Last night was really strange! It was Alex and John's joint birthday party. (I didn't learn of the John part until half way after I was there.) I didn't expect a lot of people to be there because as I was walking up, there weren't all that many cars parked around, but when I walked in they had that little place packed full. People left as the night progressed, thank God, because I don't like being in tight spaces with lots of people. Anyway, lots of really crazy (by my definition) things happened! Well, stuff happened that doesn't usually happen to me, at least. By the end of the night, I'd talked intricately about sex with some guy whom I think kind of wanted me but had a girlfriend, kissed (deeply) two of my friends (a boy and a girl), had a stripper shake his thonged ass in my face, flashed numerous times (and got a buck out of it, thanks to Jeff), had Big John pull up my shirt and bra in an attempt to see my boobs three times (he was drunk), and given my number to some real horny dude named Jonathan...oh, and I drank and smoked, which are at least somewhat rare for me. I will choose to explain only one of the events in detail -- the Jonathan thing. I don't know if I should regret giving him my number or not. Here is how he and I began talking...first off, I'd noticed him looking at me a lot. We made a lot of eye contact. He was kind of cute in a boy-next-door kind of way. Then my first flashing occured, and he started complaining that he missed it and that he always misses flashings at parties. (I don't remember this all that well because I think I was a bit more tipsy than I thought.) And then I flashed again, and he didn't miss it that time. Shortly after, he came over to talk to me and gave me this big speech about how I'd made his night and hugged me. I was pretty turned off by this, but I decided to be a nice girl and talk to him anyway. And as our conversation progressed, I found he wasn't all that one-dimensional. He kept talking about his ex-girlfriend, though, which was pretty uncool. I always wonder why people gravitate to talking about their exes when picking up women. I think he was doing it to try to appear romantic and sweet to me. Anyway, he's 26 and went to OSU and does something or other with flight (he teaches something having to do with it). He's known John since 3rd grade. We talked about the stupid philosophy of "Things happen for a reason." He doesn't believe it to be so. I'm not sure if I do or not. Between our "normal" conversations, he always managed to bring up something flirtatious. For instance, he talked about my flashing on a few different occasions...he kept saying nerdy things like, "I know you REALLY well now." And he hugged me A LOT, and he played with my hair. He had this mix of seeming to really know how to talk to a woman yet being clueless at the same time. And then he kept talking about how sexy my tongue piercing is and making implications about wanting to get to know it better...haha. (I've switched from "hehe" to "haha"'s more mature and not as evil-dwarf sounding.) And then the stripper dude and Angelina's ex-roommate were sprawled out in front of us necking (just had to throw a Dotie-ism in there), and I decided to use that situation to see how much of a skank he was. So I said, "I don't know if I dig making out with random people" (even though I don't really think it's a big deal, but, as I said, I just wanted to see what he would say). And he said, "Yeah, I usually don't either, but sometimes you just have to let loose" and kind of looked at me like, "Hint hint." And I said, "Yeah, even the most innocent people have to let loose once in awhile to keep their sanity." So then I decided to be upfront and ask him if he's had a lot of sex. I think you need to be that way nowadays. And he wouldn't answer me. And I asked him if it was under 10. And he still wouldn't answer. And I told him my count was zero. Sometimes I milk the virginity thing because I think it's kind of admirable and kind of a strange way to flirt with men who have the "I'll pop her cherry" mentality. It's like a tease type thing, which I've come to realize I do quite frequently, sometimes on purpose and sometimes not intending to. I think I was really promiscuous in a past life because sometimes that part of me just pops out when I least expect it. Anyway, so I gave him a big long speech about waiting for the right person because I want it to be an emotional, physical, and spiritual experience and that lots of people sell themselves short nowadays by hopping into bed with everyone they see. I really do want to wait for those reasons, but I also know that sex is a perfectly natural part of who we are and that other people do it for different reasons, but, again, I was seeing what he'd say. He said, "I see where you're coming from, and I respect that, but, again, sometimes people have to let loose." So, yeah, I'm thinking he was a little skank. Then Angelina and Jeff were going to walk me to my car and indicated that they were ready to leave (I think to save me from the guy in case I didn't like him because I could've walked to my car wasn't the Warehouse or anything)...which I pretty much welcomed because I think we'd milked the conversation dry. So I hugged him goodbye, and he said, "What now?" So I told him he could get my number from Alex. So Angelina, Jeff, and I went to say goodbye to Alex who was outside, and he followed me outside, which was kind of strange. So I hugged him again. And then he followed me back inside, which, again, was strange. But he didn't follow me to my car, which was good. So now, out of the setting of the strobe-lighted, fog-machined, drunken party, I have realized that maybe I shouldn't have given him my number and that our relationship will go nowhere. But, I had mentioned to him that I get to know people really well before getting romantic with them and usually know within the first week or so of knowing them whether or not I even want to get romantic with them. Hell, maybe I need to loosen up a bit. Even though he's obviously not someone I want to have a long-term relationship with, maybe I'll go on a date with him. I've never actually gotten into the dating scene. I always meet a guy and then, boom, he becomes my boyfriend. Maybe I should walk on the fine path of dating. Aw, he really needs to dye his hair or something, though, because he's such a blend-in boy. I don't know...we'll see what happens. I pretty much told him he wouldn't get any game, and he still seemed interested, so maybe he's not that big of a slut afterall.

Oh well, I need to go poop now. Fun times last night. I think this whole loosening up thing has been good for me. I might stick to it, maybe to a lesser extent though. = )
