Okay, so I'm talking to John on the phone again, and I am 100% sure I don't like him. Our conversations have 2 topics, generally, and 2 topics only: sex...or something REALLY boring, such as how to fix a vacuum cleaner. There is no in between. I'm just kind of shocked at the stuff he's talking about with me, especially since we barely know each other!!! It's hard to describe the way I feel about sex. Like...sex is always a huge topic in most of my friend groups...but, I don't know. (I just hung up with him.) I know that deep down, most people I hang out with see it as being at least a somewhat special thing and, in real-life situations, treat it with respect and reverence. But this guy's all asking me my "manicuring style" (down there, of course) and talking about "going down on me" and saying grodie phrases like "Just lick the clit"...it's like, if I'd do the dirty with him, I'm wondering if it would be more "Who's your daddy? Spank me bitch! I'm cumming!" than "Aw, I love you. [Insert other pillow talk here.]" I guess the whole fact of the matter is that I will talk about sex AS A TOPIC with just about anyone, but when it gets personal, like about me or stuff he's done, I want to know that underneath the sexual comments, it means something to him. And I'm not getting that vibe with him. And just the fact that we sit there in dead silences while he fills out paperwork for his job or fixes vacuum cleaners and mumbles. That's not kosher. Yep, John gets the heave-ho. He might be an okay guy to have as a friend...hell, maybe not, though. But I know he's no romance material. I can be openminded about the kinds of friends and acquaintances I have, but not the kinds of boyfriends I have. I'm picky. I've tried to change that. It can suck because my pickiness causes my dates to be infrequent. But I just can't compromise myself just so that I can date more and be "less picky." There's not a connection here, so I'm not going to force one.
