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Photograph by
Todd Bingham

Caverns Of Your Mind

Dance among the caverns that are deep within your mind;
wonder through the rooms within, and visit there inside.
Gather up the peace, the love, and all the dreams you find;
pick them up and dust them off don't let them try to hide.

Capture all the happiness and place it in your heart;
bring it to the surface and let the laughter start.
pick up all the peace you've found and put it in your soul;
to feel eternal peacefulness so deep it makes you whole.

Open up your hand, inside put the love and caring;
it makes it nice to have it there enables easy sharing.
There is a special pocket that dreams and hopes go in;
a button keeps them safe, while it lets you gaze within.

Take the time to do these things and you will truly see;
the joy of life, and love of friends abounding endlessly.
Give all you can to all you see enjoy their precious laughter.
The life you seek is close at hand for now and ever after.

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