Ooh, I forgot to mention that I saw the most wonderful movie the other night with Corey, Melanie, and Karen. It was Chocolat, the one with Johnny Depp, though he didn't enter the movie until it was half over. I won't divulge the whole plot the way I did for Breaking [between? behind? beneath?] The Waves. But it's definitely a wonderful, anti-judging others, anti-organized religion movie. I recommend it to one and all.

Pray for my narcolepsy. I can't seem to stay awake anymore when I go out with my friends. Maybe it will change when summer arrives, and I can sleep in until 12.

Okay, I was reading SPIN today, and I came across an article about Dave Navarro. So I dove into it, expecting it to be happy and cheerful and slightly deviant, the way he always seems to be. But it was seriously one of the most disturbing articles I've ever read. It spoke of his drug abuse and various sexual practices he's engaged in. I can't even describe it. There was just this absolute scariness about it. It was as though he was out of his mind. I think he actually wrote it. And the very last sentence was something like, "Well, I'm on the road to recovery now. Everything's going to be okay." He would have fit right in in the movie American Beauty. For all of you thinking, "Here Regina goes again, talking about something she isn't explaining well, and she's leaving me wondering what the fuck she's talking about," just go out and buy the issue. It's cheaper than a pack of fags (cigarettes, that is). And it has Blink 182 on the front...who could go wrong?

