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"If You Only Knew"

If only you knew what you have become to mean to me
You must have no idea
When I awoke in the morning
Just as the sun was rising outside my window
I somehow felt you near

Ah, you had just been in my dreams
I had not yet escaped them completely
You know the feeling
Trapped somewhere between unconsciousness and reality
It seemed I could still smell your scent

I felt so content to think you were there with me
But then I shake the dreams from my mind
And I try to break away from the confusion
That strange confusion that comes with awaking from deep sleep

First, I glance around to confirm the familiarness of my surroundings
Then I think of you
I begin to remember the dream I had just abandoned
I realize it was only a dream
You had never really been there
I so badly wanted to retreat again to where I was before

For in that dreamscape was where I had you
It was where you walked with me along a sandy beach
Under a beautiful blue-green sky
And you dance on my heart
After I unfortunately awake, I remember

It continues to linger in my thoughts
And even more when I see you
Yes, these dreams are sweet
If you only knew my dear
If you only knew
