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Why have your natal chart done?

Science is at last coming to terms with astrological beliefs which are founded on the ancient Hermetic philosophies so often summed up in the phrase -

"As above; So below".

Every time science validates or defines the 'smallest building block' of matter and the Universe, another layer of the onion is found which needs to be peeled and understood.

Other important influences or 'building blocks' of your being are the Moon Sign, and the nodal parts -as in the North and South nodal axis; the Midheaven (Medium Coeli)/Lower or Base of Heaven (Imum Coeli) axis, The Ascendant, or that part of the zodiac which was rising on the Eastern horizon at the place and particular time that you were born/Descendant axis; as well as the positions of the planets, and the aspects or angles of the planets and several other celestial bodies such as Chiron, to these sensitive parts and to each other are what the astrologer uses to determine your psychological make up and best life path potentials.

A horoscope, Natal Chart or Birth Chart - whichever you wish to call it, is a schematic of your psyche and the karmic values and debts that you were born with.

Every person on this planet has a unique schematic or blue print that they were born with, and interacts with everyone else's. A single birth chart is not duplicated in 25,000 years!!

By having your birth chart professionally cast and interpreted, it can assist you in overcoming blocks and obstacles simply by pointing out these blocks. If you are aware of them in the first place, you obviously don't walk into those situations or continue exhibiting inappropriate behaviour.

In other words, your birth chart is a picture if you like, of your personality structure, but you are the factor that lies behind the chart and have the power to use the energies described in your birth chart in any manner you choose.

-Whether you allow the personality to operate unconsciously, or you take charge and purify those energies so that life flows to your advantage is up to you alone.

When the chart is analysed, it is seen that some parts of yourself are constantly

battling or in conflict with other parts, creating in turn all sorts of conflicting energies. Other parts are in total harmony and in these areas you will experience ease and harmony.

The idea is to identify, isolate and understand the conflicting parts and make relevant adjustments which will allow the energies of the planets to coexist or flow in a more harmonious manner.

The true purpose of astrology is to provide you with a tool to show you how to experiment with doing things in a new way which allows this harmony to
happen and be experienced.

This does not happen overnight, as people will often have several lifetimes of ingrained or 'habit track' thought processes to contend with. Nothing is that easy, and like everything else, it takes practice and consistency to apply these new ways or affirmations of doing things.

Material fulfillment alone is never the key to permanent unbroken bliss, and dissatisfaction always follows on the heels of simple material satisfaction -the ultimate resolution to the search for happiness remains as it always has Spiritual, yet sometimes there will be a strong need for material desires to be realised and released.

When astrology is approached from a true open minded understanding, it leads directly to unconditional love. For when you fully understand a person's inner mechanics or 'glitches', how can you be truly angry with them? Everyone does the best they can with the inner light that they are born with to overcome their imperfections, simply because the 'glitches' get in the way of what it is we want out of life – we are all in this together - and the interconnectedness of the Universe is only just being 're-explored' by science.

Positive thoughts are a major key to success -everyone knows that, but having a plan of attack to get those affirmations right -or to resonate just for you, takes an intimate understanding of your inner mechanics and that is why the 'schematic' of your birth chart is the ideal starting point.

Some material desires are easily let go, but others demand that we find some form of realisation, and the purpose of reintegration of the personality structure is so that the individual can more easily gain the material experiences sought. Once this occurs the individual can move to the higher level of happiness and fulfilment, beyond the strictly ego.

As desires are met, outer goals are no longer strictly material rewards and are therefore no longer compelling; the personality relaxes and within this calm we are open to higher states of consciousness and deeper happiness -the Bible refers to this as "experiencing the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth".

Isn't it time you had your natal chart done today? After all it is a very short span in the definition of time from the cradle to the grave, why not improve your chances at happiness now?

I would be only too happy to discuss your needs further on a no obligation basis .

Yours astrologically,


Gregory J. de Montfort

January 2000

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