Well, my birthday is 2 and a half hours away. We're going to some sort of place in which I can get a drink after midnight...I just want like ONE daquiri. And then I've decided that I'm not drinking anymore ever...or smoking...or doing drugs, including caffeine. Yeah, I've gotten on one of these kicks many a time...but, hell, maybe I should try again. I've been putting a lot of bad stuff in my body this month. I've been eating meat, too, which I find ridiculous considering how morally against it I am. Not to be gross...but carnivore poop (or omnivore...whatever meat-eating humans would be considered) is a lot grosser than vegetarian poop. My body feels like it's crying out against me, yet I continue to eat chicken and hot dogs. Bleck. I have no energy either. I want to make this a great year for me...a start of the rest of a great life. I'll try again to be vegan. And none of the above-mentioned "bad" things in my body. And I'm going to lose a lot of weight. And things will be wonderful...after all the withdrawal goes away...hehe.

Goddammit, Nathan is being adorable. He said today that he got me a birthday present. He's known me all of 10 days, and he bought me a birthday present. And he spent a decent amount on me the other day on our date...more if I'd not have half cussed him out and been all "stop with the gender roles!" and feminist on his ass. And I was talking about everything going on tomorrow, and he was like, "Aw, are we going to have time to talk on the phone tomorrow?" Now that I think about it, I think we have talked every day since we met...except the day right after because we just couldn't seem to get ahold of each other. I don't know...maybe romance will happen. He's scoring so many brownie points. Sigh to inability to decide.

I'm not going clubbing with the fam tomorrow night. Mom isn't pleased at not being able to go. (Of course everything is all about her.) To be honest, I wasn't thrilled about going to Metropolis either. I barely like clubbing unless the music is REALLY good and has the right kinds of people there, and I doubt Metropolis has either of those qualifications. So we're just hanging by the pool after I get off work. I have a stupid 8-hour shift tomorrow. I hope I don't have to take residents to the air show. Hopefully by the time I get in, they'll have taken them already. I'm not a fan of the outdoors, especially when in charge of 4 MRDD people. That sounded mean...I didn't mean it to.

I will refrain from mentioning names...but one of my friends wants, for his birthday, to watch me and his girlfriend sleep together. I am starting to wonder if I will ever get myself out of this cycle of unconventional sexual encounters...or if I even want to.

Happy birthday to me soon!
