John just called. I don't know how I feel about him. He's very different than most people I know. He's very SERIOUS, I've realized. But I kind of like that. And I can tell he's good boyfriend material. I just don't know if I want him that way, though. Sigh. There are what seem to be a lot of awkward (or "akward," as my Psychology TA would spell it, the moron) silences in our conversations. They always occur after one of my big, long monologues. So today I said, "You always just sit there after I talk. I just wonder if you're bored or are sleeping or what." And he replied, "Actually, I'm just thinking of what you've just said. I don't see why people are always so jumpy to get a word in edgewise." That was kind of flattering, yet odd. I must admit that I always try to fill silences in conversation. He had to get off the phone with me because dinner was ready. He said for me to call him later if I wanted to take a break from writing my paper. I'm not used to having a guy actually want to talk to me. I'm used to always feeling as though he DOESN'T want to talk to me, and, thus, always saying, "When are we going to talk on the phone next?" to assure that we talk again soon. I was going to call him Tuesday, and here he's calling me Saturday and beating me to it. I don't know...I'm just going to go with the flow and not worry about things so much. I really don't know if we're clicking, though. I wonder if I'll ever click with anyone. Hmm. Anyway, Psychology awaits. Let's strive for another A paper.
