Astrological Counselling & Ethics
"I will not give 'readings', tell fortunes or make predictions to satisfy the morbid cravings of the curious,
nor will I seek to astound or mystify -
But will give consultations only to those who have a problem regarding which they know they need help and seek it.
And instead of prophesying a prognosis,
I will endeavour to instill right thinking that will contribute to avoiding or
mitigating an unfavourable condition which I see in operation,
interpreting such in terms of influence rather than events,
and at all times teaching a philosophy of Free Will and emotional self-control
that is the antithesis of Fatalism and Predestination."
Without doubt, astrology's main value for modern man is as a tool for self-understanding. This understanding extends not only from the point of view of our own motivations, but to the motivations of others whom we encounter in our life's journey, as revealed in the events symbolised by progressions, directions and transits.
As astrologers, we understand this symbolism intimately, but to the average person, the symbolism of our art/science can be quite frightening, so it is up to us to keep our 'advice' in the context of the client's own stage of personal/cultural development without judgement or malice. Advice in any form is a dangerous commodity.
In today's 'enlightened' age, more and more people are studying astrology because they can not make satisfactory sense of their daily lives on the basis of what they have learned through the standard educational process. The increased awareness evident in this occurrence has brought about an expansion of horizons for many, and helped them to think things through more freely and clearly. After all, astrology provides a very neat conceptual model by which we can measure and gain a better understanding of our existence, and assists in overcoming the fear-desire polarity present in all of us, thus encouraging the power of positive personal growth.
The above represents my personal view of the value of astrology and how we should apply our knowledge to the counselling process in general, but there are perhaps as many styles and techniques of giving 'readings' or counselling clients as there are practitioners.
How do we achieve an ethical approach in practice?
The astrologer is first and foremost a human being whom others for various reasons, look to for help, guidance and clarification. A heavy responsibility in anyone's language. And that is what this article is about, - RESPONSIBILITY.
Responsibility to ourselves and respect for our art/science - for we all like to do a job well, and responsibility to the client - for they would like us to be able to do our job well and feel satisfied that we can indeed help and 'advise' them. What does this indicate? A need for comfort of course. By comfort I'm referring to that need to feel that someone to whom we defer is in fact competent at what they do. Knows just how to guide us through that rough patch we are unsure about. And it is here that we can get ourselves (and our client) into trouble if we allow that 'little' thing called ego to get in our way.
Whilst astrology provides a framework, we need to understand that we cannot responsibly go beyond the bounds of that framework and what we are qualified and experienced to do. And if a client who comes to us has deep psychological wounds or problems beyond our capabilities or experience, then we should refer them to a suitably qualified and experienced psychotherapist who can assist them.
Most psychologists and psychiatrists today have a certain sympathy for the value of astrology, so it is worthwhile introducing yourself to local practitioners in your area to whom you can refer such clients if you are planning on setting yourself up in professional practice.
Every astrological society or institution I have encountered has very strict ethics in their codes of practice as far as astrological counselling is concerned. The term ethics really needs to be understood in context of what it represents. Ethics is simply a term used to describe a set of 'rules' to work by. These 'rules' are really the description of an ideal, something that we aspire to. It is not really something written in stone, but something that needs to be constantly re-written and updated in terms of the given time, and belief systems prevalent at that time.
The following is an excerpt from the National Council for Astrological Research Code of Ethics, which I believe to be most satisfactory, viz:-
Avoiding Harm - Astrologers avoid making statements that could cause harm through confusion, misunderstanding or fear.
Boundaries of Competence - Astrologers provide services to the public- whether in astrology or in other disciplines- only within the boundaries of their competence based on their education, training and appropriate experience.
Interpretations and Forecasts - a) Consulting astrologers are careful to present their astrological interpretations and opinions with objectivity and appropriate qualifying statements, rather than as final or unequivocal pronouncements. b) Astrologers make predictions only when they are derived from a conscientious application of technique.
Responsibilities To Others - a) Astrologers respect the rights of others, including clients, students and colleagues, to hold values, attitudes and opinions different from their own. b) Astrologers make every effort to refrain from any behavior that may reasonably be considered offensive, harassing or demeaning to others. c) Consulting astrologers are careful to avoid manipulation of their client's feelings and emotions. d) Astrologers do not present their interpretations or opinions to their clients in a way that could intimidate them.
Human Differences - a) Astrologers respect human differences, including those due to astrological configurations, age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, disability, sexual gender preference, and socioeconomic status. b) Should such human differences impair or compromise an astrologer in serving a particular individual or a group, the astrologer makes a conscious effort to ensure fairness and objectivity. Such efforts might include obtaining appropriate training, experience or advice. Otherwise the astrologer should make an appropriate referral.
Personal Problems and Conflicts - a) Astrologers refrain from counselling individuals or clients with whom they have personal problems or conflicts which may interfere with their effectiveness or cause harm. b) Astrologers remain alert to personal problems or conflicts arising during an astrology relationship, and take appropriate measures to correct the situation or to limit, suspend or terminate the undertaking.
Sexual Conduct -a) Astrologers do not engage in sexual behavior with clients or students unless such behavior is clearly separate from and outside of the astrological sessions or work. b) Astrologers do not engage in sexual harassment. Sexual harassment consists of sexual solicitation, physical advances, or any other verbal or nonverbal sexual conduct that is offensive or that the astrologer should realize might be unwelcome. Sexual harassment can take the form of persistent or pervasive acts, or of a single act that is intense or severe.
Third -Party Services - a) When an astrologer agrees to provide consulting services for someone at the request of another, the astrologer clarifies the role of the astrologer and the extent of and limits to confidentiality with each party. b) Astrologers do not attempt to manipulate a person's behavior on behalf of a third party.
Maintaining Confidentiality a) Astrologers respect the confidentiality and rights to privacy of their clients, students and others who they deal with in astrological contexts. Confidentiality applies to the identity of and personal information about clients and other individuals. b) Astrologers do not disclose personal information that is unattainable from public sources without the consent of the person involved as long as that person is living.
Confidential Information in Data Collections - Astrologers seek permission from living subjects (such as clients, students and friends) before including confidential information in named data collections. Alternatively, astrologers use coding or other techniques to protect the identity of the subjects.
False or Deceptive Statements -a) Astrologers do not make advertising claims or public statements that are false, deceptive, misleading or fraudulent, either because of what they state or suggest, or because of what they omit. This includes claims and statements regarding their training, experience, competence, credentials, organizational affiliations, and services. b) Astrologers take responsibility for the content of promotional advertising statements made on their behalf.
Unfounded Statements - Astrologers willingly and openly reveal their sources of information, whether they be scientific, academic, experiential or mystical. Astrologers do not misrepresent their sources of information, and make every effort to verify their accuracy.
(For a complete listing of the NCGR's Code of Ethics -Visit their website at:, in light of our responsibility as astrologers, how should we approach our consultation with a client?
In my practice of astrology, and in my own experience, we have to be very careful to evaluate as much as possible the stage of unfoldment, that is, the "space" where the client is at the moment of interpretation. To do this we need to carefully consider the progressed chart, the solar arc and return charts as well as the transits of that given moment. Other techniques depending upon the situation will need to be consulted as well.
Simply because as the old adage goes "You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink", - knowledge imparted will only be accepted if that person is ready to accept it and make proper use of what is disclosed.
And it is here that we must be especially careful. Knowledge prematurely disclosed may be harmful or psychologically damaging, therefore, knowledge should only be given to the person in terms of their capacity to actually use it constructively…………. As Rudhyar said, the timing of knowledge is all important, so we really need to use every tool at our disposal to ascertain the "level" of the client's reality.
Predictive astrology particularly poses a problem, for if we open our eyes with intellectual honesty, we are rarely able to pinpoint ahead of time a) exactly what the events will be, b) under precisely what circumstances they will take place, and c) how they will affect the consciousness and the psychophysiological health of the individual. And of course, prediction to human beings can be self-fulfilling or can affect a given developing situation through fear or unwarranted optimism.
Nothing may be more psychologically unsound, --- if not completely futile, than the "blind" reading of a natal chart ---- it is a person we are dealing with, not some abstract entity. Although the reading of a chart erected for a particular date time and location reveals the archetypal character of whatever is born then and there, we need to understand the 'level' of development of the PERSON and the socio-economic environment from which this person comes.
In a similar vein, we need to understand ourselves and our own limitations --- We need to consider the significance of the relation of astrologer to client - this relation is as crucial as that of psychiatrist to patient, and in terms of Spiritual unfoldment, of guru to chela. Are we the right astrologer to read and advise on this person's chart at this particular moment in time? At the moment of reading we need to understand our own level of development and awareness of human values and human problems. Here we need to develop both empathy and humility. We are after all, in a sense, the mediators between the Heavens and the human being.
Our astrological language and alphabet may awe and confuse the client who has no understanding of such things - the problem of true and complete communication can be a difficult one to resolve. On the other hand if we do not mention such things to a client who does have some understanding, we risk the client believing that we are speaking out of our hat so to speak.
Clear definition should be given to what has been technically ascertained from the chart and what has been intuited, and so when we give a reading, we should make it our responsibility to educate the client somewhat in astrological thought -- at least to the main planetary factors.
Above all, the wise astrologer always seeks to empower the client by providing clues that tie the client back to his or her own inner attunement.
Since astrology is now being recognised as a fundamental tool in human understanding, and being taught at diploma level world-wide by various individuals, bodies and institutions, there is an ever increasing need to introduce competency testing and accreditation for would be astrologers before "letting them lose" on the community at large.
Most astrological associations these days advocate some form of formalised qualification and there are moves in the international astrological community to have a standard syllabus and curriculum in this regard.
It is hoped that through reciprocal recognition of exam systems between associations both nationally and internationally, that the much talked about 'standard' curriculum can be developed to ensure professionalism within our field.
The diversity of technique and systems available remains an astrological fact - as it should be, as each has their respective validity, and so are tools to be added to our kit as we progress.
As we approach the new millennium the ancient science and art of astrology has never been more popular. The art and science of astrology has reached a higher degree of refinement and sophistication than has been seen at any other time in our history. In the past astrology was only for the few, for instance, scholars, priests, kings and conquerors. Now many thousands of people have access to what astrology has to offer. This fact alone reflects somewhat of humanity's quickly evolving mental capacities, as well as the individual emerging from the mass and starting to take more responsibility for themselves. Making these conscious choices means taking on a greater degree of spiritual energy, and this is where an astrological birth chart can greatly aid - following our shifts in consciousness, understanding the cycles of life crises and being prepared for tests sent by the soul to the often resistant personality.
There are many different types of astrology - personality centred, soul centred, medical, group, national, political, forecasting, relationships, financial - there is an astrology for every taste. The only underlying factor is that astrology is about the cycles of the planets within our solar system, the stars of the cosmos and the energies which they impart to all kingdoms in nature. It has been substantially and scientifically proven that the Sun and Moon affect physical growth in nature, but they, and the other planets, also influence our thoughts and emotions - our spiritual being. This is the core of good astrology; understanding our deepest psychological make-up, so as to bring about personality integration, which can in turn allow easier soul expression.
Currently, the astrological software vendors [worldwide] do not incorporate the necessary algorithms for accurate erection of charts beyond the bounds of our own era [even though most use the 'accurate' Swiss ephemeris]. The ability to correlate historical events to celestial patterns, or rectify historical personage's charts without laborious manual calculation is necessary for us to pursue future development of our art/science.
These companies should be encouraged to incorporate this facet of calculation into their programmes, and whilst we all appreciate human error, they also need to understand responsibly that their products by and large are being used for counselling purposes and as such have the potential to effectively harm lives. Every accuracy should be encouraged.
Research and development of our art/science in every way and form is to be encouraged. By standardising a global astrological syllabus and curriculum, it is hoped not to create uniformity and stagnation, but to provide students with a stable base from which to spring forth. Thus allowing both students and their future clients to know that they have acquired the skills and ethic necessary to be good astrologers anywhere in the world and provide their clients with a true-valued, time-honoured service.
Gregory J. de Montfort 2000