I am having a conversation right now, at 2:49 AM, with my ex-boyfriend about our sex(ual things) we had. This is really rather interesting yet pathetic of me. But we're both having fun, so it's okay I guess? I don't think his girlfriend would appreciate this, though...but he says she's being a "beeotch" right now. I have a lot of confidence right now. I was under the impression that I'm a sexual disaster. I guess not, as he is painting a nice picture of me and my skillz. = ) Oh my gosh, this is now beginning to border on cyber sex. This is loneliness at its finest, ladies and gentlemen. I was crying "rape" over this man a mere year ago. Thing is, he seems like a great guy...though he's kind of cheating on his girlfriend right now by talking to me this way. Why is this a recurring theme in my life? I DO NOT WANT TO BE EVERYONE'S MISTRESS! Sigh, okay this IS cyber sex now. Like...I'm not doing anything to myself, but this is kind of having some play-by-play action. Bah, enough...must...go...to...bed. Have...school...to...morrow. I AM SO BAD I AM SO BAD. I try to escape the scandal, but it cannot escape me. Sigh...I resign myself.
