Today was tumultuous. It started out wonderful because I was listening to some great music in the car and singing at the top of my lungs and half crying because of a strange sense of peace I had. Then I was walking to class, and it was raining and FREEZING, so the weather made the day unpleasant. Then I began feeling sick. I've had a touch of the flu all week, mainly a sore throat and cold. But today my stomach started feeling really gross. My mom has had a stomach virus the past few days, so I think I caught a touch of it. It's not bad, yet, but my head is starting to hurt now. I'm just in bad shape! I ran into Lawrence at the food place. He and I talked about spirituality a whole lot. Talking to people overly into the Bible and salvation usually makes me nervous. I think it's because I know the things I believe in are very different than their beliefs, and I don't want them to think badly of me (since some of them tend to be judgemental). Lawrence isn't this way, I don't think, though. We actually ended up agreeing a lot today. He is one of those people that emanates white light. In the meanwhile, Jessica popped by our table. Lawrence had to go. Jessica and I caught up on things. We were complaining about men. She said, "If we're not married to anyone by the time we graduate, let's get married and adopt like 8 children." It was really cute. Then I, in a roundabout way, told her I write in my journal about her, and she asked for my website address, so I gave it to her. It made me REALLY nervous because I knew I'd written something negative about her, though I couldn't remember what. And I started freaking out to her, and she said, "It makes me sad that you want to keep things from me. You should try to be completely honest with me." So I decided not to freak out. And I just now read over my entries about her, and all I said was that she's quiet and that I didn't like her at first. So it doesn't matter. I am a bit embarrassed about her reading about the crush I had on her (which I thought was a long time ago but was apparently only like a month ago). She's just so relaxing to be with. She provides me with a lot of comfort.

Then Psychology class...I was falling dead asleep. I was also falling asleep in class on Monday. It's not a good week for me! So I spent the entire half-asleepness of class trying to devise a plan to keep myself awake. I began digging my nails into my left arm really hard. It worked! I also kind of got some weird gratification out of it, and I hate to say that because it sounds all "I'm a cutter"-ish. Maybe it just took my mind off Psych., and that's why I liked it. My arm's all ate-up looking now. Gross Regina. He kept us an entire 40 minutes over. I forced myself to stay because today was our last lecture. I began getting the heebie-jeebies (spelling?) during class because so many people have managed to smuggle notes off of someone who's already taken the class, so they just kind of sit there and don't take notes. And there I'm sitting getting hand cramps from writing so quickly. I'm sure I could ask one of my friend(ish) people in the class to Xerox the notes, but I really want to pass this class through my OWN effort. I don't want to cheat, and I think that's cheating. At the end of class, Tara (whom I think I called "Keri" in a past entry because I couldn't remember her name) gave me her phone number so we could study together. We're becoming REALLY good friends. And, typical of me, I think I have a crush on her. I swear I get a crush on EVERYBODY! She's one of the nicest people I've ever met. She made out with a girl once. = ) She's just the most accepting, kind person. We're studying together on Monday. I don't want to study for Psychology, especially since I don't feel well. Sigh.

I have a bit of a paranoia because my cousin Brendan talks to me on IM, thus he has access to my website. I wonder if he reads my journal. He's the only person related to me who really has access to my website. I gave it to Dan, Ruth, and Rose WAY back when, and I'm almost 100% sure they haven't visited it since the first month or so I made it. Well, if the family somehow finds out about me, they'll have to deal, I guess. I doubt I'll ever date a girl...I wouldn't want to deal with the junk that would have to go along with it. Sigh. Oh well.
