Wow, I have all of 10 minutes until work, so I'll write a short one. I haven't felt like writing in my journal lately, and I don't know why. I think it's because I have began venting to people all the time now. = )

This quarter is almost over. I have two normal weeks left, and then it's pretty much over. I'm SO have no idea.

Potential new job -- Toward Independence...a company with a bunch of group homes where disabled (mainly Mentally Retarded) people stay. I would help them do chores and all the kinds of stuff people do to live self-sufficiently. I hope I get it! I hope it pays well!

Liz's party was fun. A little under half of the people there were rolling. And most everyone else was drunk. I still had fun, though. I capitalized on the loving everyone gave me. I only wish everyone would act this way all the time. I try to, but I just get funny looks. Oh well, though. I think I kissed 7 people...some of them multiple times. And I have a new appreciation for Phil. Dave on the other hand...I will put up with his lack of sensitivity.

Weight Watchers is going well. I cheated one day. I didn't go to weigh-in last week. I would estimate that I have lost 11 pounds all together, 7 in the first week. I'll let you know after Wednesday's weigh-in, which will mark three weeks on the program. I can't tell all that much yet, aside from not having to lie down to zip my jeans anymore.

I got in a car wreck last Saturday. I really don't want to talk about it anymore because I've told so many people the story. It was bad. My car's still in the shop. I didn't get hurt. And my insurance sucks. That's all.

Alright, that's all for now.
