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In My Humble Opinion: One Pagan's View I'm admitting it. This is a site owned and operated by a practicing pagan. That is not to say that yours truly is a Wiccan. I am following what could be decidedly referred to as an ever-evolving personal path. Believe me when I tell you, it comes with much homework. Just about the time you think you've learned all you can, another lesson slaps you in the face. Such is the nature of Life itself.

Let me take one moment here to state one firm belief of mine. There have been several vocal detractors of family traditions come to my personal attention of late. While I will make no bold or glorious claims to lineage that I may or may not possess, I also know what I know, if you get my drift. So please, if you want to argue with me about how wrong Pappy or Auntie was, save your energy, your time and your won't change my mind, my path works very well for me, and that in the end is all that matters.

In setting up this site, I do not intend to build a comprehensive learning site. I believe that has been done already more than once. I will however, point you in the right direction towards finding the very best of them. And should you not find what you are looking for here, you can jump over to the site of AvatarSearch, they always have something interesting to see.

In time I hope to add several links to this page which will lead you to areas of news and resources concerned with the modern Pagan community as a whole. I hope these links will be of interest to you, but most of all I hope at least a few of them will challenge you. I cannot think of a more hopeless place than to hold a belief you never, ever challenge.

Here is to hoping that you can take something positive from the time you may spend in my ever expanding world.

"We must be the change we wish to see in the world."-Mahatma Gandhi

Here are some links to some of my personal favorite Pagan sites on the web...

Traditional Paganism

Of the Resurrection of the Meadow


The Witches' Voice

OBOD The Order of Bards, Ovates & Druids: The Druid Grove

Witch Hunt

The Official Web Site of the Hermetic Alchemical Order of the QBLH

Why Wiccans Suck


**DISCLAIMER: Inclusion of these links was decided simply because they ALL have something of interest to say...not necessarily because yours truly agrees with everything they say. I must say, however, that each of them has managed to teach me something, if only about myself.
