No one has gotten me for April Fools Day yet! Well, but the only person that has tried has been my mom. She pulls the "Jeannie, the store got robbed!" one every year! I'm not stupid.

Friday was my first date with Andrew. It went swimmingly! He bought me dinner, and we hung out at Borders for awhile and then at his apartment for awhile. My mom doesn't know about the apartment thing...she thinks bad things happen when two people are alone, and, plus, I don't know Andrew THAT well yet. But it feels as if I've known him forever! We get along SO's almost creepy. We have so much in common yet are different enough to make it interesting still, you know? He is one of the most beautiful human beings I've ever met, and I can't wait to see how our relationship is going to blossom. Many kisses to my Andrew if he's reading this!

Classes are going to be a bitch this quarter. They're mainly easy classes, except for Latin and Statistics, but they're "read 5 chapters by tomorrow" classes. I am not a homework person! I guess I'll have to change that. I'm in a Woman's Studies class, so I'm going to get to argue all kinds of fun issues, like racism and homophobia. We all know I'm all about that. I just hope I don't have to get stuck in a group with this one girl again who says "Those mens" and "She do go to school" and whatnot. Grr to barely comprehensible grammar and speaking!

Oh, and also, I have been losing weight pretty quickly. I'm really not eating that much less...I'm just eating healthy foods. And I've been exercising every day. I have a LOT of weight left to lose, but I'm going to try to focus on day-by-day goals. I figure I'll be at my goal or close to it by my twentieth birthday, which is a mere two months and 8 days away. Melanie and I are gonna be hot!

The funniest thing happened at work the other day. One of the guys I work with, whom we call "Tyke," had on a rainbow-striped polo shirt. So I was like "So, Tyke, showing that gay pride, I see." He had NO IDEA what I was talking about. He didn't know that rainbow stripes were in any way a gay thing...hehe. Then he said, "Wait, this is one of my gay brother-in-law's shirts that he had in the give-away pile!" And then he said that the shirt was going to be put into retirement as a wash rag or something of the sort. It was rather funny.

ALSO, I am now an AVOC volunteer. AVOC stands for "Aids Volunteers of Cincinnati." I'm really excited to finally be doing something productive with my free time, instead of surfing the 'net or watching TV. I know I put off homework regardless of how much time I have, so I might as well be doing something positive with that time I use to procratinate, right? I'll add an AVOC link to my links page.

Well, I have a crapload to do before work, so I shall end this here. Have a good day, one and all.
