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"And God said, Behold I have given you every herb bearing seed,
which is upon the face of the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed;
to you it shall be for meat"



A Short Guide To

The Medicinal and Esoteric Lore of Herbs


Gregory J. de Montfort


All herbs and plants are growing/living things and as such are influenced by the cycles of the Sun and Moon, much as we are.

They should be harvested alone and with great care to collect them at the correct time for the use intended {particular care must be taken if they are to be components in healing, a spell or charm}.

Basically, the fertile times, or when best to plant, are when the Moon is waxing in Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces and Taurus. Semi-fertile signs are Capricorn, Libra and Virgo and this is best suited to transplanting, grafting etc. The infertile signs are Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Gemini and are best for weeding and harvesting and is usually carried out in the waning period. A 'Lunar Calendar' depicting the local Moon phases is invaluable in determining the best times for cultivation, harvesting and other activities, and should be available through any good bookshop.

When gathering your herbs, be sure to know and understand exactly what it is you are gathering. Something which "looks a lot like" a particular herb you think you are familiar with may not be that plant at all, so if you are not absolutely sure, then leave it alone.

If gathering in the wild, be sure to leave plenty of the plant and scatter some of its seeds for future growth. Be especially wary of herbs by the roadside as they may have been sprayed with herbicides by councils, or be contaminated by lead from car exhaust fumes.

The parts of the plant that are above ground should be harvested in the morning, before the heat of the sun has had a chance to wilt them. It is preferable to do so when the dew is still on the plants. Leaves should be harvested before the buds and blooms appear. Bark and roots should be harvested in early spring, just as the plant is beginning to show its leaf buds, or in the autumn, just as the leaves are turning. Remember to give thanks to the Earth for her bounty. If using the entire plant, it is customary to hang it upside down in a dry area free from pests. Make sure your herbs are thoroughly dry before storing them. Roots should be washed scraped and chopped into small even pieces to ensure that they dry uniformly. Bulbs are tied together and hung up to dry. The best containers for storage are airtight coloured glass jars, as light can break down the constituents which form the basis of the healing properties of the plants.

If stored properly, the dried herbs should have a shelf life of approximately one year. Tinctures can be stored for up to two years. Once a herb has been ground, it shortens the shelf life drammatically as oxidisation of the active constituents takes place more rapidly.

The Doctrine of Signatures An explanation of the earlier beliefs

The Doctrine of Signatures is most notable in that it was not originally formulated for the medical profession, but evolved as a spiritual philosophy that had at its core the simple concept that God had marked everything he created with a sign that was a clear indicator of the item's true purpose as intended by God.

This philosophy did not really take form, and it was not until Paracelsus that the concept was used as more than secularly. The publication of "Aurora" in 1612 by Jacob Boheme, formalised the concept. William Cole, Nicholas Culpepper and John Gerard - notable herbalists of the period - used the basic form of the Doctrine in their respective treatises on herbcraft.

The Doctrine states that by careful observation, the healer can learn the uses of a plant from some aspect of it's form or place of growing.

It is more probable however, in the writer’s opinion, that the Doctrine was used as a mnemonic - as a 'jog' to the memory to aid learning for the apprentice of herbcraft or medicine.

The Astrological method of treatment of disease was set forth in Culpepper's Complete Herbal as:-

i. Consider what planet causeth the disease; that thou mayest find it in my aforesaid "Judgement of Diseases"

ii. Consider what part of the body is affected by the disease and whether it lies in the flesh or blood or bones or ventricles

iii. Consider by what planet the afflicted part of the body is governed; that my "judgement of Diseases" will inform you also

iv. You may oppose diseases by the herbs of the planet opposite to the planet that causeth them; as diseases of the luminaries by the herbs of Saturn and the contrary; diseases of Mars by the herbs of Venus and the contarary

v. There is a way to cure diseases sometimes by sympathy and so every planet cures it's own diseases; as the Sun and Moon by their herbs cure the eyes, Saturn the spleen, Jupiter the liver, Mars the gall and diseases choler, and by Venus disease in the instrunments of generation.

Modern chemical analysis of constituents and essential oils has largely replaced the doctrine, and of course is by far a more reliable method of determining uses of the herbs in treatment.

General Methods Of Preparing and Administering Herbs For Medicinal Use In Healing

1. Infusions - Herbal Teas: The standard tea formulae is 1 teaspoon of finely chopped herb to every cup of water. Pour boiling water over the herb; allow to stand and strain.

Cold Infusions: soak the herb in cold water for eight hours, then strain.

Sun Teas: Made by allowing the herb and water to stand in the sun for a few hours and then strain.

2. Decotions: This method is most appropriate when the parts of the herb being used is hard {such as barks and roots}. Cut the herb as small as possible; cover with distilled water and bring to boil. Allow to simmer for 20-30 minutes. Allow to cool and strain {will keep in fridge for about 4 days}.

3. Tinctures: most are herbal essential {volatile} oils extracted in a combination of alcohol and water {sometimes vinegar}, and the alcohol content averages around 50%. To prepare tinctures, combine 1-4 oz of the desired herb and pour vodka over the herb until the herb has reached saturation point -ie: when the herb doesn't absorb any more. Add more alcohol until covered and allow to stand for about two weeks - shaking the container lightly once every day. Strain through a cheese cloth and store in a dark glass jar or bottle.

Begin your tincture preparation on the night of a new Moon and finish on the full.

Thirty drops {1 teaspoon} of an extract is about the equivalent of one cup of tea. Place the extract in a cup and pour boiling water over it to ensure that the alcohol evaporates off.

Tinctures may also be used in direct application to the skin.

4. Compresses - Poultices: For a compress, a towel or bandage is heavily soaked in a strong decotion and applied to the affected area -the injured part or on the forehead to reduce a fever or headache.

A poultice uses 'mashed' parts of the herb which have been pulped to a porridge like consistency and are usually applied directly to the skin and wrapped in clean bandage for their drawing and soothing qualities.

5. Washes and Baths: These are decotions used in lager amounts depending on the volume required - for a bath, about two cups of herb in a stocking or muslin bag. Allow the hot water to run to the desired level and allow to cool to desired temperature.

6. Inhalations: Most herbal inhalations use essential oils such as aniseed, lemon, peppermint and eucalyptus. Use 6 drops essential oil in cup full of hot water - place towel over head and cup and inhale the rising, infused steam.

7. Herbal Pillows: Dried and crushed herb leaves which are commonly active as mild sedatives are used to ensure pleasant, restful sleep are placed in a small pillow and included in the normal pillow so that the aroma of the herb is released in sleep.

8. Bolus: Suppositories are made by combining powdered herbs with cocoa butter. The two are mixed together until it is the consistency of a stiff dough. It is refrigerated to harden and preserve. Allow to come to room temperature before use. Roll into strips and cut into pieces about one inch long.

9. Extracts: Oil extracts are made from fresh herbs that contain volatile oils. Fresh herbs are an absolute must and are crushed with a mortar and pestle. Olive or sesame oil is then added at the ratio of one pint of oil for every two oz of herb. Allow to stand for three days in a warm place, out of sunlight.

10. Syrups: For coughs and sore throats, and administering herbs to younger children. Two oz of herb to 2 pts of water in a non-metallic container are boiled down until about half the liquid is left. Strain while still warm and add two oz of honey or glycerine. Lemon oil or juice can also be added for flavour.

NOTE: Some herbs, may interact with medication.
If you have a pre-existing condition, or are using prescribed medication, always consult your qualified medical practitioner in conjunction with any herbal remedies.

Some Astrological Correspondences of Flowers and Herbs

{This list is just a small sampling and by no means exhaustive}

Sun Sign



Thistle, Wild Rose, Gorse


Violet, Wild and Red Roses, Coltsfoot


Parsley, Dill, Snapdragon and Iris


Poppy, Waterlilly, White Rose, Moonwort


Marigold, Sunflower, Hops and Cowslip


Rosemary, Cornflower and Valerian


Violet, White Rose, Love-in-the-mist


Basil, Heather and Crysanthemum


Carnation, Wallflower, Clove Pink and Sage


Nightshade {Belladonna} , Snowdrop, Rue


Snowdrop, Foxglove, Gorse, Valerian


Heliotrope, Carnation, Opium Poppy


Of particular use in the home garden, are the herbs in the following list.

Details of cultivation methods, other uses, history etc. may be found in the listed and other books on the subject.

Agrimony • Agrimonia upitoria : Bitter tasting, an infusion of the leaves is used in treating jaundice and other ailments of the liver, as well as being a good diuretic. Externally, a fomentation of the leaves is used to treat athlete's foot, slow healing wounds, and insect bites.It is astringent and aids in stopping bleeding.

Esoteric: Used in protection spells and to banish negative energies or influences.

Quality: Element: Planet:

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Full Sun Reasonable 30cm

Aloe Vera • Aloe barbadensis : Useful for treating burns with the inner gel. The outer, brownish gel is useful as a strong laxative. Use the outer leaves of the plant as the inner or younger growth is required by the plant for future growth. May be applied to excema, ringworm, and other skin irritations as well as frost bite.

Esoteric: Protective and grounding.

Quality: Feminine Element: Water Planet: Moon

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Light Semi-shade Infrequent deep watering 30-150cm

Angelica • Angelica Archangelica : Used to treat muscle spasms in asthma and bronchitis. The root's fragrance attracts fish.


Esoteric: Grown for protection for garden and home, the root is often used as a protective amulet. It is used to lengthen life, and as a protection against disease.

Quality: Masculine Element: Fire Planet: Sun

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Biennial Light semi- Reasonable 1.5-1.8m


Anise • Pimpinella anisum: Good for colic, flatulence and indegestion. Aids in loosening phlegm and is hence added to cough remedies{It is one of the mildest herbs for this purpose}

Esoteric: Repels evil, and placed in a sleeping pillow will ward against nightmares. The essential oil is used in a ritual bath prior to divination.

Quality: Masculine Element: Air Planet:Jupiter

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Biennial Light semi- Reasonable 1.5-1.8m

Basil • Ocimum basilicum : Dry, and powder the leaves in a mortar and pestle, and use as a snuff to relieve sinus. As a tea, the fresh leaves are excellent for treating nausea and as a gentle sedative for mild disorders. As a poultice, basil's bacteria and fungus fighting properties are useful in treatment of excema, acne, ringworm and insect bites.

Esoteric: Dispels and protects from evil and negativity, it is used in purification baths and in prosperity spells.

Quality: Masculine Element: Fire Planet: Mars

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Annual Full Sun Reasonable, more 23-45cm

in summer

Bay • Laurus Nobilis : Mildly antiseptic; the essential oil is also used as a liniment.

Esoteric: The leaves are burned to enhance psychic energy and produce visions. Dispels evil and negative influences. Write a wish on a bay leaf and burn it to have that wish come true.

Quality: Masculine Element: Fire Planet: Sun

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Full Sun Reasonable 300-500cm

Belladonna • Atropa belladonna : Also known as Deadly Nightshade. Used as an eye wash by Venetian beauties to dilate the pupils - too poisonous for common or home use.

Esoteric: Historically one of the 'hexing' herbs.

Quality: Feminine Element: Earth Planet: Saturn

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Annual Sun-Semi Reasonable 60cm


Blue Gum• Eucalyptus globulus: Used as a tea, with 1-2 teaspoons of the chopped dried leaf, blue gum is effective in easing bronchitis. The crushed leaves steeped in hot water and inhaled will help clear sinuses and congestion. Strongly antiseptic, the essential oil will kill a wide range of bacteria and viruses.

Esoteric: Healing and grounding, it is added to ritual baths to aid the healing energies.

Quality: Feminine Element: Water Planet: Moon

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Annual Sun Reasonable 60cm

Borage • Borago officionalis L.: Used as a tea for treating bronchitis, rashes and to increase mother's milk. An infusion is also used as an eye wash.

Esoteric: Carrying the fresh blossoms augments courage and a tea can induce your psychic powers.

Quality: Masculine Element: Fire Planet: Mars

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Deciduous Sun -semi Reasonable 30cm


Catnip • Nepeta cataria : As an extract, infusion or herbal pillow, catnip has a wide range of uses from: flatulence, coughs and colds, insomnia, and headache. As a calmitive, it is excellent for cranky cats and children.

Esoteric: Use with rose petals in love sachets and beauty spells. Will create a psychic bond between you and your cat. Grown to attract Earth Spirits {gnomes}.

Quality: Feminine Element: Earth Planet: Venus

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Full sun Reasonable .9-1.2m

Chamomile • Matricaria retutica : Calmative as a tea -it soothes indigestion, depression and headaches - the oil relieves ear and tooth ache. A poultice is useful for binding and inactivating bacteria, fungus and toxins, including staph and candida.

Esoteric: Used in prosperity charms. Also used to attain a relaxed state for meditative purposes. Chamomile dispels negativity.

Quality: Masculine Element: Water Planet: Sun

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Light semi-s Reasonable 30cm


Chilli Peppers • Capsicum Annum : Clears the sinuses. Good to bring on a sweat to treat fever. Stabilises blood pressure and reduces excessive bleeding anywhere in the body.

Esoteric: Is protective and is added to love philters

Quality: Masculine Element: Fire Planet: Mars

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Light semi- Reasonable 450cm


Chives • Allium schoenoprasum : Stimulates appetite - Aids relief of high blood pressure and suggested in the Orient as a cold, flu and lung congestion remedy.

Esoteric: Used in love spells and charms.

Quality: Element: Planet:

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun orsemi- Fair amount 25-30cm


Cinnamon • Cinnamomum : Add cinnamon to other remedies when symptoms are acute as cinnamon augments the healing properties of the other herbs as well as being a digestive aid enabling other remedies to work faster. It is also a blood purifier and an infection fighter.

Esoteric: Burned in incense, it promotes higher vibratory rates for meditation and visualisation and enobles the healing energies.

Quality: Masculine Element: Fire Planet: Sun

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Deciduous Sun -semi Reasonable 30 m


Cloves • Eugenia Caryophyllus : Clove oil will relieve toothache when applied directly to the cavity. It is antiseptic with local anasthetic qualities. Promotes sweating with fevers, colds and flu. Also safe and effective in relieving vomiting during pregnancy.

Esoteric: Positive and stimulates the memory.

Quality: Masculine Element: Fire Planet: Jupiter

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun orsemi- Fair amount 25-30cm


Comfrey • Symphytum officionale : For external use only, it promotes healing of bruising and sprains, injuries to tendons, bones, by aiding replacement of red corpuscles. Stops bleeding.

Esoteric: Positive and stimulates the memory.

Quality: Masculine Element: Earth Planet: Saturn

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun orsemi- Fair amount 150cm


Daffodil • Narcissus Spp.: A tincture of the essential oil of daffodil is used as an aid to memory and short term loss of memory. It has been found to be useful in recent times to treat alzheimer's Disease.

Esoteric: Burned in incense, it promotes higher vibratory rates and is said to attract the little people.

Quality: Feminine Element: Water Planet: Venus

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Annual Bulb Sun -semi Reasonable 30 cm

Dandelion • Taraxacum officionale : As a decotion of the dried and powdered root, dandelion is a non-toxic restorative and liver remedy. It does have a diuretic effect. The leaves yield vitamin 'C'.

Esoteric: It is a sign of rain when the down from the ripened head falls off without wind. A ritual bath containing dandelion will make you welcome everywhere.

Quality: Masculine Element: Air Planet: Mercury

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Annual Sun Reasonable 30cm

Dill • Anethum graveolens : As a tea, dill relieves indigestion and eases flatulence. Improves digestion and stimulates the appetite. It also sweetens the breath. The oil has antibacterial properties.

Esoteric: Used in love and protection sachets. The dried seed heads are hung over doorways to prevent evil entering.

Quality: Masculine Element: Fire Planet: Mercury

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Annual Sun Reasonable 75-90cm

Dragons Blood • Draecena draco : The red gum of this palm tree is used externally as a wash to promote healing and stop bleeding. Internally it is used for chest pains, post-partum bleeding, internal traumas and menstrual irregularities

Esoteric: An ingredient of love sachets and incenses. Added to other herbs for magical purposes, it will increase their potency

Quality: Masculine Element: Fire Planet: Mars

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun or Fair amount 30cm

Echinacea • Echinacea purpurea : As a tea of either the ground root or the leaves, echinacea is a natural antibiotic and immune system stimulator, aiding in building the body's resistance. It increases production of white blood cells and improves the function of the lymphatic system.

Esoteric: Used to augment energies in a spell or ritual and as an offering to the spirits and gods.

Quality: Element: Planet:

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun or Fair amount 1 m

Elacampane • Inula helenium : Elacampane is used to expel intestinal worms, treat water retention, and to lessen tooth decay and firm the gums.

Esoteric: Added to love charms and amulets of all kinds. Combined with mistletoe and vervain it is especially powerful. Burned as insence when scrying.

Quality: Masculine Element: Air Planet: Mercury

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Full Sun thirsty 180cm

Elder • Sambucus niger : Elder flowers mixed with mint and yarrow blossoms are excellent internal cleansers for colds and flu.


Esoteric: The branches of this sacred tree are used to make wands; elderberry wine - made from the berries of the tree is used in rituals and flutes made from the wood are said to bring forth the elemental spirits.

Quality: Feminine Element: Water Planet: Venus

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Full Sun Dry Conditions 26 m

Evening Primrose • Oenethera biennis: The oil of the primrose is an anti-coagulant, which reduces high blood pressure, prevents heart attack and guards against coronary artery disease. Primrose assists in relief of rheumatoid arthritis and prevents alcoholic poisoning, hangovers, post drinking depression, and alcohol withdrawal.


Esoteric: Grown to attract faeries. A protecting and uplifting herb.

Quality: Element: Planet:

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Biennial Sun Reasonable 75cm

Eyebright • Euphrasia officionalis: Stimulates the liver to aid in removing toxins from the body. Used both internally and externally to treat eye infections. The herb strengthens the eye and aids in repairing damage.

Esoteric: As a tea it is rubbed on the eyelids to induce and enhance psychic visions.

Quality: Masculine Element: Air Planet: Mercury

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Biennial Sun Reasonable 75cm

Fennel • Foeniculum vulgare : Fennel seeds relieve flatulence and suppress the appetite. Fennel aids digestion and particularly the digestion of fats. The tea is an effective diuretic and is useful in treating urinary tract infections and stones. It increases milk production in nursing women and has oestrogen like properties. Fennel reduces the effects of alcohol on the body. The powdered herb deters fleas, but can make some dogs timid.

Esoteric: Fennel dispels negativity and is said to attract sprites.

Quality: Masculine Element: Air Planet: Mercury

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun or light Reasonable 60-90cm


Fenugreek • Trigonella foenum-graecum: Used to soften and expel mucous. It's antiseptic properties will kill lung infections, and is generally used as a cleansing herb.

Esoteric: Used in spells to attract weealth.

Quality: Element: Planet:

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Annual Sun Sparing 60cm

Feverfew • Tanacetum parthenium : The leaves used as a tea, alleviate migraine headaches, reduce blood pressure and instill a sense of well being. It is effective in reducing pre-menstrual syndrome, and arthritis. The flowers are an effective moth repellent.

Esoteric: Grounding and protective, it is worn or carried to prevent accidents.

Quality: Element: Planet:

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun Reasonable 30cm

Foxglove • Digitalis purperea : Extract of digitalis yields digitoxin which is used to treat heart conditions. Low doses reduce the pulse and high doses increase it, but it is extremely dangerous {often fatal} to use it without qualified medical supervision.

Esoteric: Grown to attract faeries.

Quality: Feminine Element: Water Planet: Venus

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Annual Sun Reasonable 30cm

Frankincense • Bosweillia : This aromatic gum resin relieves menstrual pain, and rheumatic pains. Externally it is used as a liniment for its antiseptic qualities.

Esoteric: Burned as incense and used to raise vibratory level; and to purify and exorcise. It will aid in meditations and visions. The essential oil is used to annoint magical tools, altars etc.

Quality: Masculine Element: Fire Planet:

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun or Fair amount 30cm

Fumitory • Fumaria officionalis : Fumitory as a tea, is used as a mild intestinal tonic and skin eruptions.


Quality: Feminine Element: Water Planet: Venus

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Annual Sun Reasonable 30cm

Garlic • Allium sativum : The juice of garlic posses antiseptic and anti-bacterial qualities - relieves amoebic dysentry, and discourages the growth of some viruses. It relieves asthma and reduces blood cholesterol levels. It detoxifies harmful lead levels from the blood and activates the body's immune system. The fresher the garlic, the better it works.

Esoteric: Dispels negativity and banishes evil. Protecting and grounding.

Quality: Masculine Element:Fire Planet: Mars

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun Reasonable 30-45cm

Ginger • Zingiber officionale : Ginger effectively relieves motion sickness of all kinds, and morning sickness in pregnant women. Dizziness and vertigo are relieved in 50% of those affected. It stimulates circulation and promotes bodily absorption of medicaments and other herbs by preventing their destruction as they pass through the liver. It effectively kills roundworm .

Esoteric: Used in passion spells and as a catalyst to ensure success of spells by increasing the other components' virtues.

Quality: Masculine Element: Ginger Planet: Mars

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Annual Sun Reasonable 30cm

Gota Kola • Centella Asiatica : Gota Kola leaves stimulate the appetite and correct digestive and bowel problems. As a tonic it is a blood purifier in the treatment of veneral diseases and tuberculosis. A 'balancing' herb, it both increases energy and relaxes the body, being especially suited to overcoming insomnia and making one calm for yogic and meditative practices. As a sedative it has marked effects in imroving the abilities and behaviour patterns of mentally handicapped children. Gota Kola is often used in treatment after mental breakdowns and is effective in preventing them as it is a brain cell stimulant. It is effective in killing the leprosy bacteria {Mycobacterium lepre}, and the juice of the root is heated and applied externally to cuts to prevent infection and scarring. Varicose veins and other leg circulation problems, rheumatism, arthritis, fever, and general inflammation are also treated with this remarkable herb.

Esoteric: Gota Kola is used as an incense to aid meditation.

Quality: Element: Planet:

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Annual Sun Reasonable 30cm

Hawthorn • Crataegus oxyacanthoides : Used in treating heart and circulatory disorders in conjunction withginger{as a stimulant} and chamomile {relaxant}. It lowers blood pressure and dilates peripheral blood vessels. Also used to prevent miscarriage.

Esoteric: The leaves are used to make protection sachets.

Quality: Masculine Element: Fire Planet: Mars

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

deciduous Sun Reasonable 36m

Hemlock • Conium maculatum : The juice, dried fruit and leaves are used as an extremely powerful sedative in very small doses.


Esoteric: Traditionally one of the hexing herbs.

Quality: Masculine Element:Air Planet: Mars

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Full Sun Reasonable 26 cm

Henbane • Hyoscimus niger : Used in very small amounts {due to its toxicity} to relieve extreme pain. A poultice of the leaves is used externally to remove pain from wounds.

Esoteric: Traditionally one of the hexing herbs

Quality: Masculine Element:Air Planet: Mars

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Full Sun Reasonable 26 cm

Honeysuckle • Lonicera caprifollium : Honeysuckle is diuretic, laxative, and increases sweating and so is useful for treating fevers.

A flower and seed syrup is useful in treating colds and flu.

Esoteric: Faeries are attracted to the nectar.

Quality: Masculine Element: Earth Planet: Jupiter

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Full Sun Reasonable 26 m

Hops • Humulus lupulus : A tea brewed from the dried flower heads makes a useful seditive in treating insomnia and nervous tension.

Esoteric: Used in healing incenses and as sleep pillows to induce rest and pleasant dreams.

Quality: Masculine Element: Air Planet: Mars

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Full Sun Reasonable 26 m

Hydrangea • Hydrangea arborescens : Assists in passing kidney and bladder stones and is used to decrease pain and inflammation in the urinary tract when the stones are passed. The dried root is strongest, but the leaves are also used. The roots also have a laxative effect. The dried and pith hollowed stems are useful stems for pipe making.

Quality: Element: Planet:

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Deciduous Sun -semi Reasonable 30cm


Hyssop • Hyssopus officionalis : The flowering tops and leaves are a general system tonic. It is expectorant and is used to treat bronchitis. The tea is good for sore throats and is also antiviral.

Esoteric: Hyssop is used in purification baths and rituals.

Quality: Masculine Element: Fire Planet: Jupiter

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun Sparing 60cm

Jasmine • Jasminium officionale : A jasmine flower syrup is used for coughs and colds, and a tea made from the fresh crushed leaves clears the blood of impurities.

Esoteric: If burned as an incense prior to sleep it will bring prophetic dreams. It is also an ingredient in love sachets and philtres.

Quality: Feminine Element: Water Planet: Moon

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Full Sun Reasonable 30 m

Juniper • Juniperus communis : Juniper is used to clear uric acid from the body and as a uriniray antiseptic. It is high in natural insulin, and has the ability to heal the pancreas where there has been no permanent damage.

Esoteric: Protective and grounding. The pine needles are burnt as incense.

Quality: Masculine Element:Fire Planet: Sun

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perrenial Sun Reasonable 15m

Lady's Slipper • Cyprepedium calceolus var. pubescens : Used primarily as a ticture, as the constituents of Lady's Slipper are not water soluble, it is a specific remedy to overcome depression, mental anxiety and troubled sleep. It is also used to relieve the effects of menstrual cramp and menopause, by balancing the hormone levels.

Quality: Feminine Element: Earth Planet: Saturn

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perrenial Semi-shade Reasonable 30cm

Lavender • Lavendula angustifolia : Lavender tea eases tension headache. Antibacterial properties are useful in treating staph, strep, pneumonia and most flu viruses. It is also strongly anti-fungal. A lavender poultice is useful in treating burns, bruises, varicose veins and other skin injuries and irritations. Repels fleas and moths.

Esoteric: Used in purification baths and rituals, it will enoble psychic awareness, enabling the user to see spirits. The essential oil will heighten sexual desire in men. It is scattered throughout the home to bring peace and harmony within.

Quality: Masculine Element:Air Planet: Mercury

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun Sparing 60-90cm

Lemon Balm • Melissa officionalis : As an infusion, it is a mild sedative and nerve tonic, and is particularly useful for digetive disorders. Lemon Balm promotes sweating and is hence useful in lowering a fever.

Esoteric: Used in healing and spells of love and friendship.

Quality: Feminine Element: Water Planet: Moon

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun or Reasonable 30-38cm


Lobelia • Lobelia inflata : Lobelia can be used as a tobacco substitute and treats nervous conditions. The leaves reduce spasms by relaxing the muscles rather than a narcotic effect on the brain; they first stimulate the nervous system, but then depress it. Both drinking the tea and smoking it can alleviate asthma, bronchitis and whooping cough. A plaster or liniment is useful for sprains, muscle spasms and insect bites. The thujone present can present problems in some people if used over long periods.

Quality: Element: Planet:

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Annual Sun Reasonable 30cm

Lovage • Levisticum officionale : A decotion of the root stimulates the appetite and eases bloating and flatulence. It is also a mild uterine tonic for period pain and delayed menstruation.

Esoteric: Added to baths it cleanses the mind for psychic undertakings.

Quality: Masculine Element: Fire Planet: Mars

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun or Fair amount 30cm

Mandrake • Mandrgora officionarum : A very strong stimulant in small doses -it is potentially very toxic if used improperly.


Esoteric: Traditionally one of the hexing herbs, it affords protection to the wearer and is worn as a mascot to promote conception.

Quality: Masculine Element: Fire Planet: Mercury

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun or Fair amount 30cm

Marigold • Calendula officionalus : As a poultice, marigold decreases the inflammation of sprains, stings, varicose veins and other swellings. It soothes sunburn, rashes and other skin eruptions. It is both antibacterial and anti-fungal. As a tea it reduces swollen lymph glands and is useful in treating tonsillitis.

Esoteric: Heightens energy flow when placed in a room. -Induces clairvoyancy, and is protecting. It is grown to attract and see faeries. Added to bath water you will win the respect of everyone you meet.

Quality: Masculine Element: Fire Planet: Sun

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Annual Sun Reasonable 30cm

Marjoram • Origanum majorana : As a tea, it aids digestion, increases sweating in treating fevers and encourages menstruation. Marjoram inhibits viruses such as herpes 1 and is an anti oxidant. As a steam inhalant, it clears sinuses and helps relieve laryngitis. It also relieves tension. The aroma is said to cure loneliness or grief.

Esoteric: Added to all love charms and spells, it is protecting.

Quality: Masculine Element: Air Planet: Mercury

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun Reasonable 60cm

Meadowsweat • Filipendula ulmaria : Used to treat rheumatism , fevers and pain in much the same way as aspirin. It improves digestion and aids in healing ulcers.

Esoteric: Sacred to the druids. Used in love charms and spells. Protecting and grounding. At Lammas it is used to raise vibratory levels to be one with the goddess.

Quality: Feminine Element: Water Planet: Jupiter

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun Reasonable 60cm

Milk Thistle • Silybum marianum : Proven to protect the liver from damage against a variety of toxins. Alleiviates symptoms of acute hepatitis and has been successfully used in treating cirrhosis of the liver.

Quality: Masculine Element: Fire Planet: Mars

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Annual Sun Reasonable 30cm

Mint • Mentha spicata : Tea and balm. Stimulates appetite and aids digestion, relaxing the muscles of the digestive tract. It is a specific remedy for irritable bowel syndrome. It eases migraine and headache. It kills bacteria, parasites and viruses of the stomach and balances intestinal flora. It also destroys fungus infections such as ringworm and herpes simplex. Mint also repels fleas, ants and flies.

Quality: Masculine Element: Water Planet: Mercury

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun or Fair amount 30cm


Mistletoe • Viscum album : As a tea, it is used for the teatment of high blood pressure and the fresh juice is applied to treat external tumors.

Esoteric: One of the most powerfully protective amulets. The most potent being found in oak trees.

Quality: Masculine Element: Air Planet: Mercury

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun or Fair amount Vine


Mugwort • Artemesia vulgaris : As a tea or compress, mugwort assists in speeding labour and expelling the afterbirth. It decreases external inflammation and as a poultice is useful in treating rheumatic and arthritic pain. It kills roundworm and promotes liver detoxification. Mugwort is narcotic and induces sleep.

Esoteric: As an incense, it aids in divination. Fresh leaves rubbed on magical tools will aid their powers. An infusion of mugwort is used in cleansing crystals and scrying mirrors. Sleep pillows induce dreams. Aids in Astral projection.

Quality: Feminine Element: Earth Planet: Moon

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun Reasonable 50cm

Mullein • Verbascum thapsus : A narcotic herb that induces sleep and reduces pain. It loosens mucous and strengthens the lymphatic system.

Esoteric: A talisman of courage for the wearer. In a sleeping pillow it will guard against nightmares and can be used as a substitute for "grave dust" in the spells of the old grimoires.

Quality: Feminine Element: Water Planet: Moon

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Biennial Full Sun Reasonable 180cm

Mushrooms • : Raw or cooked in own juices. Good source of protein.

Esoteric: Attract gnomes.

Quality: Male Element: Earth Planet: Moon

Myrrh • Commifora myrrah var. Molmol : The gum resin from the tree is a powerful antiseptic. It is a strong healing agent.

Esoteric: Myrrh is burned to purify and protect. It is used to consecrate ritual tools and objects, a standard magical herb to everyones toolkit

Quality: Feminine Element: Water Planet: Moon

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun or Fair amount 30cm

Nasturtium • Tropaeolum majus: The leaves and flowers chewed fresh or as a tea, contain a natural antibiotic which does not interfere with intestinal flora. It is even effective against some micro-organisms which have built up a resistance to synthesised antbiotics. It also promotes red blood cell production.

Esoteric: Grown to attract faeries

Quality: Feminine Element: Water Planet: Venus

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Annual Full Sun to Sparing trailing

partial shade 150cm

Nutmeg • Myristica fragrans : {The spheroidal seed from the fruit of the tree} Relieves nausea and a small amount daily can be used to treat chronic nervous disorders and to ward against rhuematism.


Esoteric: Aids in clairvoyancy and scrying; is included in prosperity mixtures.

Quality: Masculine Element: Air Planet: Jupiter

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Evergreen Full Sun Reasonable 12 m

Oak • Quecus robur : A decotion of the bark is used for treatment of diarooea, dysentry and bleeding. For external use, the bark and/or leaves are boiled and applied as a poultice to bruises, swollen tissues, bleeding wounds and varicose veins.

Esoteric: The most sacred of all trees , the leaves are burned in purification rituals and the branches make powerful wands. The acorn is a fertility symbol and planting one in the dark of the Moon will bring wealth. It is protecting.

Quality: Masculine Element: Fire Planet: Sun

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Deciduous Full Sun Reasonable 30m

Oregano • Oreganum vulgare : An expectorant and antiseptic, oregano improves digestion and reduces muscle spasms and inflammation. It also encourages menstruation and assists respiratory problems. It is a weak sedative.

Esoteric: Burned as an incense, it aids in spells of letting go, such as of a former loved one.

Quality: Element: Planet:

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun Reasonable 30-45cm

Parsley • Petroselinum crispum : The whole plant and especially the root assists in treating urinary tract infections and eliminates kidney stones. It stimulates appetite and increases blood flow to the digestive organs as well as reducing fevers. It reduces inflammation by inhibiting histamine and is also a free radical scavenger. Mildly diuretic and an effective mouth freshener.

Quality: Male Element: Air Planet: Mercury

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Biennial Sun or light Reasonable 30cm


Passion Flower • Passiflora incarnata : A tea made with the leaves is excellent to relieve tension and nervous related disorders such as heart palpitations, anxiety, convulsions and even milder forms of epilepsy. The flower is especially useful in physical related stress which results in insomnia and general mental strain. The fruit is a general tonic.

Quality: Male Element: Planet:

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun Reasonable cm

Pelargonium • Pelargonium graveolens : The essential oil is used to treat lice, ringworm, and shingles. The leaves of the scented varieties are useful in treating diarrhoea and as a poultice to stop bleeding.

Esoteric: A ward against evil.

Quality: Element: Planet:

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun Reasonable cm

Pennyroyal • Mentha Pulegium : Pennyroyal is used in the treatment of colds and flu and as a digestive tonic. It aids suppressed menstruation by increasing blood flow to the pelvis area. It is also an excellent insect and flea repellant.


Esoteric: Restores harmony in relationships; is favourable to success in business; and is protective and grounding.

Quality: Masculine Element: Fire Planet: Mars

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun Fair amount 45cm

Peony • Paeonia officionalis : Peony root treats menstrual cramps and irregularities. It is also used in combination with Valerian and Vervain to treat nervous disorders and was reputed to be antispasmodic.

Esoteric: Dried roots are carved and made into braclets or necklaces for protection.

Quality: Element: Fire Planet: Sun

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun Fair amount 120cm

Periwinkle • Vinca Rosaea : Chewed, the fresh leaves alleviate toothache. As a poultice, periwinkle relieves piles and ulcerated skin. The fresh stem alleviates cramp when split and applied to the affected part. It is a primary treatment in diabetes and there is evidence of anti-tumour activity.

Esoteric: Known historically as the sorcerer's herb.

Can aid memory when gazed at or carried. Protecting and warding.

Quality: Feminine Element: Water Planet: Venus

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun or light Reasonable 30cm


Plantain • Plantago lanceolata : Used to clear mucus from the body, and to neutralise poisons. as a mild tea it is used to treat lung problems. It is also used to treat bladder infections and to treat wounds.

Esoteric: Protective, and banishes evil.

Quality: Element: Planet:

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun Reasonable cm

Raspberry • Rubus idaeus : Strengthens the uterine walls during pregnancy, reduces the pain of childbirth, and helps reduce false labour pains. After chidbirth it is used to decrease uterine swelling and reduce post partum bleeding. It is also used for gastric upset, nausea and diarrhoea. It has a general tonifying effect.

Esoteric: Used in love sachets and a love inducing food.

Quality: Feminine Element: Water Planet: Venus

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun or light Reasonable 100cm

or bienniel

Rosehips • Rosa Canina : Has astringent and nutritive properties.

The crushed hips {fruit} are infused as a tea for their vitamin C content. Also acts as a blood purifier.

Esoteric: The hips are strung as beads to attract love. Added to ritual baths to bring peace and harmony within self.

Quality: Feminine Element: Water Planet: Venus

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun Reasonable 3120cm

Rosemary • Rosmarinus officionalis : As a tea, rosemary increases circulation, reduces headache, and fights bacterial and fungal infections. It strengthens fragile blood vessels and improves food absorption by stimulating digestion and the liver. Rosemary also inhibits kidney and gall stone formation. A refreshing tea, its antiseptic properties makes it a good gargle for sore throats and gum problems. It aids memory and is mildly diuretic. In addition it inhibits the growth of, {but does not destroy}, cancer cells.

Esoteric: Used for protection and banishment, rosemary is also placed in a sleeping pillow to drive away nightmares and is an ingredient in love spells. It is grown to attract elves.

Quality: Masculine Element: Fire Planet: Sun

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun Sparing 90-120cm

Rue • Ruta graveolens: 'The Herb of Grace'. As a tea, rue increases blood flow to the digestive tract, relaxes muscles, and calms heart palpitations, nervous indegestion, and colic. It improves mental clarity and also kills intestinal parasites. Using the whole plant, rue strengthens fragile blood vessels and alleviates varicose veins. It should not be taken during pregnancy as it is a uterine stimulant. In large doses it may cause photosensitivity in some individuals.

Esoteric: Purifying, it is used as a ward against illness and the smell of the crushed herb will drive away thoughts of envy, egotism and love gone wrong. Added to cleansing baths to drive away negativities.

Quality: Masculine Element: Fire Planet: Sun

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun Sparing 30-45cm

Saffron • Crocus sativus : Prevents the build up of cholesterol and is hence used as a preventative for heart disease. Also used as a catylyst in other remedies.


Esoteric: Used as a purifier to clean the hands prior to ritual work. It s essential oil is used to induce clairvoyancy.

Quality: Masculine Element: Fire Planet: Sun

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun Sparing 30-45cm

Sage • Salvia officionalis : Sage's antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties make it an excellent gargle and mouthwash for such things as laryngitis, tonsillitis and infected gums. As a tea, it is also a useful cold and flu fighter. It reduces sweating, painful menstruation and hot flushes during menopause. Aids memory and concentration.

Esoteric: Banishes evil, purifying and healing, sage is also used in consecration rituals as an incense.

Quality: Masculine Element: Earth Planet: Jupiter

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun Sparing 60-75cm

St John's Wort • Hypericum perforatum : St John's wort is used externally, as a tincture. It has astringent, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Internally it is consumed as an infusion for it's sedative and analgesic properties; it is particularly useful for menopausal nervousness, some forms of neuralgia and skin rashes.

NOTE: Extreme photosensitivity has been reported with overuse.

Esoteric: Enhances the virtues of courage, and Will. Dispels evil and negativity and is used in exorcisms.

Quality: Masculine Element: Fire Planet: Sun

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Annual or Sun Reasonable 90m


Tansy • Tanacetum vulgare : A bitter tonic for the stomach and uterus. Tansy expels round and threadworm. As a herbal pillow it will repel moths and a strong decotion can be used as an organic insecticide.

Quality: Feminine Element: Water Planet: Venus

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun or light Reasonable 90cm


Thorn Apple • Datura : Steeped in mulled red wine, the powdered seeds and leaves of datura make an effective anaesthetic and pain killer. The fresh leaves are used as a poultice for relief of specific rheumatic and arthritic pain.


Esoteric: Traditionally one of the hexing herbs.

Quality: Element: Planet:

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Annual Sun Reasonable 30cm

Thyme • Thymus vulgaris : As a tea, thyme is useful in treating coughs and clearing congestion. It makes an excellent mouthwash for sore throats and infected gums. Thyme's antiseptic qualities make it useful in destroys a number of bacteria and some viruses such as the shingles virus herpes zoster. Improves digestion and reduces menstrual cramp. It is also used to relieve headache and tension.

Esoteric: Burned, thyme is used as a purge and to fumigate magical spaces. Thyme in a sleeping pillow will prevent nightmares.

Quality: Feminine Element: Water Planet: Venus

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun Reasonable 30-60cm

Valerian • Valeriana officinalis : A decotion of the root is an effective tranquiliser, used for nervous tension, insomnia and headache. It improves quality of sleep and in individuals who are agitated - it sedates; in individuals suffering fatigue - it gives renewed energy.

Esoteric: Used in purification baths and in love spells - especially effective to get fighting couples back together.

Quality: Masculine Element: Air Planet: Mercury

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Annual Sun Reasonable 30cm

Vevain • Verbena officionalis: As an infusion, vervain is a mild digestive tonic and is used to quieten nervous disposotions and reduce muscle tension.

Esoteric: Used for cleansing incenses and baths. Dispels negativity and is used as a pledge of mutual faith when given to a friend.

Quality: Feminine Element: Earth Planet: Venus

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Annual Sun Reasonable 30cm

Violet • Viola odorata : Effective in treating internal ulcers. It is used both internally and externally for pimples, abscessess, tumors, and swollen glands.

Esoteric: Carrying the flowers brings a change of luck. Mixed with lavendar it makes a powerful love sachet.

Quality: Feminine Element: Water Planet: Venus

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Annual Sun Reasonable 30cm

Willow Tree • Salix babylonica : A decotion of the dried bark of the willow is a useful source of 'natural aspirin' to treat headache, rheumatic and muscle pain, and pain generally. Some individuals may experience severe allergic shock with asprin so check history before administering. Always take after meals.

Esoteric: Protective and grounding, it's branches have been used as healing wands and to bring the blessings of the Moon.

Quality: Feminine Element: Water Planet: Moon

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Deciduous Sun Thirsty 60m

Witch-hazel • Hamamaelis viginiana : Astringent and anti-bacterial, witch hazel decreases the inflammation and pain of bruises, sore muscles, bleeding and haemorrhoids, varicose veins, as well as insect bites. Boiled witch hazel water makes a good wound wash.

Esoteric: The forked twigs of the witch hazel are used in divining.

Quality: Masculine Element: Air Planet: Sun

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun Reasonable 30cm

Wormwood • Artemesia absinyhium : As a tea, the leaves stimulate the gall bladder and help prevent and release stones. It expels roundworm and threadworm, and is also used as a muscle relaxer when added as a liniment - especially for rheumatism. It also exhibits some antiseptic properties.

Esoteric: Burned to aid in raisinng your vibratory levels to a higher state assisting in divination and clairvoyance. Protective and grounding.

Quality: Male Element: Air Planet: Mars

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun Reasonable 30cm

Yarrow• Achillea millifolium : Stimulates and regulates the liver, acting as a blood purifier and healing the glandular system. It also is used to stop the bleeding of external wounds.

Esoteric: Dispels negativity and is a useful gift to newlyweds as it is reputed to keep them together. If held in the hand, it repels fear; and if used in the bath, it protects and purifies. Drink yarrow tea prior to divination to heighten sensitivity and enhance powers of perception.

Quality: Feminine Element: Water Planet: Venus

Life Span Position Moisture Requirement Height

Perennial Sun or SS Fair amount 30cm


Disclaimer: Any practices or advice given is not intended to replace the services of your physician, or to provide an alternative to professional medical treatment. This article offers no diagnosis of or treatment for any specific medical problem that you may have. Where it suggests the possible usefulness of certain practices in relation to certain illnesses or symptoms, it does so solely for educational purposes.

References and Reading:

Cunningham Scott, Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs - Publisher: Llewellyn Publications, 1985

Duke James A.,The Green Pharmacy: New Discoveries in Herbal Remedies for Common Diseases and Conditions from the World's Foremost Authority on Healing Herbs - Publisher: Rodale Press, 1999

Keville Kathi, Herbs: An Illustrated Encyclopedia - Barnes & Noble Books 1999

These books and more are available from In Association with


  Austral Herbs & Seeds grow seed and plants organically using biodynamic practices. Only the hardiest of varieties and cultivars are used.

Australian retail, wholesale & mail order herb & perennial nursery

The National Herbalists Association of Australia’s Website. The N.H.A.A. was founded in 1920 and is the oldest natural therapy and medical association in Australia.