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This site was updated on 01 12 2011.

Welcome, and thank you for taking a little time to stop in.

Tired of running into a brick wall trying to find a government grant or loan?
Then you should know that we are posting a site that will be of interest to you.

It's important for us all to be aware of the benefits
available to us from our local governments.
Grants, loans, and other types of help and aids.
From children to retirees, this is important for and to all of us.
The following link is to a website that has been established
(mainly) for the benefit and knowledge of the citizens of Ohio.

But, don't leave if you're not from Ohio!
There are many links to Federal Grant and Loan Programs as well as
links to other sites that offer grant and loan information.
Plus, there are many links of public and general interest.

No trash is promoted or allowed at this site!!!

City and county governments can work with you. And you can work with them!
Why all this? How much, right? The reason this has been done is simple.
There's no cost, no sign-ups, no nothing except you
going and seeing what's available to you at :

Public Records Watch

You will find links to agencies, offices, laws and information about
Public Records and YOUR right to access them
as well as grants and low interest government loans.
It's easier to get help than you've been led to think.

After all, if we all knew how government citizen-help programs work,
then certain public officials
wouldn't be able to get away with what they've been doing.
Would they???
So you get the run-around  instead!

That's why we're here. So you WON'T get that run-around!
Here's fact in an easy to understand fashion. Simple navigation.

Funds are available for virtually everyone, regardless of their status.
Schools, service organizations, civic groups and homeowners
can and will all benefit from a tour through our site.
There's a wealth of information and helpful guidance at

Public Records Watch .

A great project for a school class would be
to find all the grants that their school could qualify for.
Church groups could do the same for community improvement monies.
Home owners, landlords, contractors, equipment and material providers.

Thank you and we hope you want to better your own and your neighborhood's life.
You'll also find links to George Washington's Journals, a fascinating history of Thomas Edison,
you'll even be able to see the weather at a glance at our multi-map Weather Page.

And remember, there's no cost!
Equality and Fairness are Always Reward Enough.

Grants,loans,retirees,citizens,Ohio,city, county,government,schools,state,service organizations,civic group,homeowner,landlord,equality,contractors

This site has been established . . . ,
simply because it should be.


Thanks for stopping by.
Together we can get our fair share. No more.
No less!

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Grants,loans,retirees,citizens,Ohio,city, county,government,schools, state,service organizations,civic group,homeowner, landlord,equality,contractor, material providers,school,class,agencies,offices,laws,grants,loans,low interest loans, official,officials,guidance,information, public,records,funds,free,public,records, public records information,ohio