Well, I thought yesterday's entry was the last for this month. I just found out Dale died this morning. I feel awful. I can't quit crying. Dale and Peggy were my mom and dad's 2 best friends. When my father was sick, and mom had to go to and from the hospital every day with dad, they babysat me. I would call them "grandma" and "grandpa." Dale always called me his "Jeannie Bug." He did EVERYTHING with me. He was like my father. He was the only father(ish) figure in my life growing up. He was SUCH a wonderful person. I feel horrible because I've been meaning to visit him and Peggy for so long now, but I've just had so many other things to do...but that's even an excuse because I make time to do stupid, meaningless shit like being online and watching stupid TV. This is a lesson to me to never put off visiting people since they could randomly die on me. Up until about three years ago, I used to cut their grass once a week. God, I just loved that man so much. He's survived like 5 heart attacks. But the past few years, he's seemed to kind of beat his heart problems. He's been perfectly healthy. He played golf every single morning. Hell, he probably played golf yesterday. This death is so unexpected. I remember he always wore horrible plaid shirts. And when I kissed him, his silver moustache always tickled me. He's the only person with a moustache I've ever kissed. = ) I hate not knowing where he is now. It's comforting to think that he's in Heaven, but I don't really know what the afterlife holds. He could be on to his next life already, if reincarnation exists. Maybe this was his last life, and he's in Heaven with my father. They were the best of friends. It's sad to think of Peggy now. She's been the unhealthy one all this time. She has Emphysema (spelling?) and can barely breathe. If I go over to her house wearing scented hairspray or perfume, she almost suffocates. She's going to die soon, now that she doesn't have her husband. I'm going to visit her frequently now...I won't put if off anymore. I wish I understood God. Okay, well I'm going to try to function now.
