Not a lot has happened. I just thought I'd share a few things.

First off, I got my tatoo on Tuesday. It didn't hurt all that much, really. At first, it didn't hurt at all. It was just kind of uncomfortable, you know? But towards the end, when she was tatooing on top of my clavicle, it started to hurt. But it was kind of a nice time. Angelina was there with me, and we were just kind of talking to my tatoo lady while she was doing it. (I talked mainly when she was stopping to change inks or wipe me off because it moved my skin when I talked.) And my tatoo artist ended up being a HUGE Jeff Buckley fan, as I am, so we talked about him in an obsessive manner and listened to Grace. And we listened to Nirvana, too. So it was kind of an surreal moment for me, all in all. I will never hate pain quite as much as I used to now, for I underwent pain whilst listening to Jeff and Kurt. I still think I'm far from the S & M hall of fame, though.

I got an 81 on my Stats test. Everyone has been having to hear me stress over this test for a week. Just thought I'd share. = ) I'm REALLY happy.

I'm a person who, when I'm making improvements on my life, I like to tell people because it gives me more ambition to actually follow through on those improvements. I've realized that constant self-improvement is my life theme. I've never met someone as obsessed over bettering him/herself as I am. At any given point in my life, I'm always either giving up something that's bad for me or taking up something that's good for me. I hardly ever succeed, but the thrill of trying is like a high for me. So, anyway, if family members are reading this...well, hopefully you won't think less of me because of what I'm going to say. So yesterday, I smoked pot with one of my friends. It was my third time. The first time I smoked (maybe a year ago?), I got REALLY high. The second time, nothing happened. And yesterday, I got REALLY high again. I kind of like it, yet I really don't...mainly because I cannot compose coherent sentences when I'm messed up...and my incredible speaking manner is something in which I normally take incredible pride. So, the high lasted a couple hours. And then afterwards, BOOM, I felt completely, utterly, almost frighteningly tired. I was standing up and could not keep my eyes opened. Throughout the past few years, I've been cutting things out of my life that aren't good for me. Meat was the first one. Then I decided I'd never drink, not necessarily because I'm worried about my health, but because I don't hold my alcohol well. I don't get ANY pleasure out of being drunk, not even remotely...I just feel gross. So, that one's not too hard to cut out. And lately I've been cutting out pop, first because of the caffeine (I don't like to be dependant on anything the way I was on caffeine) and because there are just bad things in pop that aren't great for me and because it forces me to drink more water, which is good for me...anyway, and I've also stopped eating fried foods, lately. And awhile back, I gave up smoking (I was only a social smoker to begin with). So the only thing I really had left was pot, which I figured I'd still smoke if the opportunity arose. So now I've decided to not smoke pot anymore, either, because something that makes me fall asleep standing up CANNOT be beneficial to me. SO, I guess I'm 100% straight edge now. Should I be all raver/punk/riot-grrl and write STR8 EDGE on everything? Eh, maybe not. But, I am proud of myself. = )

Oh, I must rant that a very creepy guy that frequents JCM overheard me talking about getting my second tatoo, and he gave me this big speech about how it says in the Bible that people with tatoos are barred from Heaven. What a jerk! You need not be casting the first stone, Mr. Wrangler Jeans. And if such is the case, I'll see you in Hell.
