Wow...I met a...really...great...guy. I met him at the Warehouse, believe it or not. Yes, at the place where every scummy guy in Cincinnati seems to congregate. It was a really strange night. I didn't know that night that he was a really great guy because, to be quite honest, I didn't find out anything about him that night. His friend wouldn't stop talking. He and his friend were both interested in me. I didn't have a preference, to be honest, because I found them both attractive and didn't know enough about either of them to like one's personality better than the other's. But I ended up kissing Nathan (A LOT) because he came on less strong than Matt...and just made me feel comfortable, rather than like a piece of meat. After the night was over, I was wondering if I wouldn't have been better ending up with Matt because everything he told me about himself was really great. But Nathan told me today on the phone that all of it was a lie. He lied about A SHITLOAD of things! And the reason Nathan didn't talk about himself at all was because in doing so, he'd give away the fact that Matt was lying. Matt said he was 20 and pre-med at NKU. He's actually He got a fake ID. Nathan isn't much older, but I'm willing to overlook the age thing for the time being because he's proving himself to be a spectacular guy. I wasn't sure if he'd call me or not because he really had no obligation to me. For all I knew, I could have just been some chick he made out with, never to see her again. But he called me at 3 o'clock the next day! I didn't get to talk to him, though, but I saw on my cell phone that he'd called. (I was at work.) Then I called him back, and he wasn't I told the person to tell him I called. Then he called me back AGAIN at midnight. I was sleeping, but again I saw on my cell that he had called. Then TODAY he left a message on my home answering machine. I called him from my cell at the mall. We ended up talking a bit while I was shopping, and then I called him back when I got home, and we talked for pretty long. I just really get a great vibe from him. And he's really into listening to what I have to say and offering opinions. Lots of guys will just sit there and say "Uh huh" and never say a damned thing, so you don't even know if they're listening or not. So, needless to say, I'm on cloud nine. He came on a little bit strong at the club (not enough to have it really rub me the wrong way...haha, no pun intended...or make me uncomfortable, though), so I was slightly worried that he was just out for sex. But he didn't bring up anything even remotely sexual over the phone. Wow, I just really like him. We're going to hang out some time this week. He "really wants to see me." He lives with Matt and Matt's terminally ill father who has just about every illness I have ever heard of and who shouldn't be around much longer. He and Matt are moving out on their own on June 15, though. They both live in Northern we live a good 1/2 hr. or more apart. It should be okay, though, especially after I move closer to Cincinnati. So, yay to having a potential boy!

I bought lots of cute clothes today. Rah rah rah. I still need to lose like 50 billion pounds. I was putting off my shopping spree until the 50 billion pounds came off...but I have nothing to wear for 85 degree I'll just have to have big clothes, if I end up losing the 50 billion pounds, which is, of course, doubtful. But I'll try to keep my hopes up. Despite being 50 billion pounds overweight, life is good. = )
