A Little Group Went to Capernaum St. John ii. 12 By C. M. S. Mason A little group went to Capernaum, Radient in glow of an unspoken hope, --- The glory of a kingdom not revealed, --- Jesus, His mother, His brethren, and the five : Note how they hang behind and tell the signs Whereby they know Messias in their midst ! How beg again from Mary's lips the tale Of marvelous Birth, confirmed by heavenly signs ; --- His brethren seeing, as ne'er saw they yet, In Him in their midst a Great One sent from God ! Jesus, reading all their thoughts, knew, as they went, The loneliness their craving hopes imposed On Him, the Separate One, offered alway ! Simon, graced with a new name, we may believe Had leave to lead the band to his own house, And lay his little wealth before his King, Not many days abode they in Capernaum.