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"The Joy Of Your Friendship"

How many times has someone written about the beauty of a friend.
To say how wonderful and loving this person is to them.
The search for words to say just how much you mean to me
is a never ending saga...because friendship is everything...
The search goes on and will forever, for a love that never ends.

Your the light in my life and the beat in my heart.
For the beautiful way you love me unconditionally.
The way your there day or night is such a comfort to me.
To know your just a phone call, or an e-mail away,
puts the somewhat bad day to a brand new start.

I can't imagine living this life without the sound of your laughter,
To see the loving way you reach out for me brings tears to my eyes.
You bring me the warmth of an honest feeling...a tenderness..
Only known between true friends, and felt deep within.
How can I be so fortunate... this friendship brings me such rapture..

I love you.......

by Kims blue jeans