Still loving my job. Tonight I worked with Tammy and Earlene, both of whom I adore. They are lay back...and we always end up watching TV for an hour or two of our shift. There's really not that much to do that we have to be on the go for the whole time we're there. Bobbi just acts that way. NO ONE likes Bobbi. I've opted to no longer let her bother me. The (I was going to say "bitch" here, but I'll refrain)...lady...had the nerve to complain about the way I do laundry. Next she'll be telling me I sweep wrong or wipe up the tables wrong...or sneeze wrong. I still kind of hope she dies...not as much, though. Aw, that's not true. But I wouldn't mind her quitting or getting fired.

Londale is so shifty. We had a staff meeting yesterday. He didn't show...and I had dressed up all nice for work. (Well, nicer than usual...but not DRESSY, you know?) Then he finally walked in late. And we were all listening to our supervisors talk, but he and I would just make these "I want you" faces at each other. Then afterwards he was all flirting with me and saying cute, "So how are you?" And he said he'd call me that night at 6:30. Dale has a thing for us only talking to one another when one of us is at work. And the one who is at work is the one who is the receiver of the call. He's never given me his home number...and he's never called me at work. (This is shady, so I hope it's making sense.) So I'm wondering why I can't call him at home. I know he lives with his sister. What if he's like hardcore drug dealer and is running from the police or something. Oh, probably not. He's just not very upfront all the time. We were kind of supposed to try to get together Friday (tomorrow), but since he has not called, that's not going to happen. When he walked into the room yesterday, I was taken back. I have never wanted another human being this badly before. It's purely physical -- animalistic. We'd never work out in a relationship. So, screw it...maybe next time we talk, I'll tell him that I will, in fact, give him a little of my flava. Just ONCE...ONE TIME...I want to touch this guy...I want to feel him against me. He is pure perfection...and I need to touch him. Oh Lord, need to change topics. I just remember my heart rate increasing and my palms getting sweaty and other strange things happening to my body. I think he must have affected me more than the initial time because he got a new a difference a haircut can make. And he dresses SO nice. jfkldajflka;fa;jfkladsjf;akdsl....oh the desire....oh the aching.jfkdl;ajfklad;fjskla;sfjkals;fjklds;fjakds;afjlkal;fjkals;fjaks;lfjsalk;fjdkla;fjd LONDALE>>>COME TO MEEERJKL:JKFLA:JFKL:AJFKLA:FJAKL:FJAKL:FJALK:A. Anyway, my saying to him "Let's get it on, baby" would not be disrespectful or anything because he has said some REALLY RAUNCHY things to me...things I am both offended by and excited by at the same time. Oh to have such a hot man want me...the closest I can think to comparing him to someone is to compare him to Tupac. Mmmm.

I feel as though there is more to be said, but it is escaping me. So I shall stop for the evening. 2 days off work! Yay!
