She's an outgoing,fun-loving teenager who started out "jumping on my bed and singing"...and now looks forward to the release of her 550 Music debut album.
She's Mandy Moore, and here are a few things you should know about her:
Where did she get her talent? Mandy isn't sure but she has an idea. "It may have come from my grandmother. She was a dancer in the theater district of London, the West End." In Orlando Mandy soon became known as the "National Anthem Girl." "Yes, that's me! Some people know me that way because they've heard me sing "The Star-Spangled Banner" for all the major sports teams and for Chris Evert's Pro-Celebrity Tennis Tournament."
National commercials, TV pilots, and voice-overs have made Mandy a veteran of the recording studio. "When I first started recording it was hard. My friends didn't understand why I couldn't hang out with them as much. I thought they'd talk behind my back or be jealous, but they've become really supportive and I feel blessed by that."
Mandy likes all kinds of music, especially the songs of other female singers like Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Lauryn Hill and Madonna. Her album reflects the diversity of her taste, from the plaintive ballad "Quit Breakin' My Heart" to the alluring "What You Want" to "So Real," which she describes as having "more of a rock edge, with more guitar-a Natalie lmbruglia type of song."
Mandy lives in Orlando with her parents Don and Stacy, her brothers Scott (18) and Kyle (13); and their three cats Milo, Zoe,and Chloe. Mandy's favorite book is A Land Remembered, her favorite movie is Beaches, her favorite actress is Gwyneth Paltrow and her favorite actor is Ryan Philipe. In school Mandy enjoys English and French... but math is a touchy subject! She¡¦s also learning to play guitar with an eye towards writing her own songs. Growing up too fast? Mandy Moore doesnt think so.
"I don't feel I've missed out on anything about growing up because I feel so fortunate. There are so many kids that would love to be doing what I¡¦m doing!"
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