Today was a very good day. It started out with my mother and I going shopping. That wasn't that peachy because a.) shopping with her is always enough to drive me crazy between the drive there (her bickering at my driving) and b.) the actual shopping process (it takes her a half hour to make up her mind about something). After shopping, I sat around and was a bum. Then I went to St. John Neuman (spelling?) church to welcome back the Kairos kids. Their group was AMAZING. Everyone was touched so much...I just can't even put it into words. It was so good to see Matt. Events like Kairos that bring out the incredible love and passion in people restore my faith in's nice to not have to see people walking around like zombies and not acknowledging each other. After Kairos, I went to Jessica's house. Her friend Ike was there. He was really nice, and we got along well. Various other people were coming and going, a lot of the people being her sister's friends. Then Jessica's friend Jason (whom she calls Shante because that's his middle name) showed up. I am completely enamored by him. At first, he was very quiet and said very little. But then we were all trying to think of something to talk about, so we were all giving our list of top 5 hot people (women for the guys and men for the girls). Ike started saying his girls...and then Shante got to his, and he started saying these actresses from like the 1950s. I was just shocked! As the night went on, he and I would talk here and there. I kept finding out things about him that increased my interest more and more. We all went to Krogers so Jessica could get some coffee to keep her awake. We were all perusing the vegetarian section, and I was rating the different brands. And he said, "You're a vegetarian?" I said, "Yeah." And he is, too! He said, "Yeah, I've been one for two years. And I've gained thirty pounds since then because all I eat are carbos! I might incorporate fish into my diet, though, for nutrition." What a guy! I've yet to meet a vegetarian guy! And from what I understand, he's a director, unless he was joking because then he said he directed the newest Ron Jeremy film...hehe. I don't doesn't even matter. He's just so deep and passionate. And he's adorable! He's kinda short, probably only an inch or so taller than me, and that inch is because of his hair. = ) It's a mass of fro-ish curls all over his head. He has the cutest deep brown eyes and light brown skin. He's slightly chubby in that adorable, cuddly, perfect way. It's so good to know there are intelligent, wonderful men out there. We were talking about so many cool things. And he was kind of walking by me in Krogers...or maybe I read too into things. Now, I am 99.9 percent sure he probably doesn't have any sort of crush on me since things never work for me that way. But, regardless, I'm glad to have met him. Feeling such intense feelings for people really makes me feel alive. I even liked Ike a lot...I really should get more guy friends. Guys just intimidate me. I really think that I should get to know more of them before judging. They seem decent. = ) I hope to see more of Jessica's friends. I'm not going to tell Jessica of my infatuation with Shante. She may end up reading this entry, and if she does, fine. But, I don't know. I need to stop making a big deal about things because it's the second I do that something horrible happens. And I think she probably dated him once, too, which could be weird. Anyway, off to bed.

Oh yeah...Psychology...I got a B. I worried and puked and didn't sleep and was an all-around basket case for nothing. Sigh. More on that next time, though.
