He wraps his past up pretty
And he sails it on the river
In a brown paper bag
Like that Cat's unwanted kitten.
The emotional ship
Plots a kamikaze course
And is engulfed by dirty water
Like a dead-weight corpse

Let him preach like it don't matter
From his suit of shining armour
Because he is safe in his defences
From all that life could offer
He can't abide surprises,
As they shatter his illusion.
So he turns away affection
As if it doesn't hurt him

He tends his wounds in private
Never lets them see him bleed
Gaping, empty caverns
Where he hides alone to grieve
The only touch he feels, his own
From which he gains no lasting peace
His soul is knotted tightly and
There's no pleasure in release

His mind wanders idly,
through the backstreets and the squalor
And he knows that he can have her
If he'd just consent to want her
For she loves him from afar
With her 'please undress me' eyes
And he's sure that she can't hurt him
If he doesn't let her inside

Oh no Romeo
She's out to get you yet
But he is sorely tempted
By the pleasures of the flesh
So he accepts her for an evening
Feels her soft and yielding heat
Kisses her a cold goodbye
And Backs into retreat

But now the void that aches inside
Fells more frigid than before
Having felt her fire
He only craves it more
Now she walks his troubles with him
And she offers out her hand
Doesn't fret if he wont take it
for it's her there in his mind

He throws another stone
Deep into the river
Fights against unfamiliar tears
And refuses that he needs her

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