I forgot to talk about my week in men. This has been the week of guys-who-wanted-to-date-me-whom-I-refused-but-now-kind-of-want-but-they've-already-gotten-married-or-had-kids (don't know if that hyphenation was necessary, but I did it anyhow). Well, this has been the "men of my past" week, period, whether they've gotten married and had kids or not. First off was Josh, a guy who wanted to date me around last year. I was kind of resistant because he has a kid. But I was going to give him a try because we've always had great, deep, philosophical conversations. Well, that was until one day when we were talking on the phone and he was all, "So, describe to me your favorite sexual fantasy." That was SUCH a turn-off...grr...so I gave him the cold shoulder. Well, then he off and married this chick he barely knew. They've been married probably six months...probably a little longer. Well he showed up this week with this new hair thing going--it's blackish now with blue streaks on the top. He looks kind of hot...sigh. I think too much of him would get on my nerves, though, so I really DON'T want him...I think it's the whole fact of him being married and, thus, "off-limits" now. Then, enter Josh #2. Josh #2 was a really cute goth guy who used to live like a block from my work. We always had these long conversations about music...he liked Tori Amos! And he wanted me to sing in his band. His friends always said he liked me and asked me if I'd give him my number, but I always kind of shyed away because I heard stuff about him, like...gasp...that he was bisexual. I was rather conservative back then...this was probably two years ago. Well, I let him slide through my fingertips, and now he got some skanky chick pregnant. I really don't want him, either, yet I kind of do...I don't know...it's one of those "thrill of the chase" kinds of things...that annoy the crap out of me, as I've been the victim of such game-playing before. Then this girl came in that used to hang out with my Freshman-year-highschool group of friends. She asked me if I'd seen Danny lately...Danny, this guy I liked maybe six years ago. He became an all-out waste of human being...okay that's a little rough, but he dropped out of high-school, sat around doing drugs all the time, had no job. Now he has a kid, as well. I have no desire for him, but it was odd he was brought up. And then someone brought up this other guy who used to like me, but this was the same guy who fucked a cat...needless to say, I never had feelings for him. He was kinda cute, though. = ) Anyway, my food's ready, so I'm gonna eat. I really don't want any of these guys because I know they'd be bad for me...it was just a weird week.
