I adore Nathan. We were on the phone from 1 last night until 3:30...and I couldn't get to sleep afterwards because I was so hyped up...so I tried on about every outfit I own to figure out what I'm going to wear on our date Wednesday. We had a great conversation. He's still quiet at times...but I find we're really starting to connect. And we're starting to develop those quirky little jokes that couples have...which have always made me want to kill the couple...since I've always been the outsider. But now that we have our very own inside jokes, they're so cute. Like I'll be talking about some situation or telling some story about something that happened to me...and he'll be like, "That'd be a good role play." Our thing is to joke about role playing scenarios that are the most unlikely scenarios possible...and that aren't even remotely sexual...yet he makes them sexual. Haha, it's so hard to explain...but he's so cute and funny. I have butterflies just thinking about him sometimes. He makes me feel like I am the most attractive, wonderful girl in the world. I have no idea how he can see me that way...I find myself so mediocre. He literally nearly worships me. I have got to be one of the luckiest girls in the world. He leaves me these voice mail messages that I listen to like 15 times...saying "Hi beautiful" and that he "just wanted to hear my pretty voice" or "just wanted to let me know how much he cares about me," etc. God, I want to kiss him so bad...I haven't seen him in 5 days, and it's driving me nuts. We will sit there on the phone and just keep saying "I wish you were here. I wish you were here," all pathetic. I can't wait until I live closer to him. Sigh...enough of this romantic garbage. He's supposed to be calling me back any minute now, so I shall end this. Yay to wonderful boyfriends!
