Well...life suddenly got really good. Yesterday was date #2 with Nathan. We sat back at his place and chatted, amongst other nice things. He got me earrings for my birthday, a present he introduced as being the typical birthday present. But I actually don't mind because I've never dated a guy during a "present-giving time" (i.e. my birthday, Valentine's Day, or Christmas)...so any present from a guy is welcomed to me. They will probably break my ears out unless they are white gold, which I doubt they are, but it's the thought that counts. = ) Anyway, I was leaving, and he handed me a letter he'd written me. I had said to him that I'd never seen his handwriting before. And he was saying that it's like a 3rd grader's. And I must have asked him to write me a letter, which I think I was joking about, but he did anyway. So I took the letter and left for work. Jessica from Maryland had called while I was with him, but I couldn't get my phone to work. So I called her back whilst driving to work. I got to work 20 minutes early and was still talking to her, so I pulled into a parking lot to finish our conversation. And she told me to go ahead and read the letter. So I was reading it to her...and couldn't hardly mouth the words because THIS IS THE SWEETEST LETTER I HAVE EVER RECEIVED! I am serious...I almost cried. I would copy the letter line-for-line into here, but that would invade his privacy. But I just want to read this letter to everyone...like FINALLY A GREAT GUY CARES ABOUT ME AND IS WILLING TO TREAT ME WELL! I never believed someone could win someone else's heart. I always have believed that if you weren't totally into someone, that person couldn't win you over. But it is possible...because that love letter won my freaking heart, gosh dangit. He wrote me this beautiful poem...BEAUTIFUL poem. And the whole letter had little funny tidbits...he has the nerdiest yet cutest sense of humor. He's a big nerd, really he is. He dresses like one and has nerdy hair. But, dangit, he's my man. And I have a big influence on him, so I can get him to dress better and have better hair...haha, I'm sounding so bad. I think we'll let his hair grow out a bit, and I'll dye the tips blonde and spike it. I wonder if I can get him to get his eyebrow pierced? Haha, or he can just stay the way he is. He said he's falling in love with me. Well, he pretty much wrote that he already is. We both have that moving fast thing going in terms of how we approach relationships...except I really don't with him, for whatever reason. I think it's because I've had a lot of misgivings about our being together. I still somewhat have them...but I just need to give this guy a try. He's too damned amazing to pass up. That letter...I'm carrying it around as though it's the most priceless thing I own. He's so well-written...so smart. I can't wait to move out of here so I live closer to him. It's a 45 minute drive...bah. Okay, enough of my giddiness. = )

Through recent anorexic efforts...hehe...I have managed to lose the 9 lbs. I gained in a whopping 3 days. Unfortunately, I binged last night and probably gained half of it back. But I'll be anorexic again from now on...haha. I say this jokingly because a girl of my size talking about being anorexic is a laugh.

Okay, gotta call Maryland Jessica. Bye!
