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Pooch News!

Hmm, yes, it's been awhile since I had a chance to come in and update! But there are a few things happening in Poochanne world! I'll start with the good things, first.

Not sure if it's good or bad, but my kid bought another pet. It's a little dwarf rabbit named Alice. I'm not too fond of her, really, but tolerate her because my kid still gives me way more attention! If you'd like, you can take a looke a photo of Alice here.

We also moved from New Jersey to North Carolina, and very soon we will be moving into a nice new house. I'm very excited about that, because I will once again have a backyard to run around in and lots of places to lay inside.

Now, the bad things.

I am now 13 years old, and my kid was told by my vet that I probably don't have much longer to live. I have Cushings Disease, and it makes me very sick. I've had all sorts of infections related to it, including a urinary tract infection (which made me go in the house a lot because I didn't know what I was doing...boy, did daddy get upset!) and a pancreatic infection.

I am also almost completely blind, and my hearing isn't what it once was. I can, however, still hear someone messing with my leash for a walk from a mile away!

I am however, being showered with love. My family takes me on extra long walks where ever I want to go, I get extra treats, and the ear scratching never stops. But my kid crys a lot more now. We grew up together, so I know she doesn't like seeing me sick. So I tend to follow her around a lot more than I used to. I have even tried to help her make her bed on occasion, but it's so high up!

But I'm not gone yet! I'm still here, and my family is doing their best to make me comfy, and I think it's working. I will continue to update you on changes in my life! Thanks for visiting! Leave cookies by the door, thank you!