dearest Laura,
I hope you slept well. I know I did :) I had to run to the recording studio for a few hours this morning, but I'll be back later. I brought you some fruit to snack on in case you're hungry. Feel free to stay here if you want today, but if you're not here when I get back, I'll give you a call later.
Have a wonderful morning!

"Wow, are you sure nothing happened last night, Laura?" Misty joked. "Damn, I need a man to make such a fuss like that over me."

"What about AJ? You guys sure were cozy at Nick's party."

"Ya, we were, but he hasn't called me. He wanted to exchange numbers so bad but he hasn't called me."

"So you have his number too?"


Laura rolled her eyes. "Well, dumbass, looks like he's waiting to see if you call him! So what are you waiting for?? CALL HIM!!"

"Yeah, Yeah... You're right, Laura... I will... today!"

"Good!" Laura said, smiling. "Well, I'm gonna scoot for now. I'll talk to you later."

" 'Scoot,' as in 'get off the phone,' or 'scoot,' as in 'leave Nick's place?' "

Laura sighed. "Actually, as much as I want to stay here, I probably should go. I've got lots of things to accomplish today. Anyway, he did say he'd call me later. Or I could always call HIM... hint-hint," she said, laughing.

"Yeah, yeah, I already said I'd call AJ, so get off my back, bitch!" Misty laughed.

"OK, just making sure. I'm gonna go then. Talk atcha later, gator!"

"Bye, Laura!" Misty said as she hung up the phone. "Now, where did I put AJ's number," she thought aloud to herself as she looked through her purse.


"Well, it's about time you get home," Jenn said as Laura walked in the door. "It obviously went well, considering you didn't even stop home this morning." Laura just smiled at her sister, not saying anything. "Laura, come on, tell me how it went!" Jenn urged.

"It went... well," Laura said, still smiling as she unpacked her shopping bags.

"Just... 'well?' Laura, this is the first time in a long time that one of your dates lasted until the next morning... like, since that summer after you graduated high school."

"Yeah, remember how pissed off Dad was when I got home that next day, and--"

"Oh no, you don't! Don't you dare change the subject on me," Jenn said, shaking her finger at Laura. "I want details, girl!"

"Oh alright, cuz if you don't hear it from me, you'll hear it from Misty anyway, cuz I called her this morning."

"You called Misty and not your own flesh and blood? I thought you loved me," Jenn said, sticking her bottom lip out.

"Don't start that now, Jenn, cuz if you don't wanna know--"

"No... I mean, yes... Yes, I wanna know. Now TELL ME!" Jenn demanded. Laura laughed as she and her sister sat down and she re-hashed the events of the previous night and that morning.

"Sounds like you had a great time. Have you talked to Cherie yet?" Jenn asked.

"No, I tried stopping by and she wasn't home."

"Maybe she had as good of time as you did, or moreso," Jenn teased.

"I'm sure we'll find out by Monday," Laura said, as she finished unpacking her shopping bags. Just then the phone rang. "I got it!" she shouted as she rushed to the phone.

"Like I'd dream of getting in your way," Jenn laughed as she watched Laura zip around the corner and grab the phone off the hook.

Laura shh-ed her as she spoke. "Hello?"

"Hey there, it's Nick."

"Hey, Nick, how are you?"

"I'm OK... I was kinda hoping you would have stuck around. I hope it didn't make you mad that I had to leave you alone this morning."

Laura smiled. "No, Nick, don't be silly. I realize you had prior commitments, and I'm cool with that. Which is why I left. I had some things to do myself. Just some errands to run."

Jenn peeked her head around the corner. "I'm leaving, I'll be back later," she whispered to Laura as she grabbed her purse off the counter. Laura waved at her and continued talking to Nick. Jenn just smiled as she walked out the door.

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