I really don't have anything significant to say. I just want to bullshit because I can now without the guilt of knowing I'm putting off homework. Yes, my friends, school is out. Can I get a "glory be"?

I have to go to work in about an hour. Today I am going to dry my darndest to not get really pissy at the people that come into the store...I used to always be able to be positive in that place, but not lately. But it seems that people never used to come in drunk as often and sexually harass me...or try to bum money off me...and the children were never as disrespectful. The age group that has begun bothering me the most are 14-year-old girls. They come in with pastel make-up on and these SHORT shorts, and they buy popsicles and make me cut them open...and they lean over the counter and stick their butts out and flip their hair and ask me stuff like, "Do you like working here?" I don't know. Recounting all this stuff isn't exactly putting me in the mood I need to be in to deal with people politely, so I'll stop. = )

Angelina, do you remember that guy Adam that I was supposed to meet at the Warehouse but never did really get to talk to? The guy who you thought was cute, and I really didn't? Well he lives in Florida now. Anyway, he immed me yesterday and said, "What do you want to talk about?" I said, "You pick." He said, "Can we talk about anything?" I said, "Sure," because I am, indeed, open to talking about anything. So then he was all, "What is your ideal sexual fantasy?" I think there's a way of talking about sex without it being sexual. I made him promise it would be a casual conversation, the same as, "Nice weather today." (Though he was probably at the other end jerking off.) Anyway, he goes into this big spiel about how his first priority in bed is pleasing the woman. That makes man #3 that has said that to me. It pisses me off because I think guys say this, thinking we women will be overly impressed and just want to hop into bed with them. People today are too sexual for me. Well, let me rephrase. I'm very sexual, too, but not in the same way being sexual is portrayed today. Rather than pornography, S&M, and strip clubs, (hehe, I'm laughing) I find a lot of sexuality in intellectual conversation. I'm having an intellectual conversation with my friend Jeff right now, though, and I can't say I'm turned on. I am rather happy, though, because I love talking about spirituality. The millions of different beliefs people can have about one little topic amazes me. Oh how beautiful spirituality is!

I love watermelons.

Okay, I'm going to get ready for work. I'm going dancing with the honorable Corey tonight. Oh how I love him so. And I owe Dave an erotic dance. I'm slightly frightened.
