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Welcome to P. R. W.'s
American Homeowner's Page

We want to have a link to a sister(brother) site
for each and every state in the U.S.,
as well as her outlying possessions,
like the U.S. Virgin Islands, for instance.

Click here to go to our Main Page.
A wealth of information awaits.
And --- it's abosolutely, positively, free!


Without YOU, this page can't exist!

We need YOU to set up a website for YOUR state.

Copy as many pages of our site as you wish.
Use the same images or use your own.

State Site Listings

Put YOUR state's site here.

U. S. Possessions

Put YOUR site here!

Click here to go to our Main Page.
A wealth of information awaits.
And --- it's abosolutely, positively, free!

One more thing ...
feel free to copy and save any or all of our pages. * *
Change "ohio" and "Ohio" to your state's name in them
and you'll have a set of pages for yourself.

We don't mind, in fact,

Better yet, set up a website like this for YOUR state
(on Angelfire, for instance) and then send us the link !

We'd LOVE to have a site
in every state and U.S. possession
listed here on the
American Homeowner's Page.

But, that depends on YOU * *, doesn't it?

This site will show you everything you'll need to know.
Simple, Easy Web Wage How-To-Do-It from Angelfire

Angelfire gives you the guidance and tools,
and we'll help you get the facts.

Why not get started right now?
Don't you want a better home and town?