So, although yesterday was a very full and eventful day, I'm just going to talk about the Warehouse only because I'm not in the mood to write a huge journal entry. Let me say that I had a WONDERFUL time. I think a lot of it was because I hadn't gone for so long. Anyway, I danced really hard and really passionately. About a forth of the way through the night, this guy came up to Angelina and me, and he started trying to dance...but he kept getting embarrassed because he didn't think he knew how to dance. (And he really couldn't all that well!) I must say that this guy was such a little pixie of joy! He started talking to us and said it was his first time at a club. So he kept trying to look to Angelina and me for dance pointers (why he chose US, I know not! haha)...and he was being absolutely hilarious. Angelina and I both developed a huge crush on him and made the pact that if he chose one of us that the other one wouldn't be jealous or mad. But it turned out he had a girlfriend, a very ORDINARY ("There's nothing worse than being ordinary." ~ American Beauty) girlfriend. Yet he kept dancing with us for most of the night. She was NOT pleased. Before we left, I asked him if he was coming back the following week, and he said he was. So I'm happy. But then something kind of unexpected happened. I was saying my goodbyes to him, and I think he shook my hand. And then Angelina was saying her goodbyes to him while I waited on the side. Well, the guy had 2 friends with him, one little guy who danced hip-hopish (he danced really well...I was watching him the whole night) and another friend who was tall, big-framed, and bald. The latter guy was really kind of cute, and he danced kind of cute goth-ish. But I'd not made eye contact with him or anything the whole night. But while Angelina was saying bye to the guy, the big bald guy and I glanced at each other, and I said goodbye to him. He came over to me and said, "I'm Rick. What's your name?" And I told him my name and asked him to repeat his because I hadn't heard him the first time. (I love how in clubs, you have to stand and talk 2 inches from people's faces so they can hear you...there's a certain level of intimacy...well there are some people you just don't want to be intimate with, though, like large sweaty obese men.) And then he hugged me! It was just really random. There was a magic spark. I really think I like this guy. I didn't even think about what happened until driving home from dropping off Angelina...but then I realized that it was just very strange that he and I hadn't communicated the whole night, and then out of nowhere, he introduced himself and hugged me. I hope they're there next week...maybe without the bimbo girls. I don't think any of them were Rick's girlfriend though.

Hmm...I just downloaded a bunch of songs from the new Tori cover album, and I REALLY don't like them. This is making me really, really sad. I get a mailing with people talking about Indie Canadian Girl music, mainly Emm Gryner. Whenver Emm Gryner is talked about, Tori usually gets talked about, too. Emm had gotten pissy about Tori doing a cover album at the same time as her...well not so much that but Tori's attitude about a lot of things. (But I think she was just pissy about them doing cover albums simultaneously.) ANYWAY, someone on the list mentioned that she liked it better when Tori just stuck to the piano and didn't try to incorporate electronica and other elements. And I totally realized that I'm the exact same way. It's such an obvious thing that I don't know why I didn't realize it until now. I mean, I like almost all of her songs on some level, but my absolute favorites are the simple ones. She's grown a lot since Little Earthquakes...but I kind of wish she'd go back.
