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Lost underground, with nothing to do.
I'll walk around and share this with you.
There are rocks, and dirt, and bugs I can see.
There is a gigantic door right in front of me.

I open the door and see a long corridor,
and just as long is that same dirty floor.
Along the walls there are rocks, and moss,
if I keep on going I'll surely get lost.

Shuffling my feet it's to dark to see.
A funny little animal just ran over me.
It's eyes are red with an ominous glow,
and it's mouth is open, the saliva flows.

To my left there's a large hole in the wall.
Inside sits the remains of a human skull.
Along side lies a hand, and its finger looms.
It seems to be pointing to another room.

The room is so dark and wet, the smell is rank.
Something's on the floor in which my foot sank.
Some bones lie about, and some scraps of clothing.
I fear I will encounter something foreboding.

An old rusty cup, some teeth, some hair.
An old dirty shoe sitting on top of a chair.
A lumpy old blanket in the corner dost lay.
Another skeletal hand pointing the way.

it's pointing to my left, to a hole in the wall.
I have to go check for the thrill of it all.
A whining sound is coming from within.
It's calling my name it's says "you'll never win"!

Moving closer I peer thru to the other side.
I see a huge monster it's too late to hide.
It's skin is so shiney, it has a big head.
It's not moving, I pray this things dead.

I move with caution to see this large creature.
I hug to the wall even though it's no pleasure.
The moss, and the rocks are thick with this goo.
But the thing at the end is exuding great doom.

I slowly approach keeping my eye on this sight.
If this thing comes alive I'll be ready to fight.
As I move closer, and closer I can finally see.
It's not a monster at all just a big ugly tree.

With a sigh of relief I slide to the ground.
My heart is racing, I hope it slows down.
Just at that moment without any warning,
the trunk opens up and I fall thru an opening.

Deeper and deeper underground I go,
at this rate I'll never find my way home.
tumbling, tumbling all the way down.
I land with a thump as my head hits the ground.

I hear a dripping sound, it's like an echo.
A rolling smokey mist emits a grayish glow.
From the walls protrudes gnarled tree roots.
The tips of them are oozeing a greenish juice.

three inches of muddy water cover the floor.
Across the room I see a ledge and a door.
My shoes are all wet, and my cloths are dirty.
I must watch were I step, the water is murky.

Looking down I see a funny green hat.
On top of it stands a misshaped rat.
It jumps in the water and swims away,
So glad for that I was starting to pray.

I struggle to pull myself up onto the ledge.
My feet are covered with a brown slimy sludge.
I sit down exhausted but it wasn't long.
Before I sensed that something was wrong.

Before I could turn around something fell.
It was a net of some sort, too dark to tell.
Little voices all giggling came rushing in.
Hundreds of little people with funny grins.

They tugged and pulled till I was thru the door.
When they stop pulling I was on a marble floor.
The room was all gold, the lights like diamonds.
The decor of the place was all in high fashion.

The leader came over with a smile on his face.
He said welcome my dear, you found our place!
We are the nation of the Evolians you see.
The chief Evolian is Glee, that man is me!

We live in this place away from all the hate.
We don't work just play, I'm afraid it's your fate.
We can't let you go you will tell the rest.
That can never happen to that I'll attest!

You will like it here, we have a party everyday.
Celebrating life, love, and kindness that is our way.
I couldn't believe what I was seeing in this palace.
A world far away from the hatred, and malace.

A magician walked over, placed his wand over me.
The mud was all gone, and my clothes were all clean.
He waved his wand again, there was a table of food.
The best food I've ever tasted, oh my life is so good.

To all my friends, I don't want to be free.
Good luck getting me out of here, just let me be.
I'm having a party right here for the rest of my life.
Take the tree at the end of the hall and join us this night.

by Kims blue jeans