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The Toy

Think back to when you were a child, you've just recieved a new toy. Remember how happy you glad you were to see it when you came into your room. You played with that toy day after even told the toy how special it was to you. The toy was so happy to have a child to love it.

After awhile you got used to the toy even though you still loved it the best of all your other toys, you stopped telling it how special it was to you and you didn't play with it as much as you did before. Except for those times when someone else wanted to play with it. You would take it make it feel special again and then put it back on the shelf.

The toy was alone again, even though you would sleep in the same room at night, share the same room during the day. The toy didn't feel special anymore. The toy would remember back when it was being held and loved by the child and tears would roll down it's face. "Why doesn't my child love me anymore" The toy would say.

It wasn't true however the child still loved the toy the best, only the child never told the toy or held the toy like before. The child said "I already told the toy how I felt, it should already know it's my favorite toy"! But you see if you forget to tell the toy and to hold the toy, the toy will inevidably feel unloved.

The one thing I want to make clear with this story is your not a child anymore, and people are not toys! Don't let a day pass by you that you forget to tell the one you love how special they are to you. Don't let a day pass that you don't hold the person that is special to you. Because like the toy they will feel unloved.

by Kims blue jeans

