I wrote a really long journal entry yesterday, and the damn thing didn't save. So here I am again. This one will be considerably shorter because I want to clean my room before work and possibly walk on my treadmill. I haven't exercised once this week. = (

This whole week, I've been staying up until all hours writing my first Research Methods in Psychology lab report. One night I only got an hour and a half of sleep. It's not been pleasant. But yesterday, I turned the darn thing in, and I really felt accomplished. My brain's been working hard all week, and I almost felt that same kind of high you feel after you've just pushed yourself exercising. I'm sure there are a few more wrinkles in my brain now. = ) It felt really amazing to replicate a famous dude's experiment and write a report on it, complete with a running head, the description seen if you were to publish your report. I think the paper's damn good. I hope Amanda (my T.A.) does, too.

Last night I went out with Liz, Jered, Amy, and Sarah. We went to a bar in Kentucky that's haunted. I went in skeptical because most places classified as haunted are everything but. But this place truly had a presence in it. All of us felt physically ill in there. It just felt very Twilight Zone-ish. And Sarah and I kept seeing shadowy blobs floating around. It feels silly to write about, but these things were truly happening. The floors didn't feel even, nor did the walls look even. It was just weird, and people kept feeling themselves being touched or tapped and turned around to find no one there. I don't want to go there anymore. 99.9% of the people there just went there to enjoy the live (horrid country) music, so I guess since they weren't actively trying to contact ghosts, the ghosts left them alone. There was a mechanical bull there...it was hilarious.

We also watched some really funny (are there any ones that aren't funny?) porn. I'm sure the girls appreciate my saying this...oh well though. But anyway, seeing such things caused me to have some REALLY warped dreams last night. My first dream was okay, actually. I was at some sort of public place, and I kept making eye contact with a guy. He finally came over to me, and we began talking. I could tell he really liked me. He said he was 19 and in a band. The night was ending, and I began feeling that fear that he really didn't want to have anything to do with me afterall and that I'd never see him again. So I think I was trying to make plans to see him again...but I don't think we were able to because I remember feeling devastation. The dream kind of turned into another one. Now that I think about it, maybe it really was the same dream...because that same guy was in it. But Rose McGowan joined the dream. Oddly enough, I wasn't lusting after her or attracted to her in the least. She and I were with the guy. We were all naked. We were on a huge bed. And we were going to have a threesome. In my dream, this was the most normal thing in the world to me. That's very strange because usually in my dreams, I have the exact same thought processes as in real life. And I know that I'd never have a threesome in real life. Anyway, we were doing all sorts of strange (to me) things (I won't go into detail). I was really unfeeling about everything, though. I wasn't attracted to Rose, wasn't even attracted to the guy anymore. I just felt numb and mechanical. Well, then the guy's dad was going to come back, so we had to hurry and get dressed. I don't know...it was weird. I'm not going to watch bad porns before bed anymore.

More has happened, but I'm going to quit now and have some beans and rice and clean my room.
