Today was actually a good day at work! No one bummed money off me. No one sexually harassed me. No one tried to steal. One of the neighborhood alcoholics gave me a dollar. I tried to give it back, but he wouldn't let me. This VERY strange man came in. He wasn't all the way there. He kept talking about how he lost his memory after his accident...and he told my brother that a funeral parlor used to be located in our store. Anyway, even though he was rather frightening, I was intrigued by him. He and I talked for about 20 minutes. He complimented me about something that no one has complimented me skin! He said that I have really nice skin (facial skin, that is). And then he said, "You must really take care of yourself...not drink or smoke or have such a great complexion." I said, "I do for the most part, except for caffeine." And I said, "My main salvation is yoga." Before lately, I've always raved about the wonders of yoga...but I never did yoga all THAT regularly and never got that much out of it. But just recently, I've made a point to do it for 20 minutes every day, and I do it at the end of my workout, after I've already done my cardio and strength training (it's twice as good when you use it as a cool-down because you feel somewhat dizzy in that good way)...and I've actually taken the time to go through each asana and figure out which ones I like the best...and to deep breathe through them and hold them for several minutes and listen to meditative music during...and now, I'm seriously reaping the benefits of yoga. Anyway, maybe yoga is making me look younger and have better skin. Or maybe that guy was insane...he did think there was a coffin in our store at one point. Anyway, moving on since time is running short...

Henry came in, and I told him I'm seeing Tool. Then he started acting all upset that I never go anywhere with him, like to concerts. And I just said, "I'm sorry," knowing that telling him any kind of excuse would be lying, which I don't like to do. Then he said, "If Ozzy or Black Sabbath toured, would you go with me?" I said, "Sure, if you paid...since I don't like them." Now, I don't really think Ozzy is a big fan of touring anymore, but if he did, I'd make my brother Dave go with us. But, to be honest, I'd probably pretend to already have something to do. But I figured that saying, "Yes, I'd go with you," knowing that Ozzy will probably not tour in Ohio in the near future, was a nice thing because it kind of made him happy...actually, it made him REALLY happy. He shook my hand and held onto it for a really long time, like he was in euphoria from touching me. I'm really, really not used to being liked so much. I always think I'm a skanky bitch whom no one would ever being treated like a perfect human being is really odd to me. I like it for flattery reasons, yet it also makes me kind of uncomfortable. Now, if my future life-partner were to treat me in such a way, I'd be in Heaven. Of course, I'd treat him or her the same way. I always treat people I'm in love with like Gods...because I adore them that much. It seems I never get it in return...

Anyway, MadTV is on.
