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Letter From A Friend

I can’t say I remember the first day I saw you,
But little by little I learned to know who you were.
The smile you wore, the funny look on your face.
The way you laughed at the silly things.
I knew you were someone I wanted to know.

Day by day we worked together.
Never side-by-side, that’s not our way.
Stopping in the aisles, chatting at odd moments.
Telling silly jokes, talking out our anger.
Sharing our life’s history a little at a time.

Time has gone by..Flying by once in a while,
Never-ending at others, fun-filled, or dull.
Boring was a common complaint.
Through it all, we stuck together,
Learning, laughing, sharing, growing.

How I’ll miss you when you’re gone.
I know you leave for a better place.
One filled with love and laughter.
But you leave behind some friends
Who will never forget the friend you’ve been to them.

Remember us when you leave.
Think of all we’ve done and shared.
The good, the bad, the silly, the boredom.
How many hours we’ve put into this friendship.
How much fun we’ve had what with one thing or another.

Never forget us!!

by Linda Prince