Tomorrow's my last real day of school. I just have one exam to take on Friday, and then finals week (in which I just have Math and...gasp...Psych!). I'm so relieved!

Last night was hilarious. I picked up Angelina, and we went to the vegetarian place by UC to get me some food. We ended up talking to the cute lesbian chick who works there and some random dude who was just in talking to her. I love talking to complete strangers, unless they're creepy. And then I still do sometimes. = ) Then we got Angelina some food at the Greek place. Then we went to Liz and Jen's. I decided I needed a massage, so I just took off my shirt and kept my bra on and lay (correct grammar girl!) down. Angelina unsnapped my bra and started giving me a back massage. Liz joined in, except with lotion. Well, after about 5 minutes, those girls must have put half the bottle of lotion on my back. Then Liz started pretending she was going to look at my ass. And I hate my ass, so I got all self-conscious and went to turn around to see if my ass looked all rashy (I've had funky bumps on my butt since I was a little girl, like anyone reading wants to know that). And I totally forgot my bra was undone, and it was like slow motion...Angelina and Liz just gasped, as though they'd seen a ghost. I was SO embarrassed. I mean, it's not like people haven't seen the girls before, but it's usually when I show them on purpose. But it was just totally unexpected. The event caused much laughter and will be talked about for years to come, though, so it was worth it. = )

I went out with John tonight. I wasn't sure going into it if it was a date or not (even though I was telling everyone it was just because it makes me feel important), but I think it was, now, because he kept trying to pay for everything. I wouldn't let him. I know I said I didn't want anything to do with him, but the more I talked to him after I said that (it's as though once I said "I'm giving John the heave-ho" that I expected him to somehow sense that and stop calling, but, of course, he didn't, and stupid me would answer the phone even after seeing his name on the caller ID because I was all "Ooooh, a boy is calling me!")...the more I talked to him, the more I thought I could give it a try, just to see how freakish of a night it would be. I really thought it would end up being a scary night, complete with him trying to touch me in places he ain't supposed to touch. But surprisingly, he was pretty much a gentleman. He stared at my boobs a lot, which got kind of annoying. I started crossing my arms in front, so I think he got the idea. We have absolutely nothing in common. He knows NOTHING about music. He said he has like 10 CDs. I have like 400. We talked about books a bit, but only books he's read that I've never really heard of. We talked about his repairing vacuums some more. We talked about our exes, just because he's always so apt to bring up his ex that I figured it would at least fill conversation time for 5 minutes. But it didn't. The worst thing was that I'd say things and expect him to reply in SOME way, just a nod of the head or an "I know what you mean" or SOMETHING, but he'd just SIT there. Our date consisted, first, of us meeting at Friday's. I was 15 minutes late but had called him on the way there to tell him I was stuck in traffic. He said he'd gotten there really early, which is generally an indicator of really liking someone (that you're so excited and jittery that you're early)...but he just doesn't really ACT like he likes me. I think he senses that I don't like him, and that changes things a lot. But even during portions of the night in which I tried to laugh and have fun, he was just a big stick-in-the-mud. After dinner, I made him go with me to Circuit City to help me pick out a CD burner. I figured that since he's a dude, he'd know a lot about electronics. And he did help slightly. Well then I let him pick where we'd go next since I made him go to Circuit City. He had us go to the movies to see Monsters, Inc. It was really a cute movie. I didn't want to see it at first, but it ended up being great. Then I took him back to his car, and I got out to give him a hug goodbye. And he said, "Call me later" (which I'm thinking means later this week). I can't decide if I want to call him or not. I know romance isn't in our future, but I'm wondering if FRIENDSHIP even is. We're just so incredibly not compatible. He seems so unexcited by life, except for things that are sexual, which I don't enjoy talking about in the same way he does. Anyway, I actually was really happy driving home because it feels good to know where you stand with someone. And I'm also happy I didn't end up making out with him. I have this habit of making out with people I don't even like, merely because they like me and I get a power-trip out of playing with them that way. I know it's wrong, and I guess I haven't done it that often. I think once I find a functional, working, loving relationship with someone that I'll change. Right now I think I'm just happy being single, believe it or not. After hearing about how certain men (or BOYS) have been treating people I love lately, I think I'll pass.
