Wow, I read over this and have discovered that I am in a slightly strange mood, so bear with me.

I had such a good weekend! All of Da' Van were around, and we hung out for hours on end. Karen and I bonded so much! We hadn't seen each other since Christmas! And it was so good to see Tony again. I humped him repeatedly and made out with his ears and neck. Keep in mind that these are normal, friendly parts of our that make our relationship SLIGHTLY special...hehe. We ate A TON...I'm so incredibly ashamed because my diet has been SO good lately, and I've totally done a 180 this past week. But there's always tomorrow (yes, I was bad today, too). It's hard to get back on track when you fail. I can imagine how things are for smokers. I have decided that smoking really grosses me out and that people who smoke are selfish and have no respect for their bodies or the bodies of those around them OR the environment. But maybe that's a bit harsh. I guess I could say the same thing about myself...I have no respect for my body since I fill it with gross junk food. And I also smoke occasionally. Durn, I'm a hypocrite! Anyway, it's so horrible how addictions totally clutch on to your spirit and ruin you. If I had control of my food addictions, I'd be SO MUCH HAPPIER. Even when I'm in pretty good control of my eating, I know that tomorrow or maybe the next day I could totally be weak and miserable. Grrr. If anyone wants to e-mail me and complain about his or her addiction(s), feel free. We can be support for each other...even you disgusting smokers out there (I'm addiction is more gross than any other one...I love you smokers too! ~muwah~). Anyway, moving on...

The weekend was really kind of fun-ly wild. I won't go into details about EVERYTHING (hehe), but Saturday night involved my bra hanging out of Corey's sunroof...hehe. I love my friends SO INCREDIBLY MUCH. It's so nice to have a place to belong. I mean, even when they're away, I have other friends, but they're all SEPARATE friends, not a group, you know? So I end up hanging out with just Angelina or just Lindsey or just Kim ("just" in terms of "alone with," not like "Ew, ONLY Angelina"...I love my girls!). But hanging out with 5 other people who know everything about you and love you just the way you are is so incredible. ANYWAY, enough of my Hallmark-ness. Stop buying greeting cards, everyone, because trees are dying, and no one really keeps cards.

So tomorrow night I'm getting my tatoo. I'm going to admit something to y'all so you know how wussy I am. I am AFRAID to walk from my car to Uptown Tatoo...I could end up being half a block, at the most, but there still might be riot-ish things going on. So I'm going to go early so that I can drive around the block until a VERY close parking place opens, pending there are no close ones open. If there are...well then, good. Angelina has NO fear about these kinds of things. She is the daring Gemini twin. I, on the other hand, am not really. It's strange because I hardly ever worry about anything that's truly important. Like, my kitchen could be on fire, and I'd be laughing while tossing water everywhere. I don't know...I worry about stupid things, but when serious things come about, I just laugh.

Wow, I really thought I'd have a ton more to talk about, but I guess not. I could elaborate on my weekend more because we did a ton of fun stuff, but I just don't have the energy. I've gotten little sleep the past week. I'm going to be good-food-eating-and-exercising girl from now on because I feel so sluggish now. I want to, like, get muscle tone and stuff. Have a great day!
