You know what really sucks...I wrote a HUGE journal entry, and it didn't save! So I'll sum it up.

I called Rose...said "Sorry for not calling you to wish you 'Happy Birthday' because I've been gone." She said she didn't really notice (which is good and bad, I guess) and asked if I'd babysit Meghan, which I'm glad to do since I barely ever see her. I used to watch her all the time, but Rose doesn't ask me anymore because I think she thinks she's putting me out.

I'm watching Ryan and Michael tomorrow morning. I work Tuesday mornings, but mom seemed to have forgotten (even though I work EVERY Tuesday morning). But I don't mind...I'll just work the evening.

Dave immed me with "Why did you get upset when I said 'heifer' the other day?" (except he spelled stuff wrong and had bad's Dave) I must say I'm rather annoyed because I was only mad for .2 seconds and wasn't really too mad anymore after I found out he says that to tons of people and isn't serious. With the Van, we always confide in one other, and sometimes it's in the talking-behind-someone's-back way...but sometimes that's all you need to do to feel better, and it makes it not even necessary to take it to the actual person sometimes because you already feel better. (I'm in a hurry so am not explaining well, but I think this makes sense.) I just am kind of bugged because I had totally forgotten about the 'heifer' incident, yet it got brought back up today...and I wasn't even upset enough about it to take it to Dave. Oh well.

Ew, I was reading my past journal entries earlier. I'm SO mad at myself for what I wrote about Andrew. I totally sugar-coated our two dates because he was a TOTAL ass to me in them. I mean, he was nice in that he called me beautiful and all that, but he was just using me, and I knew it. And I'd write, "Our date went wonderfully...yay." Fuck me. Fuck him. Since when am I one of those chicks who lets men take advantage? Not no mo'. Karma's a bitch, Andrew...just you wait. You'll get yours.

I get to work soon. I actually miss JCM. Is that sad? I think it's my home. Well, must go now. I wish my other entry hadn't erased...grr.
